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icon12  view post Posted on 13/5/2007, 03:46 by: Gentillefille     +1   -1

Reine du drame à la plume diversifiée qui ne cesse de produire toujours autant, malgré les ans et ses idées qui autant en emporte le vent!




Chapter 1
“A dangerous decision”

Summer was gone to leave the place to the fresh air of fall. It was the year 1915, Europe was still at war and thousands of people were dying every day. America, who was situated on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean from Europe, seemed to have been spared only by its land and its goods, thanks to its geographical situation. Because, among the thousand of voluntary that were going to the war, a lot were killed. Doctors and nurses were in need; a lot of them were getting killed. Volunteers were needed from all over the world. The war was spreading worldwide, little by little.

Candy was still working at the Happy clinic and her days were always full. She was still living alone in the little apartment she used to share with Albert…. Albert… She loved him a lot and she cherished every second spent with him. Then to learn that he was her Uncle William, her benefactor…he immediately stopped her forces nuptials with Neil Reagan. The calm had come back into her life. She had a routine. She was still nice and smiling even when she was sad, so she won’t worry her entourage. She often thought about her friend and colleague Flammy Hamilton, who was sent to the front, how courageous she was. If it had been her, maybe she would’ve avoided all that pain and suffering brought by her break up with Terry…. Terry… Terrence Grandchester, the love of her life, which she had sacrificed for duty and moral obligation. Duty and moral obligation…but the pain was still there. When she had nothing else to do, when she had nothing to say, when she was not busy doing something or talking to people… she thought about him, about their lost happiness. No…. that was not true, she always thought about him, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

She had just arrived at the apartment, after a busy day at the clinic. She ate her dinner and sat down to read the paper. When she got to the society page, she saw a picture that shocked her. She read the headline of the page;

“THE WEDDING OF THE CENTURY IN THE THEATRE WORLD: TERRENCE GRANDCHESTER MARRIES SUSANNA MARLOWE! So the legend of theatre is true, all the actors playing Romeo and Juliet end up getting married... But Susanna…”

Candy’s eyes were filled with tears and it started to come down her cheeks, abundantly. It was not fair! Terry, it was her Terry! She should’ve married Terry! She had received a one-way ticket for New York. Terry wanted her to stay with him, so they could live their life together…but she had left him to make it easy for him. He had caught her on the hospital stairs, to wish her good luck… wish her good luck! He didn’t ask her to stay, to find a solution together… but to wish her good luck and make her promise she would be happy… he had let her go. She had left without turning back once.

Now, he had married Susanna Marlowe, Susanna who had prevented her from seeing Terry, Susanna who had saved Terry’s life and lost her leg, Susanna who was crazy in love with her Terry…

“Oh Terry, if I had known it would hurt so much, continuously, I would never have left you…”

She was sad and she was also angry… Angry with the world, the universe, destiny! She was an orphan; she didn’t have any family, abandoned as a baby, adopted to be almost reduced to slavery by the Reagans. She thought she had found happiness with Anthony, her prince, who had come to deliver her from the evil Reagans. She felt like Cinderella with him… but the happiness was short lived, too short… then there was Terry, her soul mate and that too was short lived. They say you have to do good around you so you can live in peace with everybody and the world will be good to you. The bible says

“Seek first the Kingdom of heaven, and God’s justice. And every thing will be given to you in addition…”

She went to church, she prayed, she helped people as much as she could, she was always devoted to help others in need… she was not selfish, on the contrary, she was generosity incarnate! The only thing she wanted was to live with the man she loved. But even that, she put someone else needs before hers; the only thing for which she could’ve been selfish and every body would have understood her, she gave it up for duty and moral obligation, for Terry. Maybe she was too good for her own good? Maybe she should’ve stayed with the one she loved with all her heart? But, didn’t she do a selfless act? Shouldn’t she be rewarded?

“Oh, Candy stop thinking like that! You’re becoming ridiculous!” she thought.

But the anger was still there. She went to her bedroom; she took her pillow and started to hit her mattress with all her strength, to let off steam. All those months, she was strong; she kept everything inside…. She needed that, she yelled; hit the wall, the floor, and the bed… until she calmed herself. The room was a mess the pillow torn and all the feathers flying around the room. She lay down on the bed and continued crying. She cried herself to sleep. A good night sleep, advises you. But she had a really really bad night, that day.

In New York, miles from there, Terrence Grandchester was looking out the window. He had just got married, he had fulfilled his duty, but he was only an empty shell without life or purpose. Duty had separated him from the one he loved more than anything in this world. He had hit rock bottom and had come back up because of her.

“Freckles of love, what did we do for the odds to be against us like this? Maybe are we paying for the sins of our fathers? The bible says; …because I the Lord your God, am a jealous God, who punishes the sins of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of those who hate me…I know the news of my wedding is going to hurt you… forgive me, my love, forgive me for everything… you’re the one I wanted to marry… I love you and I will love only you…”

- Terry, are you coming to bed? Said Susanna’s voice

- I’m coming in a little while he answered

Susanna knew that, by saying that, he was only pretending and that he’d come to bed very late, after she had fallen asleep, to say the least. She had accomplished her dream, she had married the man she loved more than anything in this world, but he never looked at her with love. He was practically forced to marry her; duty and moral obligation. But she had the man she loved near her and she had no intention of letting him go, even though she knew he was thinking about another woman.

Candy woke up at dawn after a very bad, sleepless and agitated night. She got ready to go to work, but she had a stop to make before going to the clinic. She had been thinking about for a while, the news she learned the night before, had just encouraged her to make a decision she was hesitating to make. So she was walking in the streets of Chicago still deserted at that time of the day, and it was a little cold outside. She walked until she arrived in front of a building; she entered and went to the reception, there was a lady in her fifties. She smiled when she saw Candy arriving.

- Good morning, Miss. Welcome to the Red Cross. How may I help you today?

- Good morning, Ma’am. My name is Candice White Andrew. I’m a nurse and I want to go to war help take care of the wounded…

- Ok. Fill out this form, please and then you’ll have a small interview with the coordinator. You can sit over there, she said showing her the waiting room

- Thank you, Ma’am, said Candy taking the form and a pen to fill it out

Candy sat down in one of the seats and started to fill out the forms. If her friends could see her, they would scream in horror. But nurses were in demand during the war; a lot of them were afraid to get killed and didn’t go to the war, but those who wanted to help with the wounded of war, didn’t hesitate to go. Candy needed something to occupy her mind. She was always busy working of course, but…. She needed a change, a total upheaval. The war, yes she’s going to risk her life, but she would also save some. She finished filling out the forms and gave them to the receptionist, who took them to the coordinator. A few minutes later, Candy was greeted in the coordinator’s office. She was a nice lady in her forties.

- Good morning, Miss Andrew. My name is Frances Hudson. How are you today?

- Good morning, Ms. Hudson. I’m fine thank you and you?

- I’m fine thank you. You want to go to war?

- Yes Ms. Hudson

- Why? A beautiful young woman like you should be thinking about getting married and have a family, not going to war where she could get killed…

Candy thought in her head that if she had married Terry, she would’ve never thought about risking her life by going to the war, she would’ve maybe been in the family way… No, Susanna is going to have that privilege now!!!

- I don’t have projects for the moment she answered, I want to go help those who fall in combat

- You’re a nurse. You’re already working here…

- Yes, but nurses are in demand at war. A lot of people are afraid to leave their families, to go die…

- And not you?

- I’m an orphan. I don’t have any family and I’m not afraid of dying.

Ms. Hudson looked at her and saw the determination in this beautiful young woman’s look. She also saw sadness, a broken heart? Whatever it was, she didn’t seem to be afraid to risk her life to save others.

- You know that you’ll have to go to the front after fight or even during fights?

- Yes, Ma’am. A friend and colleague of mine was killed by a stray bullet in the heart… It’s a little scary. But those who fall wounded need help and that’s what I want to do.

- Ok. I’m going to send you with the next shipment of medical equipment and the next group of volunteers, in a week. We will need your passport. You’re a volunteer, because you choose to go to the war, but you’ll earn a salary of course for you devotion and goodwill. Do you know anything about our organisation?

- I know it was created in 1863 by Henri Dunant, a Swiss man, for the wounded of war and he was the first person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 1901.

- You’ve done your research well. Unfortunately, the war had made us more active. We are snowed under the work…

- That’s one of the reasons I want to go help. I don’t know who is responsible of this horrible war, or why they don’t care that people are dying by the thousandth every day, but if I can help some people by putting them back on their feet, I will feel better. I’m a surgical nurse; I went to Mary Jane school.

- A surgical nurse? You know that during the war, they will be hundreds of operation performed on the wounded and sometimes on the truck, the tents and not always in hospitals?

- I know, I’m ready Mrs. Hudson said Candy more determined that ever to go in the middle of this horrible war.

- Good. We have a little training course on our laws and regulations and how we operate in wartime. There’s one tonight for those who are busy during the day.

- I will be there

- Around 7 pm?

- That’s perfect for me

- Ok. Miss Andrew. I will see you tonight then. Goodbye.

- Goodbye Mrs. Hudson, see you tonight, said Candy getting out

- Don’t forget to bring your passport

- I won’t!

Candy got out to the building a little relieved. She was going to the war. Her friends are going to be horrified. She decided to tell them the truth as soon as possible. She went to work and announced the news to Dr. Martin, her boss at the Happy Clinic

- Dr. Martin said Candy, I have something to tell you…

- Candy you look serious

- I am. I’ve just enrolled in the Red Cross to go to the war in France…

- What??!! But…

- I’m leaving in a week. That should allow you to find someone to replace me…

- But Candy… the war, it’s dangerous, you could die

- We will all die one day, doctor. I can get hit by a car here and die, no need to go to the war…

- Candy you now what I mean…

- I know doctor. But I want to do it, they need nurses and doctors… I can do it, so, why not? I don’t have any family

- But your friends… Albert is going to be devastated; he’s in love with you…

- Albert? No, he’s a big brother…

- I don’t doubt that’s the way you see him, but he sees you differently…

- Oh...Albert? No…. This is not the time to let myself distracted doctor. I'm leaving for France in a week with the Red Cross

She didn't have the time to think about Albert in relationship term when her thoughts were with Terry who was now married to Susanna... married to another woman! She started to work and during lunchtime, she went to see Archie and Annie at the Andrew manor. She was hoping Albert was there so she won't have to repeat herself. She got her wish; she found all three of them having lunch.

- Candy! Said Annie smiling, hi!

- Hi, everybody, she said smiling

- Hi, said Albert and Archie at the same time

- Sit down, said Annie, and eat. Are you coming from work?

- Yes, it’s lunch time, thanks, she said

She sat down and a server brought her a plate. She started to eat with them. She didn’t want to spoil their appetite… Once the meal was finished, they sat in the living room to have tea. She finally decided to announce her “good news”.

- I have something to tell you, she started

- Candy, said Annie, you look serious, what’s wrong?

- I decided to go to the war with the Red Cross… I leave in a week for France…

- WHAT??!!! Said her three friends at the same time

They were speechless for a little while and finally…

- But Candy; are you out of your mind? You didn’t see what happened to Stear? Said Archie outraged

- Candy, the war is dangerous, you could get killed… said Annie

- Annie, they need nurses

- But not you! Said Archie

- Why not me? Said Candy, I went to school for it, it’s my specialty

- But… started Archie

- Listen, thanks for your reaction, which proves that you love me and I love you too. But my decision is made. It’s irrevocable.

Albert was the only one not to have said anything. He looked at his protégée and he knew she was hurt by the news of Terry and Susanna’s wedding. She was going to the war, so she won’t think about it. Candy approached him, and they went in the library to talk alone.

- How are you really? He asked

Candy knew that he was talking about Terry and Susanna’s wedding. Albert read her like a book.

- Oh Albert! I feel like they ripped my heart out and cut it into a million pieces and that I can feel each and every cut… it huts, it hurts too much! She said with tears in her eyes

Albert hugged her and was caressing her hair; he let her cry, she needed that. She had been so courageous after the break up. She didn’t know that Terry had come to see her and he left to go back to New York and Susanna, because of her…

- Come on Candy, you’ve been courageous until now

- Yes. I don’t understand. I think I finally just burst out. Maybe a part of me continued hoping that Terry would come for me… that he couldn’t live without me… he had left Susanna; a part of me was hoping that it was to come and get me back… I know, it’s ridiculous! I was wrong… he went back to Susanna, he married her…

“No, you weren’t wrong. He came for you… But he left without talking to you, because I convinced him that you were happy and that you didn’t want to open old wounds..” thought Albert

- I need a change, Albert. I want to keep my mind busy; I want to work hard to avoid thinking about him. I have all this energy… and I want to help the wounded at war… you understand me don’t you? She said wiping her tears

- Yes, of course, Candy he said sadly. I’m going to miss you. Be careful… it may sound ridiculous to say that when you’re going to the war…

- I will do my best not to take too many risks to come back whole to you

- Ok, Candy

Annie and Archie had just come in, they were still outraged.

- Albert, you approve? Asked Archie

- Archie, her decision is made, she knows what she’s doing, and she wants to help the wounded of war

- But after what happened to Stear…

- I know said Albert, but we can’t stop Candy’s wishes and live in fear for the rest of our lives…

- But to know her in the war, will make us live in fear said Annie with tears in her eyes

- Oh Annie, said Candy hugging her, I will come back, if it depends on me, I will come back

- You’re my sister and I don’t want to lose you said Annie crying

- You’re not going to lose me, I will always be with you in your heart… and in yours too she said to the two others

- Oh Candy! Said Archie, it sounds like a goodbye…

- Archie, we don’t know what’s going to happen. Stear left without notice to spare us from being hurt. But we were still hurt when we learned about it; he put us in front of a fait accompli… and now he’s gone for good and we didn’t get to say goodbye to him properly. I didn’t want to do that. I want to tell you goodbye the way I should, because we don’t know what might happen.

- Oh Candy! Repeated Archie

- I’m going back to the clinic said Candy, have a nice day…

- With the bomb you just dropped on us? Said Archie, smooth Candy, real smooth!

Candy went back to the clinic to finish her day. After work, she went back to her apartment to eat and then she went to the Red Cross for the crash course for wartime. It was a little course on how to behave, where the priorities were, because there were sometimes, decisions to make on which wounded to take care of first or not. Candy found the courses very useful; you had to put feelings aside and see only the wounds, not the race, not the nationality…

The following days, Doctor Martin found another nurse and Candy was able to go to the Pony House to say goodbye to her two mothers. They were devastated.

- Candy, are you sure of what you’re doing? Asked Miss Pony

- Yes, Miss Pony

- You know you’re going to risk your life everyday? Said Sister Maria

- Yes I know. But I want to help the wounded…

The children were listening and were also devastated; John went to get Jimmy at the Cartwright farm to tell him the news. Jimmy arrived all panicked while Candy was talking to her two mothers.

- Boss, said Jimmy, it’s true? You’re going to war?

- Well hello to you too, Jimmy! Yes, I’m going to… said Candy

- How dare you? How dare you want to risk you life that way? You didn’t want me to become a soldier…

- I’m not going to become a soldier, I going to help those who get wounded, heal them… I’m not going to fight to kill anybody…

- Oh… but you could get killed, can you?

- It could happen, yes…

- So don’t go! We don’t want you to die!

- Jimmy, everybody has to die, one day, it’s the only thing everybody has in common

- But you’re going where they shoot all day long…

- I will be in hospitals and hospitals are neutral zones during the war, it means that there won’t be any shooting directed to hospital, at least not deliberately

- Oh… said the children

- Jimmy, John, I don’t know what’s going to happen, but you have to be strong for the little ones. John, you’re the Boss ad interim, it means during my absence, Ok?

- Ok, said John

- You’re going to help John when you can, ok Jimmy?

- Yes Boss, said Jimmy

- You two are good boys. You want to help me feed the little ones?

- Ok, said the boys

Miss Pony and Sister Maria were looking at Candy, smiling. What a good and courageous young girl they had raised! She was going to war, going to risk her own life, to help others.

When Candy left the next morning, everybody was crying. Mr. Cartwright, Jimmy’s father and Mr. Steed Tom’s father who had came to say good bye and wish her good luck, also had tears in their eyes.

- Candy, said Tom’s father, you’ve always been very brave and courageous, you survived the Reagans, you’ll survive the war… you’ll see

- Thank you very much sir

- Candy said Mr. Cartwright, if you were my daughter, I wouldn’t have been more proud of you than I am right now. Come back to us whole, child

- I’ll do my best said Candy emotional

- Good luck Candy said Miss Pony

- I’ll pray for you everyday, as usual said Sister Maria, Godspeed, Candy!

- We’re going to pray for you every day, said John, aren’t we, kids?

- YES! YES! EVERYDAY! GOODBYE Candy! Yelled the kids

- Good bye said Candy with tears in her eyes

She got into the carriage and went to the train station with Tom, who hadn’t said a word about the war, much to Candy’s big surprise. They arrived at the train station in advance; the train was not there yet. Tom finally decided to break his silence.

- Candy, are you heartbroken?

- Tom…

- I read that Grandchester got married

- Tom…

- It’s because of him that you’re going to risk your life?

- Tom, please…

- If anything happens to you, I will hunt him down and kill him myself! Good luck Candy and be careful. I love you little sister

Candy looked at her big brother, he saviour, who knew her so well. She hugged him hard with tears in her eyes.

- Thanks Tom, my saviour. I love you too, big brother.

They talked about this and that until the train arrived. Candy got on after kissing Tom on the both cheeks.

- Goodbye Candy, Godspeed!

- Thanks, Tom, Goodbye.

The train left and Candy wiped her tears. She was leaving America soon for the war in France…Maybe it was madness, but she felt like it was something she wanted to do, something she had to do.

Annie was spending all her days with Candy and she had sent a telegram to Patty in Florida and this last one took the first train for Chicago to come and say goodbye to her best friend. She went with Annie to Candy’s apartment.

- Candy! Oh Candy! Did you become crazy all of a sudden? Said Patty seeing her

- Patricia! Said Candy hugging her, I’m so happy to see you! How are you?

- Not good! Stear gets killed at war and you’re following his footsteps?

- Patty, said Candy, I’m going to heal the wounded, I’m not going to fight or kill anybody! Come on!

- Same difference! It’s the war over there in France, Candy

- I know Patty, that’s why I’m going there….

- Candy!

- Patty, I love you and I’m happy that you worry about me, but I have to go. It’s something I have to do.

- Risk your life?

- No, save lives, Patty

- But Stear…

- Everybody doesn’t have the same destiny, Patty. I have mine. Whatever comes, come!

- Candy, said Patty with tears in her eyes

- Patty, like I told the other, if it depends on me, I will come back whole to you

- Oh, Candy! Repeated Patty hugging her

Annie approached them and they had a group hug for a while.

- Come on, enough with the long faces! You have to think positive!

- Ok, said Patty laughing in the middle of the tears

The three friends had fun doing Candy’s luggage, Annie wanted her to bring all her dresses, she even bought her more…

- Annie, I’m going to war, not to a society gathering…

- But Candy, the war is at the front, isn’t it? Not in Paris… You never know, you might need it…

- As you wish Annie, said Candy smiling…

She wanted to please her friends.

- Don’t forget your make up… and your hair… Candy two pigs tails were cute when you were a kid, but now, you’re all grown up, said Annie taking her ribbons off

She started to brush Candy’s long blond hair and she put a headband on, which made Candy’s hair fall on her shoulders.

- There you go, you don’t look like a little girl anymore, you look more mature. You can make an up do but no more pigs tails!

- Ok, said Candy laughing, thanks Annie

The little girl with pigs tails was gone to leave her place to a young woman, sure of herself, independent and with more determination than ever!

Edited by Gentillefille - 14/7/2016, 23:33
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