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view post Posted on 22/7/2009, 18:54 by: Gentillefille     +1   -1

Reine du drame à la plume diversifiée qui ne cesse de produire toujours autant, malgré les ans et ses idées qui autant en emporte le vent!




Chapter 4
" The brutal battle front"

After the first two weeks of January, the Red Cross nurses started to go on the battle front to get the wounded and the staff had to be on their guard. During the day, they were at the hospital and around the afternoon, they left by truck with the necessary medical stuff to administrate the first care to the wounded.

Michael of course was worried to leave his beloved go on the battle front. But it was her "daredevil" side that attracted him to her.

- Candy, promise me you'll be careful?

- Of course, I want to come to you whole...

He kissed her on the lips before she got on the back of the truck, under the jealous look of the other nurses.

- Be careful, said Michael, I love you

- I love you, said Candy, when the truck was leaving

Her friends teased her on the truck

- More in love than you two, you die! Said Kristina

- Yes, you should write a book, said Kelly

Candy just smiled. Ever since her arrival, she was shocked by the number or wounded, that gravity of their wounds and the number of amputations made. Some of the soldiers were not even 20 yet, she felt so powerless to the horror of the war, and she wished she could stop all that. She prayed God every night so he could stop this butchery. Because at the end it won't be that important who won, there will have been a lot of victims on both sides, not to mention the material damages.

They finally arrived on a battle front after a fight. You could smell the munitions shots on the poor victims and the smell of flesh also. Candy and her colleagues started to look among the victims if some of them we’re still alive. They had to examine them closely, and a doctor was declaring them alive or dead and the bodies were put aside. Those who still had a heart beat, were removed as quickly as possible in those circumstances, after being examined by a doctor, and taken to the trucks to get the first care until they get to the nearest hospital. A lot of them were so lucky. A lot had bullets wounds and had bled to death. Even though they found a lot of people alive, it was little consolation for the death atmosphere and desolation that you felt on those camps. That’s how it was for all the battle fronts they went to. Candy and her colleagues were a little upset the first day. They even had nightmares, but in the long run, it became routine. They spent one week working at the hospital and one week on the battle front, during the fight or after a fight; they still didn't get the occasion to go on a battle front actually still fighting. Michael was always worried for his beloved. He tried to reassure her and reassure himself.

- I'm not sure I still like your risky side... he said

- Michael everything is going to be all right. But there's no guaranty you know it

- I wouldn't be able to take it if I lose you...

- You're not going to lose me, I'll be back, honey

- Come back to me quickly!

She got on the truck with the others after kissing him. Everybody looked worried; going to the battle front was not a party of pleasure. The deafening noise of the shots fired, shells and tanks, were unbearable in the beginning, but you kind of get used to it in the long run, especially since there was no other way. Candy always asked herself how men gifted with intelligence, spent their time using their brains to make something that had the capacity to take a human life. To invent an instrument of death... Now there they were, killing themselves so easily. But you have to say that humanity has been fighting since the dawn of times, since the creation... Which was a pity to cut short the lives of some people, under bullets, shells and tank shots…

The nurses from the Red Cross were sneaking in the best way they could among the soldiers to provide the first care. The fight lasted for hours and the medical staff was able to save a lot of wounded. Some of them even had a brush with bullets. But nothing serious. They were able to continue their work. I was one thing to be forced to go to war to help, but it was another thing to volunteer; the determination was different. Candy didn't get discouraged, she continued her way through the battle field, putting her life in danger...danger? But her life was constantly in danger, especially on the battle front!

- Candy don't go too far, said one of the doctors

- But there's still some wounded over there she said going further

The doctor continued taking care of the victims he had. Candy continued her way, she saw a white cloth a little far away from there and she literally felt the bullets flying over her head. She was a little afraid, but she didn't let that horror stop her. She got to where the white cloth was. There were bodies on top and some body have been dead for a while and their stiffness made the task of removing them a little more difficult and heavier. She finally managed to move them and she discovered a man in his forties, dead. A doctor, he had a bullet in his head. Candy was outraged, why were those poor doctors not protected by an invisible shield, because they were helping those in need?! She looked and she saw another white cloth, she moved the bodies to discover a young woman wounded on the abdomen, but still alive. She was bleeding to death. Candy put a compress on the wound to try and stop the bleeding, she tied it with a bandage.

- This should stop the bleeding for the moment she told the young woman

- W...what...who...? Said the young woman

- Come on, I'm going to help you said Candy

- Candy? Said the young wounded woman, what are you

Candy was surprised to hear her name called by a wounded woman in the middle of the horror and desolation of the battle camp with bullets and shells exploding... She looked at the girl's face that was covered with mud... But she looked carefully and she ended up recognizing her, there were no glasses, but it was her.

- Flammy?! Flammy Hamilton? She cried, Oh my God!

- Miss careless, what the hell are you doing here in the middle of this horror? Said Flammy almost delirious

- Flammy! How happy I am to see you! Don't talk, keep your strengths...

She managed to take Flammy to the truck were she received the first care. The doctor in charge thought her condition was serious.

- She's loosing a lot of blood; we have to operate right away...Candy the morphine, quick! It's urgent!

The other nurses also helped the doctor to perform and operation in the middle of bullets flying over their head. But they had to get the bullet out of Flammy's abdomen to stop the bleeding. The doctor prayed it wasn't too late. The bullet fortunately didn't touch any vital organs so he was able to extract it easily and close up. But she will need to be look after, because she will probably have a fever. The doctor then passed to another victim...Candy continued to help him but was looking after Flammy at every little free moment she got. Flammy started to have a very high fever, indeed, like almost all the patient operated on. Another truck arrived to relieve them and Candy's group was finally able to go back to the hospital. In the back of the truck, Candy had a wet cloth on all the patients' foreheads and was looking after Flammy in particular. The fever made her delirious

- Dad, stop drinking! No! Dad... was saying Flammy.

Candy remembered her visit at the Hamilton's. They didn't know that their daughter almost died today. But all that, America and its problems seemed so futile when you had bullets flying over your head.

- Candy! Said Kelly, look you're bleeding...

Candy looked and saw a flesh wound on her left arm. A bullet brushed her arm... she didn't even feel it.

- Wait, said Kelly, don't move, I'm going to take care of it...

Kelly took some cotton with rubbing alcohol and cleaned the wound and the put a bandage on it. Candy felt a slight pain while Kelly was cleaning the wound, but she didn't even react.

- Thanks Kelly

- You know this young woman

- We were together in nursing school

- Oh...I'm sorry

- Thanks, I'm so happy she's alive

- I can imagine, said Kelly

They finally arrived at the hospital and the wounded were able to be transferred on clean and warm beds. The nurses were able to go and rest, but Candy stayed at Flammy's side until the fever broke. She told her about her adventures after she had left from France, and she told her about her break up with the one she love without saying his name.

Michael was at the door and he was listening everything she was saying. He also heard the part where she was talking about the love she lost and how much she suffered and how she was able to see the sun on the horizon because of Michael. He loved Candy so much. He entered the room and approached Candy. He put his arms around her from the back and his head was in her hair.

- Michael... ouch! She said

- What? You're hurt?

- Just a flesh wound...

- From a bullet? Oh my God!

- It's ok, Michael, I'm fine...

- Candy, you're going to drive me crazy!

Candy turned around and hugged him, after all the scare and the emotions of the day, she felt good in Michael's arms.

- I will be more careful next time. I'm sorry if I worried you

- Don't apologize, honey, it's the war...

He stayed a little with her near Flammy, then he left. He was on the night shift. At dawn, Flammy's fever broke. She opened her eyes when Candy was putting a wet towel on her forehead. At first, she couldn't see clearly, she thought she was seeing an angel...

- Candy?

- Flammy!! Finally! You scared me half to death! Said Candy smiling

- So I was not dreaming... You're here in France, in this hell hole... said Flammy

- I came with the Red Cross

- But...

- Don’t get tired, Flammy. We're going to talk later. I'm going to go get the doctor and I'm going to go get myself some rest...

- Thank you so much, Candy

- Why?

- You stayed at my bedside, all night long...

- You're my friend Flammy...

- But I was always so cold with you...

- Maybe you had your reasons, but I've always considered you my friend

- Candy, I often thought about your smile, the patients loved you so much... I should've followed your example...

- The patients were calling you the "ice cube"

Flammy smiled, one thing Candy never saw! She was kind of pretty when she smiled…

- I know, you were the day and I was the night...I was taking my job so seriously, I never smiled... America is at peace for the moment, and even if it enters the war officially, it's not going to happen there, but here in Europe. You were right to smile because with the horror we're leaving here, we need smiles, a smile like yours to have some courage and cheer people up...

- Thanks Flammy with all my heart. Now get some rest...

Michael arrived for the morning round, before he went to rest too.

- Dr. Durand, Said Candy, Flammy is awake... I was with her in nursing school, then on training at Chicago...

- Pleased to meet you, Michael Durand

- Flammy Hamilton... pleased to meet you

- You were with Candy in Chicago... If I had stayed longer, I would've met you. I took Candy to the hospital before I left...but I was in a rush

- Really? Said Flammy

- Yes, Flammy, you remember the two days off they gave us when we got to Chicago?

- And I was upset with you to have taken those days, when the others and I had started our training already... I'm sorry Candy. I was way to serious back then

- No, Flammy you loved your work.

- Yes, but now I regret not taking advantage of all the days off they gave us. This war has showed me that I wasn't living, I was too serious, I never had fun...You were right to take advantage of all the days off to be with your friends and your adopted family and that allowed you to meet a nice doctor...said Flammy smiling

- I was not exactly a doctor back then said Michael

- And I wasn't exactly a nurse said candy

- But you had the same goal, to learn a job to save lives... you're the perfect couple, said Flammy. Destiny has reunited you here... don't let miss your chance...

- Thanks, said Michael. You're lucky Candy found you...

- I know, Said Flammy smiling, she's my guardian angel...

Candy blushed to the compliment.

- I lost my glasses, said Flammy

- I'm sending you an eye doctor so he could make you other glasses, said Michael

- Thanks, said Flammy

- You're welcome. See you next time

- Bye doctor

- Bye Flammy said Candy, this time I'm really leaving!

She got out of the room with Michael. They changed and went to Candy's dorm. Michael was falling asleep.

- You want to have diner with me later on?

- Yes, Michael. I'll see you tonight...

He kissed her on the cheek. Candy went to bed; she entered her room, took her clothes off, and went straight to bed.

She woke up at the end of the afternoon. She stayed in bed until 6 pm. She took a shower and got ready for her diner with Michael. He came to pick her up and they went to eat in a small restaurant. Michael had a serious expression.

- Michael, said Candy, are you all right?

- Candy I'm going to go to the battle front soon...

- Oh... she said the heart tight

- We won't see each other for a while...

- When are you going?

- In a week...

- Already?

- I know... Candy will you marry me? He asked out of the blue

Candy looked at him surprised. Marry? Was it even possible? Of course, she wanted to be his wife!

- Yes, Michael, I want to marry you...

She heard a little voice say; "what about Terry?" What about, Terry...? Terry was married to Susanna!

"Life goes on, a handsome doctor and French officer wanted to marry her... said another little voice.”

She would be crazy to refuse!

- Thank you Candy, you've made me very happy...

- But do soldiers have the right to get married in war time?

- I have a special authorization, my fathers has connections...

- Oh great! You've got a St. Valentine to marry us?

- A St. Valentine?

- Yes, you know the story? He married the young roman soldier despite de Emperor interdiction…who wanted the soldiers to complete their military training first...

- That's where Valentine's Day come from? Oh... let's get married on Valentine's day, Candy

- The lovers' holiday...ok, she said with a smile, in three days...

Candy told her friends the news and they were very happy for her. Michael did the same thing with his family. The day in question, she had the day off and her friends got her ready. She was wearing a light pink dress with a hat.

"Thanks Annie said Candy; you would've never thought that you were buying me my wedding dress..."

They went to the church where Michael was waiting for them with his family. The ceremony was very fast. Candy became Mrs. Michael Durand, in Paris, on February 14th 1917, during the First World War, that was known at that time as the Big War. The nurse had married her doctor... Like all the actor that had played Romeo and Juliet got married... like Terry had married Susanna Marlowe... but she didn't play Juliet, but she would've played it, without the accident... But why was she thinking about that? It was her wedding day; she had just married Michael, the man she loved... She was now Mrs. Michael Durand, the French nurses are going to have a long face... They went at Michael parents' house to celebrate.

- Candy, said Allyson, are you going to move?

- Of course said Michael, I rented a small apartment not too far from the hospital

- And Michael is leaving for the battle front in 4 days, said Candy a little sad

- Did you write your friends? Asked Kristina

- Not yet...Oh...They're going to be surprised! Said Candy with a smile

They burst out laughing. Candy was happy; she had just got married... Compared to the horror of the war, her marriage seemed like paradise... Her friends went back to the dorm. Candy and Michael went to their apartment. It was the first time for her to go there. The apartment was not too big, clean with two bedrooms. Michael carried her to cross the threshold

- Welcome home, Mrs. Durand

- Thanks, Officer Durand. It's very fancy in here…

- Don't worry about cleaning, I have a maid who cleans and cooks

- That's good! With the hospital...

- You're going to be off after I leave...

- I'm going to miss you

- Let's take advantage of my presence then, he said putting his lips on hers and taking her to the bedroom.

He put her on the bed, delicately. They took their clothes off very slowly, no rush; they had the whole night in front of them. Michael had married the young girl he had met in Chicago that was coming down the tower with a rope and a stupid suitcase... he never forgot about her and destiny had put her back on his path, in the middle of this senseless war. If he didn't come back from the battle front alive, at least he would've married the woman he loved.

Candy had put her past and her life in America in the attic. she only thought about her present life, the one she really had now, the life with Michael, her husband...

They gave in to their passion... Michael was very gentle in taking his wife’s virginity; he showed her step by step the surprises of the pleasure of the flesh... that pleasure some people paid prostitutes for. Those two beings were consuming their love under the bullets and shell explosions... Candy had become a woman; she was transported to the summit of ecstasy with her husband.

The four following days, they spent it together, without going outside. They had fun, taking full advantage of their mutual presence. The maid came in the morning and found her boss, with a ...girl!

- Clothilde, said Michael in French and with a smile... let me introduce you to my wife, Candy. She's American. You'll have to dig in your English to speak to her, then in English to Candy, honey, this is Clothilde, the housekeeper

- Hello said Candy smiling

- Good morning Madame, said Clothilde who was in her mid forties with a smile

Her boss was married! The war didn't stop him! That's good, because life in the middle of the war was sad and without any future.

It was the end of the theatrical season. Robert Hathaway was in his office making plans for the next season when he heard knocks on the door.

- Come in!

The door opened and the young Terrence Grandchester came in.

- Good morning, Robert

- Terry, come in. What can I do for you? How are you? Are you ok at home with Susanna?

- What do you think? But can I ask you something?

- What?

- I need to take a leave of absence...

- For how long?

- I’m going to France to join the troupes at war...

- Terry…

- Robert, I can't take it anymore. I don't want to go and get drunk again, when a lot of young men are losing their lives everyday on the battle front. I want to go and fight and maybe I will realise that life is worth living without the one we love...But I have to do it.

- You're going to leave Susanna again?

- Its for the war, Robert, for the war…

- Your decision is made...

- For several months. I was waiting the end of the season so I wouldn't leave you without warning.

- Ok. But come back to us whole. Your talent is priceless

- Thanks Robert

- And don't worry for Susanna we'll take care of her

- Thank you. Bye

- Good luck, Terry.

Terry left the office and took his belongings and left the theatre. He had already started the military training, but he had told him to cut his long hair only on the eve of his departure. He went home to tell his wife, Susanna. She didn't suspect anything and she's going to be surprised. He found her reading a book and he smiled when he saw her.

Susanna was surprised, Terry was smiling to her? What was going on? He never smiled to her!

- Terry, hello. You’re not working, today?

- No Susanna. In fact, I asked Robert for a leave of absence

- A leave of absence? She asked surprised, why?

- I need some free time...

- What for...? She asked holding her breath

- So I can go to the war...


- No... I'm leaving tomorrow morning, but I'm going to camp for training, tonight...

- Tonight? But... she said with tears in her eyes

- Susanna, I'm sorry. I have to do it. I don't want to hit rock bottom again...

- But what if something happens to you? And you want to leave me again? You could die...

- We'll cross that bride when we get there...if we get there

- I love you Terry, and I don't think I'll survive if you die

- I'll be back, say that to yourself... I'll be back. Pray for me

- Terry... she said with tears in her eyes

He took her from her wheel chair and took her to the bedroom... He made her the ultimate gift... even if he had to imagine another woman in her place. He called her by another name, without even realising it and she knew about it, but she said to herself that it was better than nothing, she'd rather be called "Candy" and have her husband making mad passionate love to her, than to be alone in her cold bed... What sad consolation!
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