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Reine du drame à la plume diversifiée qui ne cesse de produire toujours autant, malgré les ans et ses idées qui autant en emporte le vent!




Chapter 1
“A dangerous decision”

Summer was gone to leave the place to the fresh air of fall. It was the year 1915, Europe was still at war and thousands of people were dying every day. America, who was situated on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean from Europe, seemed to have been spared only by its land and its goods, thanks to its geographical situation. Because, among the thousand of voluntary that were going to the war, a lot were killed. Doctors and nurses were in need; a lot of them were getting killed. Volunteers were needed from all over the world. The war was spreading worldwide, little by little.

Candy was still working at the Happy clinic and her days were always full. She was still living alone in the little apartment she used to share with Albert…. Albert… She loved him a lot and she cherished every second spent with him. Then to learn that he was her Uncle William, her benefactor…he immediately stopped her forces nuptials with Neil Reagan. The calm had come back into her life. She had a routine. She was still nice and smiling even when she was sad, so she won’t worry her entourage. She often thought about her friend and colleague Flammy Hamilton, who was sent to the front, how courageous she was. If it had been her, maybe she would’ve avoided all that pain and suffering brought by her break up with Terry…. Terry… Terrence Grandchester, the love of her life, which she had sacrificed for duty and moral obligation. Duty and moral obligation…but the pain was still there. When she had nothing else to do, when she had nothing to say, when she was not busy doing something or talking to people… she thought about him, about their lost happiness. No…. that was not true, she always thought about him, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

She had just arrived at the apartment, after a busy day at the clinic. She ate her dinner and sat down to read the paper. When she got to the society page, she saw a picture that shocked her. She read the headline of the page;

“THE WEDDING OF THE CENTURY IN THE THEATRE WORLD: TERRENCE GRANDCHESTER MARRIES SUSANNA MARLOWE! So the legend of theatre is true, all the actors playing Romeo and Juliet end up getting married... But Susanna…”

Candy’s eyes were filled with tears and it started to come down her cheeks, abundantly. It was not fair! Terry, it was her Terry! She should’ve married Terry! She had received a one-way ticket for New York. Terry wanted her to stay with him, so they could live their life together…but she had left him to make it easy for him. He had caught her on the hospital stairs, to wish her good luck… wish her good luck! He didn’t ask her to stay, to find a solution together… but to wish her good luck and make her promise she would be happy… he had let her go. She had left without turning back once.

Now, he had married Susanna Marlowe, Susanna who had prevented her from seeing Terry, Susanna who had saved Terry’s life and lost her leg, Susanna who was crazy in love with her Terry…

“Oh Terry, if I had known it would hurt so much, continuously, I would never have left you…”

She was sad and she was also angry… Angry with the world, the universe, destiny! She was an orphan; she didn’t have any family, abandoned as a baby, adopted to be almost reduced to slavery by the Reagans. She thought she had found happiness with Anthony, her prince, who had come to deliver her from the evil Reagans. She felt like Cinderella with him… but the happiness was short lived, too short… then there was Terry, her soul mate and that too was short lived. They say you have to do good around you so you can live in peace with everybody and the world will be good to you. The bible says

“Seek first the Kingdom of heaven, and God’s justice. And every thing will be given to you in addition…”

She went to church, she prayed, she helped people as much as she could, she was always devoted to help others in need… she was not selfish, on the contrary, she was generosity incarnate! The only thing she wanted was to live with the man she loved. But even that, she put someone else needs before hers; the only thing for which she could’ve been selfish and every body would have understood her, she gave it up for duty and moral obligation, for Terry. Maybe she was too good for her own good? Maybe she should’ve stayed with the one she loved with all her heart? But, didn’t she do a selfless act? Shouldn’t she be rewarded?

“Oh, Candy stop thinking like that! You’re becoming ridiculous!” she thought.

But the anger was still there. She went to her bedroom; she took her pillow and started to hit her mattress with all her strength, to let off steam. All those months, she was strong; she kept everything inside…. She needed that, she yelled; hit the wall, the floor, and the bed… until she calmed herself. The room was a mess the pillow torn and all the feathers flying around the room. She lay down on the bed and continued crying. She cried herself to sleep. A good night sleep, advises you. But she had a really really bad night, that day.

In New York, miles from there, Terrence Grandchester was looking out the window. He had just got married, he had fulfilled his duty, but he was only an empty shell without life or purpose. Duty had separated him from the one he loved more than anything in this world. He had hit rock bottom and had come back up because of her.

“Freckles of love, what did we do for the odds to be against us like this? Maybe are we paying for the sins of our fathers? The bible says; …because I the Lord your God, am a jealous God, who punishes the sins of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of those who hate me…I know the news of my wedding is going to hurt you… forgive me, my love, forgive me for everything… you’re the one I wanted to marry… I love you and I will love only you…”

- Terry, are you coming to bed? Said Susanna’s voice

- I’m coming in a little while he answered

Susanna knew that, by saying that, he was only pretending and that he’d come to bed very late, after she had fallen asleep, to say the least. She had accomplished her dream, she had married the man she loved more than anything in this world, but he never looked at her with love. He was practically forced to marry her; duty and moral obligation. But she had the man she loved near her and she had no intention of letting him go, even though she knew he was thinking about another woman.

Candy woke up at dawn after a very bad, sleepless and agitated night. She got ready to go to work, but she had a stop to make before going to the clinic. She had been thinking about for a while, the news she learned the night before, had just encouraged her to make a decision she was hesitating to make. So she was walking in the streets of Chicago still deserted at that time of the day, and it was a little cold outside. She walked until she arrived in front of a building; she entered and went to the reception, there was a lady in her fifties. She smiled when she saw Candy arriving.

- Good morning, Miss. Welcome to the Red Cross. How may I help you today?

- Good morning, Ma’am. My name is Candice White Andrew. I’m a nurse and I want to go to war help take care of the wounded…

- Ok. Fill out this form, please and then you’ll have a small interview with the coordinator. You can sit over there, she said showing her the waiting room

- Thank you, Ma’am, said Candy taking the form and a pen to fill it out

Candy sat down in one of the seats and started to fill out the forms. If her friends could see her, they would scream in horror. But nurses were in demand during the war; a lot of them were afraid to get killed and didn’t go to the war, but those who wanted to help with the wounded of war, didn’t hesitate to go. Candy needed something to occupy her mind. She was always busy working of course, but…. She needed a change, a total upheaval. The war, yes she’s going to risk her life, but she would also save some. She finished filling out the forms and gave them to the receptionist, who took them to the coordinator. A few minutes later, Candy was greeted in the coordinator’s office. She was a nice lady in her forties.

- Good morning, Miss Andrew. My name is Frances Hudson. How are you today?

- Good morning, Ms. Hudson. I’m fine thank you and you?

- I’m fine thank you. You want to go to war?

- Yes Ms. Hudson

- Why? A beautiful young woman like you should be thinking about getting married and have a family, not going to war where she could get killed…

Candy thought in her head that if she had married Terry, she would’ve never thought about risking her life by going to the war, she would’ve maybe been in the family way… No, Susanna is going to have that privilege now!!!

- I don’t have projects for the moment she answered, I want to go help those who fall in combat

- You’re a nurse. You’re already working here…

- Yes, but nurses are in demand at war. A lot of people are afraid to leave their families, to go die…

- And not you?

- I’m an orphan. I don’t have any family and I’m not afraid of dying.

Ms. Hudson looked at her and saw the determination in this beautiful young woman’s look. She also saw sadness, a broken heart? Whatever it was, she didn’t seem to be afraid to risk her life to save others.

- You know that you’ll have to go to the front after fight or even during fights?

- Yes, Ma’am. A friend and colleague of mine was killed by a stray bullet in the heart… It’s a little scary. But those who fall wounded need help and that’s what I want to do.

- Ok. I’m going to send you with the next shipment of medical equipment and the next group of volunteers, in a week. We will need your passport. You’re a volunteer, because you choose to go to the war, but you’ll earn a salary of course for you devotion and goodwill. Do you know anything about our organisation?

- I know it was created in 1863 by Henri Dunant, a Swiss man, for the wounded of war and he was the first person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 1901.

- You’ve done your research well. Unfortunately, the war had made us more active. We are snowed under the work…

- That’s one of the reasons I want to go help. I don’t know who is responsible of this horrible war, or why they don’t care that people are dying by the thousandth every day, but if I can help some people by putting them back on their feet, I will feel better. I’m a surgical nurse; I went to Mary Jane school.

- A surgical nurse? You know that during the war, they will be hundreds of operation performed on the wounded and sometimes on the truck, the tents and not always in hospitals?

- I know, I’m ready Mrs. Hudson said Candy more determined that ever to go in the middle of this horrible war.

- Good. We have a little training course on our laws and regulations and how we operate in wartime. There’s one tonight for those who are busy during the day.

- I will be there

- Around 7 pm?

- That’s perfect for me

- Ok. Miss Andrew. I will see you tonight then. Goodbye.

- Goodbye Mrs. Hudson, see you tonight, said Candy getting out

- Don’t forget to bring your passport

- I won’t!

Candy got out to the building a little relieved. She was going to the war. Her friends are going to be horrified. She decided to tell them the truth as soon as possible. She went to work and announced the news to Dr. Martin, her boss at the Happy Clinic

- Dr. Martin said Candy, I have something to tell you…

- Candy you look serious

- I am. I’ve just enrolled in the Red Cross to go to the war in France…

- What??!! But…

- I’m leaving in a week. That should allow you to find someone to replace me…

- But Candy… the war, it’s dangerous, you could die

- We will all die one day, doctor. I can get hit by a car here and die, no need to go to the war…

- Candy you now what I mean…

- I know doctor. But I want to do it, they need nurses and doctors… I can do it, so, why not? I don’t have any family

- But your friends… Albert is going to be devastated; he’s in love with you…

- Albert? No, he’s a big brother…

- I don’t doubt that’s the way you see him, but he sees you differently…

- Oh...Albert? No…. This is not the time to let myself distracted doctor. I'm leaving for France in a week with the Red Cross

She didn't have the time to think about Albert in relationship term when her thoughts were with Terry who was now married to Susanna... married to another woman! She started to work and during lunchtime, she went to see Archie and Annie at the Andrew manor. She was hoping Albert was there so she won't have to repeat herself. She got her wish; she found all three of them having lunch.

- Candy! Said Annie smiling, hi!

- Hi, everybody, she said smiling

- Hi, said Albert and Archie at the same time

- Sit down, said Annie, and eat. Are you coming from work?

- Yes, it’s lunch time, thanks, she said

She sat down and a server brought her a plate. She started to eat with them. She didn’t want to spoil their appetite… Once the meal was finished, they sat in the living room to have tea. She finally decided to announce her “good news”.

- I have something to tell you, she started

- Candy, said Annie, you look serious, what’s wrong?

- I decided to go to the war with the Red Cross… I leave in a week for France…

- WHAT??!!! Said her three friends at the same time

They were speechless for a little while and finally…

- But Candy; are you out of your mind? You didn’t see what happened to Stear? Said Archie outraged

- Candy, the war is dangerous, you could get killed… said Annie

- Annie, they need nurses

- But not you! Said Archie

- Why not me? Said Candy, I went to school for it, it’s my specialty

- But… started Archie

- Listen, thanks for your reaction, which proves that you love me and I love you too. But my decision is made. It’s irrevocable.

Albert was the only one not to have said anything. He looked at his protégée and he knew she was hurt by the news of Terry and Susanna’s wedding. She was going to the war, so she won’t think about it. Candy approached him, and they went in the library to talk alone.

- How are you really? He asked

Candy knew that he was talking about Terry and Susanna’s wedding. Albert read her like a book.

- Oh Albert! I feel like they ripped my heart out and cut it into a million pieces and that I can feel each and every cut… it huts, it hurts too much! She said with tears in her eyes

Albert hugged her and was caressing her hair; he let her cry, she needed that. She had been so courageous after the break up. She didn’t know that Terry had come to see her and he left to go back to New York and Susanna, because of her…

- Come on Candy, you’ve been courageous until now

- Yes. I don’t understand. I think I finally just burst out. Maybe a part of me continued hoping that Terry would come for me… that he couldn’t live without me… he had left Susanna; a part of me was hoping that it was to come and get me back… I know, it’s ridiculous! I was wrong… he went back to Susanna, he married her…

“No, you weren’t wrong. He came for you… But he left without talking to you, because I convinced him that you were happy and that you didn’t want to open old wounds..” thought Albert

- I need a change, Albert. I want to keep my mind busy; I want to work hard to avoid thinking about him. I have all this energy… and I want to help the wounded at war… you understand me don’t you? She said wiping her tears

- Yes, of course, Candy he said sadly. I’m going to miss you. Be careful… it may sound ridiculous to say that when you’re going to the war…

- I will do my best not to take too many risks to come back whole to you

- Ok, Candy

Annie and Archie had just come in, they were still outraged.

- Albert, you approve? Asked Archie

- Archie, her decision is made, she knows what she’s doing, and she wants to help the wounded of war

- But after what happened to Stear…

- I know said Albert, but we can’t stop Candy’s wishes and live in fear for the rest of our lives…

- But to know her in the war, will make us live in fear said Annie with tears in her eyes

- Oh Annie, said Candy hugging her, I will come back, if it depends on me, I will come back

- You’re my sister and I don’t want to lose you said Annie crying

- You’re not going to lose me, I will always be with you in your heart… and in yours too she said to the two others

- Oh Candy! Said Archie, it sounds like a goodbye…

- Archie, we don’t know what’s going to happen. Stear left without notice to spare us from being hurt. But we were still hurt when we learned about it; he put us in front of a fait accompli… and now he’s gone for good and we didn’t get to say goodbye to him properly. I didn’t want to do that. I want to tell you goodbye the way I should, because we don’t know what might happen.

- Oh Candy! Repeated Archie

- I’m going back to the clinic said Candy, have a nice day…

- With the bomb you just dropped on us? Said Archie, smooth Candy, real smooth!

Candy went back to the clinic to finish her day. After work, she went back to her apartment to eat and then she went to the Red Cross for the crash course for wartime. It was a little course on how to behave, where the priorities were, because there were sometimes, decisions to make on which wounded to take care of first or not. Candy found the courses very useful; you had to put feelings aside and see only the wounds, not the race, not the nationality…

The following days, Doctor Martin found another nurse and Candy was able to go to the Pony House to say goodbye to her two mothers. They were devastated.

- Candy, are you sure of what you’re doing? Asked Miss Pony

- Yes, Miss Pony

- You know you’re going to risk your life everyday? Said Sister Maria

- Yes I know. But I want to help the wounded…

The children were listening and were also devastated; John went to get Jimmy at the Cartwright farm to tell him the news. Jimmy arrived all panicked while Candy was talking to her two mothers.

- Boss, said Jimmy, it’s true? You’re going to war?

- Well hello to you too, Jimmy! Yes, I’m going to… said Candy

- How dare you? How dare you want to risk you life that way? You didn’t want me to become a soldier…

- I’m not going to become a soldier, I going to help those who get wounded, heal them… I’m not going to fight to kill anybody…

- Oh… but you could get killed, can you?

- It could happen, yes…

- So don’t go! We don’t want you to die!

- Jimmy, everybody has to die, one day, it’s the only thing everybody has in common

- But you’re going where they shoot all day long…

- I will be in hospitals and hospitals are neutral zones during the war, it means that there won’t be any shooting directed to hospital, at least not deliberately

- Oh… said the children

- Jimmy, John, I don’t know what’s going to happen, but you have to be strong for the little ones. John, you’re the Boss ad interim, it means during my absence, Ok?

- Ok, said John

- You’re going to help John when you can, ok Jimmy?

- Yes Boss, said Jimmy

- You two are good boys. You want to help me feed the little ones?

- Ok, said the boys

Miss Pony and Sister Maria were looking at Candy, smiling. What a good and courageous young girl they had raised! She was going to war, going to risk her own life, to help others.

When Candy left the next morning, everybody was crying. Mr. Cartwright, Jimmy’s father and Mr. Steed Tom’s father who had came to say good bye and wish her good luck, also had tears in their eyes.

- Candy, said Tom’s father, you’ve always been very brave and courageous, you survived the Reagans, you’ll survive the war… you’ll see

- Thank you very much sir

- Candy said Mr. Cartwright, if you were my daughter, I wouldn’t have been more proud of you than I am right now. Come back to us whole, child

- I’ll do my best said Candy emotional

- Good luck Candy said Miss Pony

- I’ll pray for you everyday, as usual said Sister Maria, Godspeed, Candy!

- We’re going to pray for you every day, said John, aren’t we, kids?

- YES! YES! EVERYDAY! GOODBYE Candy! Yelled the kids

- Good bye said Candy with tears in her eyes

She got into the carriage and went to the train station with Tom, who hadn’t said a word about the war, much to Candy’s big surprise. They arrived at the train station in advance; the train was not there yet. Tom finally decided to break his silence.

- Candy, are you heartbroken?

- Tom…

- I read that Grandchester got married

- Tom…

- It’s because of him that you’re going to risk your life?

- Tom, please…

- If anything happens to you, I will hunt him down and kill him myself! Good luck Candy and be careful. I love you little sister

Candy looked at her big brother, he saviour, who knew her so well. She hugged him hard with tears in her eyes.

- Thanks Tom, my saviour. I love you too, big brother.

They talked about this and that until the train arrived. Candy got on after kissing Tom on the both cheeks.

- Goodbye Candy, Godspeed!

- Thanks, Tom, Goodbye.

The train left and Candy wiped her tears. She was leaving America soon for the war in France…Maybe it was madness, but she felt like it was something she wanted to do, something she had to do.

Annie was spending all her days with Candy and she had sent a telegram to Patty in Florida and this last one took the first train for Chicago to come and say goodbye to her best friend. She went with Annie to Candy’s apartment.

- Candy! Oh Candy! Did you become crazy all of a sudden? Said Patty seeing her

- Patricia! Said Candy hugging her, I’m so happy to see you! How are you?

- Not good! Stear gets killed at war and you’re following his footsteps?

- Patty, said Candy, I’m going to heal the wounded, I’m not going to fight or kill anybody! Come on!

- Same difference! It’s the war over there in France, Candy

- I know Patty, that’s why I’m going there….

- Candy!

- Patty, I love you and I’m happy that you worry about me, but I have to go. It’s something I have to do.

- Risk your life?

- No, save lives, Patty

- But Stear…

- Everybody doesn’t have the same destiny, Patty. I have mine. Whatever comes, come!

- Candy, said Patty with tears in her eyes

- Patty, like I told the other, if it depends on me, I will come back whole to you

- Oh, Candy! Repeated Patty hugging her

Annie approached them and they had a group hug for a while.

- Come on, enough with the long faces! You have to think positive!

- Ok, said Patty laughing in the middle of the tears

The three friends had fun doing Candy’s luggage, Annie wanted her to bring all her dresses, she even bought her more…

- Annie, I’m going to war, not to a society gathering…

- But Candy, the war is at the front, isn’t it? Not in Paris… You never know, you might need it…

- As you wish Annie, said Candy smiling…

She wanted to please her friends.

- Don’t forget your make up… and your hair… Candy two pigs tails were cute when you were a kid, but now, you’re all grown up, said Annie taking her ribbons off

She started to brush Candy’s long blond hair and she put a headband on, which made Candy’s hair fall on her shoulders.

- There you go, you don’t look like a little girl anymore, you look more mature. You can make an up do but no more pigs tails!

- Ok, said Candy laughing, thanks Annie

The little girl with pigs tails was gone to leave her place to a young woman, sure of herself, independent and with more determination than ever!

Edited by Gentillefille - 14/7/2016, 23:33
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view post Posted on 10/7/2007, 16:04     +1   -1

Reine du drame à la plume diversifiée qui ne cesse de produire toujours autant, malgré les ans et ses idées qui autant en emporte le vent!



Chapter 2

“An unexpected encounter"

The rumours of Candy’s iminent departure arrived to the Great Aunt's Elroy's ears, and the Reagan twins. The great Aunt was more upset about the "what would people say", then about Candy's welfare. Ever since she learned that Candy took care of Albert during his amnesia, she didn't say anything bad against her. The twins had the following reactions;

- That idiot is going to war? Said Eliza, let's have a party! I'm going to pray that she never comes back!

- Shut up Eliza! She could die, said her brother

- So what? It would be good riddance!

- Stop saying that! I love her...

- Come on, you're not over her yet? She hates you with a passion...

- It's your fault! If you hadn't dragged me into your underhand practices, and your unkindness towards her, maybe I would've managed to make her fall in love with me...

- You're daydreaming; Neil...and I never put a gun to your head...

- Why do you hate her so much? She's nice, and she could've been a nice friend to you...

- Never!!!

- Eliza, you have to grow up and stop your spoiled brat foolishness. Candy is not bothering us anymore. She's independent, and I think she's pretty courageous to go to the war take care of the wounded.

- But Neil...

- No, enough! Don't talk ill of her in front of me again. She found her way, find yours! Do something with your life...

- What's got into you all of a sudden? Did Candy drive you nuts?

He got out of the room. Candy was leaving in the evening for France; she was going to take the boat in New York, the next morning. He had to see her, at all cost. He went at Candy's apartment and knocked on the door.

Candy was finishing packing and she was making sure she hadn't forgotten anything. She heard the knocks on the door. It was, either the landlord, wanting to show the apartment to some people, or Albert who was early.

- Just a minute! She said

She went to open the door, and she was surprised to see Neil in front of her, she wanted to close the door...

- Candy...please, don't close the door to my face. I came to wish you good luck

Candy looked at him, for the first time, she thought he seemed honest.

- Come in, Neil she finally said

- Thanks he said shyly. Are you ready to go?

- Yes, I'm waiting for Albert and Archie

- Before your departure, I wanted to apologise for everything I did to you ever since our first meeting... I think what you're doing is very brave

- Thanks Neil and I forgive you. You seem sincere, and I'm going to war, anything could happen. So I might as well make peace with as much people as possible...

- Thanks Candy. And also, I'm sorry for handling it so wrong when I fell in love with you. I still love you, Candy; I wanted to marry you...

- Neil...

- I'm going to miss you and I will pray for your return

- Thanks Neil, that's really nice of you

- I'm going to go. Good luck, Candy, be careful

- Thanks Neil, she repeated

To her big surprise, he hugged her, kissed her quickly on the neck and left before Candy could react.

"Ok...I wasn't expecting that! She said talking to herself"

Albert and Archie arrived to take her to the train station. Annie and Patty were also there. They all went with her to New York. During the trip, since they were in first class, they had a little party for Candy. The laughs were there, but so was the sadness.

- Come on said Candy, enough with the long faces! It's a goodbye, not a farewell...I'm going to be back. Come on loosen up!

Her friends smiled, but they were still sad. They arrived at the harbour, and Candy got on board with the Red Cross people she found at the embankment. She said goodbye to her friends.

- Bye Candy, said Annie crying, kissing her and hugging her

- Bye Annie, said Candy

- Candy, goodbye, said Archie hugging her

- Bye Archie, she said

- Candy, be careful said Patty, bye Candy

- Goodbye, Patty said Candy kissing her and hugging her

She turned to Albert and hugged him for a long time. Candy his friend, and protégée was going to risk her life. He was in love with her, but he didn't want to tell her. He knew she still loved Terry, and that she was leaving America because of him...

- Albert, Oh Albert I'm going to miss you! Goodbye

- Goodbye Candy, be careful

She got on board; there were a lot of people. When the boat left, she was making sign to her friends until they were out of sight. She met other Red Cross volunteers, men and women, and she started to talk with three young women in her age range. They were named, Allyson San Filippo, Kristina Westbrook, and Kelly Ford. They started to talk and became good friends. They were talking about their family's reaction when they decided to go to war.

- My mother, almost fainted, said Allyson

- My father almost had a heart attack, said Kristina

- My friends said I was crazy, said Candy

- But maybe we are...said Allyson, we are leaving peace in America to go to the horror of the war... and we may not come back alive...

- For now, we are alive, said Candy, you have to think positive; we are going to see our families and friends again!

- Looks like we have a ray of sunshine, Candy "Little Mary Sunshine..." in a good way, said Kristina

They burst out laughing. Allyson was dark blond, Kristina was dark brown, and Kelly was strawberry blond.

- Do you have boyfriends? Asked Kelly, I have a boyfriend

- Nothing serious, said Allyson

- I have a fiancé at war said Kristina, but he's in England...

- I have no one said Candy with a motionless face

- There was someone, said Kelly

- Yes, but it's over... said Candy

- I'm sorry said Kristina. I hope to meet my fiancé at war, you never know...I pray they transfer him to France

- He will probably be angry that you came to France to risk your life said Kelly

- Men, said Candy, it's normal for them to go the battle front to fight for reason they don't even understand, but it's dangerous for us to go take care of the wounded...

- This is a man's world said Allyson

- We have to change that, said Candy, men should leave the big jobs to women. If women were the head of states of all those countries, maybe there wouldn't be a war

- "Maybe", Candy? If I were the head of state, I wouldn't send all those poor children to the butchery that this war is, said Kristina

They continued their discussions in the boat's restaurant. A group of young men that were going to war to fight join them in their discussion.

- Ladies said one of the young men, you don't like the war and you're going there? Can we join us?

- Of course, said Candy, have a seat...

- Thank you, they all said, sitting with the young girls

- We're nurses, said Candy, we're not going to fight, we're going to take care of the wounded...

- We're going to help the French, said guy named Ray

- America in not at war, said Kristina, you don't have to go risk your lives...

- You either, said another one name Jack

- We want to help, said another one named Walt

- And why are you helping the French only? What about the others? Who are the bad guys and who are the good guys? Said Allyson

- Who made that decision? Asked Kristina

- We, the nurses, are going to see only the wounded said Candy

The discussion continued also during the meal and during the whole trip. Allyson started to flirt with the guy named Ray. Candy had guys hitting on her but she played deaf...

The boat arrived at Calais in mid-October. A truck from the Red Cross came to get the young volunteers, and the shipment of the medicines, and food that had come with them. The trip to Paris was long and tiresome. They arrived to the Red Cross building, were they were supposed to stay. They all had a very little room with one bed.

Candy wanted to share her room with someone...But being alone, was not so bad either.

The next morning, the nurses orientation, was starting. They had to learn a minimum of French, so they could help at all time.

“French...said Candy, I can do it"

The first days, the new nurses observed the others, but there was so much work, and do many wounded, that they had to start working right away. Candy was a little lost, but she held on. Working in the emergency room will certainly be a good way to occupy her mind and her time. She worked from morning till evening, she barely had the time to eat, and at night, she was so tired that she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. In the long run, she got used to her working pace. She knew that the war was making casualties every day; it was one thing to know it, and another one to live it. The reality was a very big shock for her. All those men were losing their lives, or parts of their body, it was hard, very hard to live that.

She wrote her friend, the first day she was free. She also spent a lot of time with the local staff to practice her French, but her three friends from the boat were also there with her. They were talking in the staff room one morning after having taken care of a lot of wounded, very early in the morning. The wounded were victim of an ambush by the enemy; it happened around 4 of 5 am. The nurses were awaken, in a rush because the nightly staff was not enough.

- How are you? Asked Candy, how are you holding up?

- It's harder than I thought, said Kelly

- But it's... it feels good working like that, even though there's a lot of victims, we are able to save a lot of people, said Kristina

- But I'm still sleepy, Said Allyson

- You can sleep, said Candy, we'll wake you up if there's an emergency...

- Which means in the next two minutes...said Allyson

They burst out laughing. The head nurse, arrived, and asked them to go get some bandages, cotton in the storage room. It was a little room in which every thing, medical stuff was stored. The boxes with the bandages were on top of a medicine cabinet. Candy took a stool to climb and get to the boxes with the bandages and the cottons. Her friends were busy looking for stuff in the boxes on the floor.

There was group of new young doctors who were having a tour of the hospital. They arrived in the storage room.

- And this is the storage room, where we keep all the medical stuff, said the head nurse, and here are our young nurses, freshly came from America...

- Hello said the doctors

- Hello said the young nurses who were looking for bandages in the boxes.

Candy was standing on the stool and she also answered, but she lost her balance, screamed and she was going to fall if one of the new doctors hadn't caught her just in time. Candy fell into the arms of a handsome French doctor whose cologne smelled really nice.

- I'm sorry said Candy, I lost my balance...

- The pleasure was all mine, Miss...CANDY!! He said surprised

- MICHAEL! Said Candy smiling, what a nice surprise!

- You're telling me? We have to stop meeting like this! He said with a smile

- Yeah, said Candy still smiling...

They burst out laughing. The others were looking at them stunned. They knew each other? Yes , Michael was the young French officer that Candy had met at a party at the Andrew mansion, and who had helped her getting down from the tower with a rope, after a trick from Neil and Eliza, to make her look ridiculous in front of the guests. She had then danced with him for the rest of the evening. He then received a telegram asking him to go back to France, to the battle front. He took her to the hospital, before leaving for the train station.

- Oh Michael, I'm so happy to see you! said Candy smiling

- Likewise, said Michael, you came to take care of the wounded?

- Yes I got my diploma and I came here to help take care of the wounded

- You're very brave...

- Weren't you the one that told me that if I like the risk so much, I should use it for a good cause?

- So you took me literally to my word?

- Michael, our encounter gave me the courage to continue the work I wanted to do...

- I'm glad I had that effect on you, Miss Daredevil!

Candy burst out laughing. Her heart was rejoicing, for the first time since her break up with Terry.

- When we met, she was coming down a very high tower, more than 200 metres high, with a rope and a suitcase in her hand... explained Michael to the others

- And Michael was kind enough to come and help me, said Candy

- Oh... said the others

- Let's continue our tour, said Michael, are you coming with us Candy?

Candy looked at the head nurse, who agreed with her eyes, even though she wasn't very happy to se her so familiar with Michael.

- Thank you, said Michael to the head nurse, so, let's go Miss Daredevil...

- Ok, said Miss Daredevil

Candy was smiling but the French nurses were jealous! That little American was stealing their French doctor! A lot of young French men died at the war. America was not officially at war. There's going to be a need of Frenchmen and this little American, was stealing one of their most eligible bachelor, right from under their nose.

Candy left with Michael. The French nurses were talking among them.

- Who does she think she is? Throwing herself in Michael's arms like that? said one

- She literally fell in his arms, said another

Allyson heard them, even though they were speaking in French, and told them in English.

- They already knew each other, no need to be jealous; she's one step ahead of you...

Kelly and Kristina giggled. Candy, "Little Mary Sunshine" was full of surprises!

Michael took Candy in a little restaurant not too far from the hospital, during lunch time.

- Candy I still can't believe that you're in front of me! I thought I would never see you again...

- You don't say "never" Michael. I was a student nurse and you a future doctor

- I'm a doctor now, Dr. Durand

- Congratulations, Dr. Durand

- Thanks

- And I'm now a nurse with a diploma in general surgery

- Congratulations, Miss qualified nurse

- Thanks

- Candy, I know our encounter was brief, but I often thought about you. I wish I had taken your address to write you

- I know, but you had to go back to France in a hurry. I'm happy that nothing happened to you. I also thought about you with this war who making so much victims

- Thanks Candy he said softly

They were looking at each other with fondness. Candy needed a friend that didn't remind her of Terry. Someone to hold on to. She remembered being impressed by Michael, his words, his kindness. He came to help her get down from the tower, she was in his arms...then they had danced. The party that Eliza and Neil wanted ruined for Candy, turned out to be wonderful because of Michael and his uniform... He was really handsome.

They ate talking about America. Candy told him how Neil wanted to force her to marry her.

- Not possible! After the dirty trick he played on you?

- You haven't heard anything yet, Michael!

- Really? He really fell in love with you?

- Unbelievable, hein? After treating me like dirt since our first meeting...

- I bet his beating himself now for it everyday

- I think so too, said Candy laughing

They burst out laughing. They finished their lunch and went back to the hospital, back to their jobs. Michael asked to work with Candy, which raised the jealousy of the other nurses. Michael was walking with her to the Red Cross building every night. Her three friends were teasing her about it when they were alone.

- Candy the handsome French doctor is completely under your spell said Kelly

- The French nurses are jealous. They say that America in not at war, and that their men are dying by thousands, and you come and steal the little they have said Kristina

- That's ridiculous said Candy and Michael is half American, I met in Chicago...said Candy

- And then...? Asked Kelly

- Then we didn't think we would see each other again...she continued

- But destiny took things in it's own hands...said Allyson

- Destiny...said Candy talking to herself, I thought destiny was going to bring me something else...

Her friends were looking at her. She looked like someone with a broken heart.

- Candy, said Kelly, you seem sad

- It's in the past she said looking down

- A painful past, apparently said Allyson

- I loved this boy with all my heart, but a combination of circumstances separated us... he married another girl...she said with tears in her eyes

- Oh Candy, I'm sorry said Kristina

- But Michael is available, said Kelly

- He's a doctor, he's handsome said Allyson, he can heal your heart too

- Yes he can, can he? But do I have the right to use him as a safety buoy? Asked Candy

- Candy, if Michael is making you feel good, and he's helping you think less about your lost love, don't let him go, said Kelly, you have feelings for him

- I admit I was mesmerized by his presence, when we met...said Candy

- So Candy, let yourself go. Your love is married, you have to continue living said Kelly

- Even during this was? Said Candy

- Especially during this war! We don't know what could happen to us tomorrow, said Kristina

Candy stayed for a moment without talking; Michael...why not? Well, we'll see.

- Well, let's take it one step at the time, and see where it takes me...she finally said

- Candy you're impossible! Said Kelly

- Maybe. But I'm cautious... Better safe than sorry said Candy

- You learned your lesson in life, well said Kelly

They started to talk about other stuff, and the horror of the war.

Meanwhile in New York at the theatre, another day of rehearsals had just gone by. Terry decided to go see his mother before going back home.

- Good evening, mum he said

- Good evening Terry, how are you?

- I've been better

- You're not happy

- I wonder what gave you that idea... Mum...

- I can see you're suffering, honey she said ignoring the sarcasm

- Mum, I don't know if I can go on for long...

- Terry you made a commitment, you have to honour that commitment to the end

- I now know how dad felt when he was forced to fulfill his duty and leave you... I now understand why he was such a lout...I don't know how he did it, but I can't stand it anymore!

- Terry, you're not going to disappear again...

- I'm seriously thinking about it and this time, I won't come back...

- Terry! Susanna needs you...

- Susanna...yes... she should’ve let me die, if saving my life meant to live without Candy

- How could you say such a thing?

- Because it's true mum, I thought I could live without her...

- Hang in there, Terry. Destiny...

- Destiny? Destiny cruelly separated us ever since I left that damn college! What did we do wrong to deserve a fate like that? Candy is goodness incarnate and me, I don't think I've been that bad in my life...all we wanted was to live our lives together...but fate was against us!

- You have to stop being down in the damps…

- Mum, America is not officially at warm but I going to join the French army at the battle front...

- What??! But why? You want to get yourself killed?

- Maybe... but maybe the experience of the war will make me appreciate more the life I have...

- But if I lose you, my son...

- You know, those who go to war to get kill usually don't succeed he joked

- Terry, that's not funny at all!

- But I'm going to wait until this theatrical season is over, then, I'm going to start the military training

- Terry...

- I wanted to tell you so you would be prepared, so you won't be surprised by the media

- Have you told Susanna?

- I will tell her when the time comes. Instead of going out to get drunk this time and waste the life that was given to me, I'm going to go fight at the battle front...

- Oh Terry, said Eleonor with tears in her eyes, there's nothing I could say that would make you change your mind?

- No, mum. But thanks.

He kissed his mother and went back home, to his wife.

- Good evening, said Susanna smiling

Terry got into the living room, and saw Susanna with Karen Cleese who had come to see her.

- Susanna, Karen… he said with a neutral tone. I'll be in my study, if you nee me

And he went to his study without waiting for Susanna's answer. This last one was alone with Karen.

- Did you see that? It's always like that; she said to Karen, he doesn't even look at me...

- And you putting up with that?

- I love him like crazy, Karen. If he could just be a little nicer to me...

- Susanna, he was forced to marry you, when he was in love with Candy

- But it's been so long, he should've forgotten about her…

- Forget about her? Would you have forgotten about him? You're kidding right? You never forget your first love...

- Karen you're suppose to help me... not bring me down

- Susanna, every time he looks at you, he sees his lost love...

- Can you try and talk to him? Please?

- I don't want to get in the middle of this...

- Please... he talks to you more than he talks to me

- But...

Karen looked at Susanna in her wheel chair. Life hadn't been good to her. Her sacrifice or her impulsion to save Terry had cost her her leg. She had the man she loved, but he was cold, bitter.

- Susanna, you can let him go, so he could be happy with her, if you love him that much...

- What about me, I'll be unhappy. I love him too much...I want to be with him...

- Be careful what you wish for...ok, I'm going to talk to him.

Karen went to Terry's study to see him. She knocked at the door.

- Terry? Can I come in?

- Yes, of course, he said smiling, come in Karen. What can I do for you?

- I only want to talk to you...

- She sent you...

- You guessed it

- Karen

- Try to be more social with her...

- I came back. I fulfill my duty, I married her, I'm taking care of her...but that's it... I'm sorry

- Terry...

- No, Karen. I sacrificed Candy for Susanna... Big mistake!... but it's too late now...We have to live with the consequences and acting; I'll do it on stage, not at my house...

- Ok, but make an effort to be more...easy

- I'm going to try

- Thanks

So Terry made a little effort to be nicer to Susanna. The thought that he will start his military training as soon as the season was over, to go to war, gave him courage.

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icon12  view post Posted on 22/7/2009, 18:32     +1   -1

Reine du drame à la plume diversifiée qui ne cesse de produire toujours autant, malgré les ans et ses idées qui autant en emporte le vent!




Chapter 3
“Season greetings under the bullets"

With everything that was going on during the war, the loss of human lives, the destruction of the country, it was like time as stood still until this horror will be over, but time was continuing its course and it was now the holiday season for the second time in the row under the bullets and mortar shots. The snow was falling more abundantly than usual, it was like it wanted to cover the horror and desolation of the war under its white coat. It was cold and the soldiers had to adapt to the weather when they were going on the battle front to fight against the enemy. They had to keep the war moral because the cold couldn't be a distraction for them. They were trained to fight during all seasons. Since Christmas was coming, the army were resting at least but were on their guard of course.

Part of the program of the Red Cross was a training program with physicist Marie Curie who was the head of radiological service. She trained medical staff on how to use the X-ray machines she developed for ambulances. It was very useful on the battle front. The doctors were able to see where bullets were and operate on soldiers in the ambulances. Candy was talking to her friends in her room about Marie Curie.

- I really admire her, said Candy she and her husband won Nobel prizes in physics in 1904, for discovering radioactivity…

- She’s now widowed said Kelly, and she continued her work

- Yes, said Candy she won the Noble Prize for chemistry in 1911 for determining the atomic weight of radium…

- She’s strong, in this men’s world, said Kristina, I bet it was not easy for her…

- She probably had to fight them all the way, especially after her husband died…said Allyson

- Well they were wrong, look at what she accomplished… and the X-ray machines in the ambulances, what a great idea! said Candy, I told you, women should rule the world!

- Hear, hear! said her friends laughing

Candy and Michael had become very close. Candy knew that the three months training at the hospital, were almost over and that soon, her friends and her will have to go to the battle front to help the wounded. Michael often invited for lunch and diner; he spent all his free time with her. He also made sure that they would be working at the same time, so he would always be working in her company. The hospital director, Benoit Lecuyer, who was not paying attention to that king of details, heard the rumours that Michael was making Candy work too much. He called Michael in his office.

- Michael, there's a rumour going around that you're playing favourite with an American nurse...

- Playing favourite? I like working with her, that's all

- But the French nurses are complaining that you're making her work too much...

- You've got to be kidding me! They're complaining because I'm making an American nurse work to hard?

- Apparently…

- Come on Benoit! It's ridiculous...

- Try to diversify the help from the nurses...

- Ok. But Candy and I are in harmony; we understand each other without having me to spell it out...

- You're in love with her...

- I don't see what love got to do with it...

- It would explain why you can't stay away from her...

- Listen, the main thing here is that we're doing our work, is it not?

- You're right. But if your partnership makes your work suffer, you'll have to end it...

- Thanks Benoit. I have to go now...

- By all means, go!

Benoit looked at him leave; Michael was really in love with Candice White Andrew!

During their daily lunch, Michael told Candy about the rumours going around.

- Let me get this straight, they went to complain because you're making me work too much? Asked Candy

- Yes, it's their way of saying that I only like to work with you...

- Is that true? She asked

- Yes Candy. Soon the three months training at the hospital will be over and you're going to start going on the battle front after and sometimes even during fights...I'm going to miss you. And, you're an excellent nurse...

- I'm going to miss you too, Michael

- Candy do you want to come and spend the holidays with my family and me?

- With pleasure, but I don't know my schedule yet...

- Let's make those rumours true, you've got the same schedule as me and we will be free at the same time...

Candy smiled. Michael was inviting her at his house, his parents’ house... Meet the parents...a big step in a relationship, that didn't bother her all.

- So, that's perfect, Michael, we'll spend Christmas eve together in your family. I accept with pleasure.

- Thanks, Miss Daredevil...

Candy got a lot of cards from her friends, and her two mothers; Miss Pony and Sister Maria and all her little friends from the Pony house, not to mention, Jimmy and Tommy. She had already sent the Christmas cards in advance because of the war, the mail distribution was a little slower during the holidays in normal time, but now with the war...

The Red Cross organised a reception for its volunteer and their friends could also be there. For the holidays, they'd received a bigger shipment for the holidays; more than the medical supplies; there were food, beverages, clothes, toys for the needy children and orphans. Candy got a note from Albert. He had also sent medicines , food etc. for the orphans of war. Candy thanked him with all her heart. She was going to write him a long thank you letter. The Red Cross staff will go on Christmas morning to give the toys and the clothes to he war orphans and orphans in general. The needy will get some toys and clothes too.

Candy and her friends were all dressed in red, green and white, the colours of Christmas.

- Candy, when are you going at Michael's Asked Kelly

- He's coming to pick me up later, said Candy

- You're going in his family... to meet the parents...said Allyson

- I know it's a big step... said Candy

- Are you finally going to let him kiss you? said Kelly

- Kelly! Said Candy becoming bright as red

The three girls burst out laughing. Candy was so prude! Michael was a perfect gentleman; he never tried to kiss Candy. Their relationship was progressing slowly and surely, in silence. They were taking baby steps and Candy was grateful to him for that. It allowed her to get used to Michael and start to think about him in other terms... her heart needed to be loved and Michael seemed to love her and she was not indifferent to his charms.

Michael got there around 8 pm to go the Red Cross reception. They stayed there for an hour and then they went at Michael's parent's house.

- You think your parents are going to like me?

- Of course, they're eager to know you, "Miss Daredevil". I told them about you, more than a year ago when I came back from America...

- Oh... that's true, I risked my life for a stupid suitcase of clothes

- That's why you and your friend were not dressed properly... it was only to humiliate you. When I wanted to go and help you, Eliza told me to let you risk your life, and that if you broke your leg that would be good for you...

- I'm not surprised by her words, but I'm surprised she said that to you, whom she was trying to impress...

- It was like a cold shower to me, how could she be so heartless to that point?

- Towards me? She hates me...

- Why?

- I honestly don't know. It's since our first meeting...

- Too bad for her, you're a nice girl, you could've been a good friend for her

- It's nice of you to say that, Michael. thanks.

- I'm only speaking the truth. You're a very special young lady, Candy he said softly

They arrived at his parents' house and got in. Everybody greeted them warmly. The parents, whose mother was American, and Michael's brothers and sisters. There were also aunts, uncles and grandparents.

- Everybody, let me introduce you to Candy White Andrew, said Michael in French, she's American and she works with me at the hospital

- Pleased to meet you said Candy smiling

- Pleased to meet you said everybody in English

Mrs. Durand approached Candy.

- Michael, you've got the same taste for American girls as your father. She's absolutely charming. So you're Miss Daredevil?

- Michael can't stop talking about you said Mr. Durand

Candy blushed lightly and smiled.

- Mom, dad, please, said Michael

- My name is Amélie and this is Sarah, said Michael's sister

- I'm Marc said a young man

The other family members introduced themselves in French and English.

- Let's eat dinner said the grandmother, everything is ready...

They were all talking while they were having diner. Everybody was trying to speak in English because of Candy. They had a little turkey and not too much food because of the war, but it was enough. They were in a family atmosphere and they were happy. They had lost loved ones, friends, neighbours during this atrocious war, but they were happy to be alive a few days to the year 1916. The presents were not big, but it was the intention that counted. Michael gave Candy a little angel in porcelain.

- Oh Michael, how beautiful

- The patients at the hospital call you “the smiling angel" You give them the will to live. Merry Christmas, Miss Daredevil

- Thank you Michael. This is for you. Merry Christmas she said giving him a small pack with a scarf, hat and gloves she knitted herself with the help of Kelly

- Thank you Candy, he said hugging her

Michael took her back the next day because of curfew. She spent the night in the living room with the rest of the family. They had breakfast and Michael took her back to the dorm.

- Thanks again for this lovely evening, said Candy, I forgot for one evening that we're at war…

- The pleasure was all mine, Candy

- Merry Christmas Michael

- Merry Christmas Candy. I'll be there in a few hours to help you with the distribution of presents to the orphans

- Ok. See you later, then...

She hugged him a little and got into the dorm. She felt like kissing him, which surprised her a little. Terry had kissed her; he had stolen a kiss from her. She had hoped that he would kiss her again when she went to the premiere at New York... But then again, she had hoped for a lot of things when she went to New York...

In the beginnings of the afternoon, Candy went with Michael and her colleagues and other members of the Red Cross to the local orphanage to give presents to the kids. It was a good feeling to make those children happy. They didn't speak English, but there were interpreters. Candy thought about the orphans from the Pony house. Annie and Albert had taken care of them and Candy was grateful to them for that. To spend the holidays in this war atmosphere was a bitter-sweet sensation.

In the little room of dorm, Candy had her eyes opened. She was thinking about her life, at the orphanage, her separation with Annie, the Reagan’s turning her into a maid, Anthony, her prince who got her out of there...Terry... that she loved and that she had sacrificed ... She thought about the scene on the hospital stairs. "Be happy Candy...promise me you'll be happy, otherwise..."

“I have to be happy; otherwise Terry is going to blame himself for making me miserable... But happy...without Terry...yes I have to do it. Michael... ever since our encounter in Chicago, when he helped me to come down from the tower...he went back to war, he gave me the courage to continue the way I had traced for myself...I often thought about him and now to find myself with him here at war, where were facing death everyday, and where a lot of people are dying still in their teens... Michael, I'm going to start getting close to him, if he wants me of course."

On that new thought, about a possible future with Michael, she closed her eyes and went into a slumber without dreams.

Michael noticed the change in Candy's attitude. Was it possible? Did she share his feelings? He hadn't forgot about that young student-nurse who came down the tower with a rope and a suitcase in her hand. He went to help her and he had smelled the nice rose perfume she had on her. He had then, danced with her and was very happy during the little time they spent together. But he had to go back to the battle front, the same evening and they separated. He was sorry having to leave her so quickly, but a little reassured that they share the same goal...And he had found her again, a year later in the hospital where they had sent him, in Paris. She had literally took him to his word, because he had told her, when he helped her get down from the tower;

"Candy if you like to risk your life so much, you should put that to a better use..."

He smiled, she was an excellent nurse, and they made a good team. Was Candy giving a sign that he could now throw himself in the water? He decided to talk to her about it on the New Year's Eve when he was going to take her to the Red Cross party.

On December 31, 1915, Candy was in Kelly's room with Allyson and Kristina. It was the afternoon.

- So Candy, said Kristina, have you decided what you were going to do with your handsome doctor?

- I thought I wouldn't resist him, if he wants me, said Candy

- Finally! Said Kelly, it's about time!

- But maybe he doesn't think about me on those terms...

- Are you kidding? Asked Allyson, look at his eyes when he looks at you

- You think he also thinks about me..? I had my heart broken last year...

- Life goes on, Candy, said Kelly, try with the French doctor

- Ok. Thanks girls. I'm going to get ready. Michael is coming to pick me up for a little tête-à-tête before the party...

- He's going to make you his big declaration of love, said Allyson

- Yes, said Kristina, to start the New Year in beauty...

- In beauty? Said Candy in the middle of the war?

- That's why we have to make plans, it gives us hope, said Kelly

- Ok, see you later, said Candy getting out

Candy got ready and thanked Annie in her heart for the nice dresses she had bought for her. She put on a turquoise dress very elegant and arranged her hair in a nice up do. Michael came to get her, and they went to a little restaurant to talk. It was snowing lightly outside on this last day of the year 1915.

Michael was very handsome in his military uniform. They made really beautiful couple. They first talked about every day things. Then Michael took a serious expression.

- Candy...I like being with you

- Me too, Michael

- We face death everyday. Do we have the right to think about the future? We could die tomorrow...

- Like we could both be alive after the war...Michael, that's exactly why we have to live; because of the war. In the middle of this battle, having plans, gives us a little glimpse of hope

- You're right. Tell me about yourself personally. Your romantic life...

- You practically know everything about me expect that I had my heart broken a little more than a year ago... and it was very hard for me.

- That's why you came to war...

- They say there's a reason for everything... I've always wanted to help others and the training I received helped me prepare myself for war

- And did that helped you forget?

- I will never forget him. But it helped keep my mind occupied instead of being down in the damps

Michael was a little sad, she had had her heart broken; she had loved someone else. Candy saw that he was a little discouraged; she decided to help him out a little.

- Michael, that young man was part of my life, but life continues. You wanted to ask me something?

He looked at her with so much love and Candy understood what her friends were talking about.

- Candy ever since our first encounter in Chicago, I've often thought about you...I never thought I would find you here in Paris in the same hospital as me. You're a fascinating young lady, who's not afraid of danger and came here to help out others. I'm in love with you...

- Oh Michael...

- I hope that you can find a place in your heart for me and I will be the happiest man on the planet

- Michael, I've often thought about you since our little stunt...and I'm very happy to have found you alive in the middle of this war. Your words gave me the courage to continue the way that I traced for myself. Here we are reunited by the same goal, help the wounded of war, in the same country.

Candy stood up from her chair and went to sit on the one next to him.

- Michael, I was burned by love; I suffered a lot, emotionally. Those last few months with you, gave me the will to love again and be loved...

Michael was in seventh heaven.

- Oh Candy! He said getting closer to her and hugging her

- I'm in love with you too, Michael, she said with a soft voice

Michael looked for her lips. Even though they were in a public place, with the war, Candy had other things in her mind than the shame of being kissed in public... She felt Michael's tongue look for hers and she instinctively responded to the kiss and she was transported in a tornado of delicious sensations, warm and wonderful. She put her arms around his neck to get even closer to him. When they finally stopped, they were breathless.

- I have the impression that we forgot that we were in a public place said Michael

- Me too... she said with a smile

- Let's go to the party, it's time, honey...

- Ok, let's go!

The party, organised by the Red Cross and the hospital was in the hospital's dining room. The wounded that were able to walk, were there and those who were amputated were in a wheel chair. For a few hours, everybody tried to forget or even pretend that the war didn't exist. Michael didn't leave Candy for a second. The French nurses were not happy. One in particular who's name was Gisele Collet; she had a thing for Michael and thought that Candy was unpleasant. Candy was in the ladies' room.

- Here's "Little Mary Sunshine"

- Good evening Gisele said Candy, Happy New Year!

- You must be proud of yourself! You've managed to put your hands on a French doctor

- He's half American

- I wanted him...

- I'm sorry Gisele. Michael and I are in love... You'll have to get use to seeing us together, if you're not already...Happy New Year said Candy leaving.

She went back to Michael and spent an excellent evening. The year 1916 arrived saddened by the cloud of war. A lot of people didn't see the dawn of 1916 and a lot won't see the dawn of 1917. A new page was turned for Candy, a new year, a new love.

Candy wrote her friends to give them some news. She talked about the routine and also about Michael. Annie remembered Michael so did Archie. But Patty didn't know him. Annie and Archie told her about the incident.

- Whoa, said Patricia, wait until Eliza hears about this!

- She's probably going to blow a gasket, said Archie

- That's not what she hoped for when she humiliated us, said Annie

They were at the Andrew Manor where Neil and Eliza spent a lot of time with the great Aunt. Eliza arrived with her brother.

- You've got mail from the stable girl? She didn't get killed by a stray bullet yet? Said Eliza

- Shut up Eliza! Said her brother. Is Candy all right? He asked Archie

- Yes, she's fine, Neil, Said Archie, in fact, she's more than all right

- Eliza, said Annie, do you remember Michael, the French officer and your friend's cousin?

- Of course, Candy made a spectacle of herself by coming down the tower like a monkey...

- After you and your brother played a dirty trick on her again, said Archie

- Well, said Annie, Candy found him in France, they're working in the same hospital and they have fallen in love...

- WHAT???!!! Yelled Eliza

- Yes Eliza, you remember how Candy had caught his eye here, because of you, for that matter...

- The slut! Said Eliza angry

- Put a sock in it, Eliza! Said Neil, she's going out with Michael now?

- Yes, said Annie, and she seems really happy

- I'm very happy for her, can you tell her that? Said Neil

- Why don't you tell her yourself? Said Archie, I can give you her address

- Thanks, said Neil

- Neil, your crush on Candy is not over yet? Give me a break! You're becoming ridiculous! Said Eliza

- Why? Because I have feelings? Said Neil

- At least he's got a heart, said Annie, you don't have one!

Eliza left the room and slammed the door. Candy and Michael? Why does she always have the best ones? Anthony, Terry and now Michael...

Albert also learned by a letter from Candy that she had a new boyfriend. He was sad, because he wanted to be that boyfriend. But he was happy she was moving on with her life.

"Candy, I love you so much, said Albert in his head, but, be happy"
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view post Posted on 22/7/2009, 18:54     +1   -1

Reine du drame à la plume diversifiée qui ne cesse de produire toujours autant, malgré les ans et ses idées qui autant en emporte le vent!




Chapter 4
" The brutal battle front"

After the first two weeks of January, the Red Cross nurses started to go on the battle front to get the wounded and the staff had to be on their guard. During the day, they were at the hospital and around the afternoon, they left by truck with the necessary medical stuff to administrate the first care to the wounded.

Michael of course was worried to leave his beloved go on the battle front. But it was her "daredevil" side that attracted him to her.

- Candy, promise me you'll be careful?

- Of course, I want to come to you whole...

He kissed her on the lips before she got on the back of the truck, under the jealous look of the other nurses.

- Be careful, said Michael, I love you

- I love you, said Candy, when the truck was leaving

Her friends teased her on the truck

- More in love than you two, you die! Said Kristina

- Yes, you should write a book, said Kelly

Candy just smiled. Ever since her arrival, she was shocked by the number or wounded, that gravity of their wounds and the number of amputations made. Some of the soldiers were not even 20 yet, she felt so powerless to the horror of the war, and she wished she could stop all that. She prayed God every night so he could stop this butchery. Because at the end it won't be that important who won, there will have been a lot of victims on both sides, not to mention the material damages.

They finally arrived on a battle front after a fight. You could smell the munitions shots on the poor victims and the smell of flesh also. Candy and her colleagues started to look among the victims if some of them we’re still alive. They had to examine them closely, and a doctor was declaring them alive or dead and the bodies were put aside. Those who still had a heart beat, were removed as quickly as possible in those circumstances, after being examined by a doctor, and taken to the trucks to get the first care until they get to the nearest hospital. A lot of them were so lucky. A lot had bullets wounds and had bled to death. Even though they found a lot of people alive, it was little consolation for the death atmosphere and desolation that you felt on those camps. That’s how it was for all the battle fronts they went to. Candy and her colleagues were a little upset the first day. They even had nightmares, but in the long run, it became routine. They spent one week working at the hospital and one week on the battle front, during the fight or after a fight; they still didn't get the occasion to go on a battle front actually still fighting. Michael was always worried for his beloved. He tried to reassure her and reassure himself.

- I'm not sure I still like your risky side... he said

- Michael everything is going to be all right. But there's no guaranty you know it

- I wouldn't be able to take it if I lose you...

- You're not going to lose me, I'll be back, honey

- Come back to me quickly!

She got on the truck with the others after kissing him. Everybody looked worried; going to the battle front was not a party of pleasure. The deafening noise of the shots fired, shells and tanks, were unbearable in the beginning, but you kind of get used to it in the long run, especially since there was no other way. Candy always asked herself how men gifted with intelligence, spent their time using their brains to make something that had the capacity to take a human life. To invent an instrument of death... Now there they were, killing themselves so easily. But you have to say that humanity has been fighting since the dawn of times, since the creation... Which was a pity to cut short the lives of some people, under bullets, shells and tank shots…

The nurses from the Red Cross were sneaking in the best way they could among the soldiers to provide the first care. The fight lasted for hours and the medical staff was able to save a lot of wounded. Some of them even had a brush with bullets. But nothing serious. They were able to continue their work. I was one thing to be forced to go to war to help, but it was another thing to volunteer; the determination was different. Candy didn't get discouraged, she continued her way through the battle field, putting her life in danger...danger? But her life was constantly in danger, especially on the battle front!

- Candy don't go too far, said one of the doctors

- But there's still some wounded over there she said going further

The doctor continued taking care of the victims he had. Candy continued her way, she saw a white cloth a little far away from there and she literally felt the bullets flying over her head. She was a little afraid, but she didn't let that horror stop her. She got to where the white cloth was. There were bodies on top and some body have been dead for a while and their stiffness made the task of removing them a little more difficult and heavier. She finally managed to move them and she discovered a man in his forties, dead. A doctor, he had a bullet in his head. Candy was outraged, why were those poor doctors not protected by an invisible shield, because they were helping those in need?! She looked and she saw another white cloth, she moved the bodies to discover a young woman wounded on the abdomen, but still alive. She was bleeding to death. Candy put a compress on the wound to try and stop the bleeding, she tied it with a bandage.

- This should stop the bleeding for the moment she told the young woman

- W...what...who...? Said the young woman

- Come on, I'm going to help you said Candy

- Candy? Said the young wounded woman, what are you

Candy was surprised to hear her name called by a wounded woman in the middle of the horror and desolation of the battle camp with bullets and shells exploding... She looked at the girl's face that was covered with mud... But she looked carefully and she ended up recognizing her, there were no glasses, but it was her.

- Flammy?! Flammy Hamilton? She cried, Oh my God!

- Miss careless, what the hell are you doing here in the middle of this horror? Said Flammy almost delirious

- Flammy! How happy I am to see you! Don't talk, keep your strengths...

She managed to take Flammy to the truck were she received the first care. The doctor in charge thought her condition was serious.

- She's loosing a lot of blood; we have to operate right away...Candy the morphine, quick! It's urgent!

The other nurses also helped the doctor to perform and operation in the middle of bullets flying over their head. But they had to get the bullet out of Flammy's abdomen to stop the bleeding. The doctor prayed it wasn't too late. The bullet fortunately didn't touch any vital organs so he was able to extract it easily and close up. But she will need to be look after, because she will probably have a fever. The doctor then passed to another victim...Candy continued to help him but was looking after Flammy at every little free moment she got. Flammy started to have a very high fever, indeed, like almost all the patient operated on. Another truck arrived to relieve them and Candy's group was finally able to go back to the hospital. In the back of the truck, Candy had a wet cloth on all the patients' foreheads and was looking after Flammy in particular. The fever made her delirious

- Dad, stop drinking! No! Dad... was saying Flammy.

Candy remembered her visit at the Hamilton's. They didn't know that their daughter almost died today. But all that, America and its problems seemed so futile when you had bullets flying over your head.

- Candy! Said Kelly, look you're bleeding...

Candy looked and saw a flesh wound on her left arm. A bullet brushed her arm... she didn't even feel it.

- Wait, said Kelly, don't move, I'm going to take care of it...

Kelly took some cotton with rubbing alcohol and cleaned the wound and the put a bandage on it. Candy felt a slight pain while Kelly was cleaning the wound, but she didn't even react.

- Thanks Kelly

- You know this young woman

- We were together in nursing school

- Oh...I'm sorry

- Thanks, I'm so happy she's alive

- I can imagine, said Kelly

They finally arrived at the hospital and the wounded were able to be transferred on clean and warm beds. The nurses were able to go and rest, but Candy stayed at Flammy's side until the fever broke. She told her about her adventures after she had left from France, and she told her about her break up with the one she love without saying his name.

Michael was at the door and he was listening everything she was saying. He also heard the part where she was talking about the love she lost and how much she suffered and how she was able to see the sun on the horizon because of Michael. He loved Candy so much. He entered the room and approached Candy. He put his arms around her from the back and his head was in her hair.

- Michael... ouch! She said

- What? You're hurt?

- Just a flesh wound...

- From a bullet? Oh my God!

- It's ok, Michael, I'm fine...

- Candy, you're going to drive me crazy!

Candy turned around and hugged him, after all the scare and the emotions of the day, she felt good in Michael's arms.

- I will be more careful next time. I'm sorry if I worried you

- Don't apologize, honey, it's the war...

He stayed a little with her near Flammy, then he left. He was on the night shift. At dawn, Flammy's fever broke. She opened her eyes when Candy was putting a wet towel on her forehead. At first, she couldn't see clearly, she thought she was seeing an angel...

- Candy?

- Flammy!! Finally! You scared me half to death! Said Candy smiling

- So I was not dreaming... You're here in France, in this hell hole... said Flammy

- I came with the Red Cross

- But...

- Don’t get tired, Flammy. We're going to talk later. I'm going to go get the doctor and I'm going to go get myself some rest...

- Thank you so much, Candy

- Why?

- You stayed at my bedside, all night long...

- You're my friend Flammy...

- But I was always so cold with you...

- Maybe you had your reasons, but I've always considered you my friend

- Candy, I often thought about your smile, the patients loved you so much... I should've followed your example...

- The patients were calling you the "ice cube"

Flammy smiled, one thing Candy never saw! She was kind of pretty when she smiled…

- I know, you were the day and I was the night...I was taking my job so seriously, I never smiled... America is at peace for the moment, and even if it enters the war officially, it's not going to happen there, but here in Europe. You were right to smile because with the horror we're leaving here, we need smiles, a smile like yours to have some courage and cheer people up...

- Thanks Flammy with all my heart. Now get some rest...

Michael arrived for the morning round, before he went to rest too.

- Dr. Durand, Said Candy, Flammy is awake... I was with her in nursing school, then on training at Chicago...

- Pleased to meet you, Michael Durand

- Flammy Hamilton... pleased to meet you

- You were with Candy in Chicago... If I had stayed longer, I would've met you. I took Candy to the hospital before I left...but I was in a rush

- Really? Said Flammy

- Yes, Flammy, you remember the two days off they gave us when we got to Chicago?

- And I was upset with you to have taken those days, when the others and I had started our training already... I'm sorry Candy. I was way to serious back then

- No, Flammy you loved your work.

- Yes, but now I regret not taking advantage of all the days off they gave us. This war has showed me that I wasn't living, I was too serious, I never had fun...You were right to take advantage of all the days off to be with your friends and your adopted family and that allowed you to meet a nice doctor...said Flammy smiling

- I was not exactly a doctor back then said Michael

- And I wasn't exactly a nurse said candy

- But you had the same goal, to learn a job to save lives... you're the perfect couple, said Flammy. Destiny has reunited you here... don't let miss your chance...

- Thanks, said Michael. You're lucky Candy found you...

- I know, Said Flammy smiling, she's my guardian angel...

Candy blushed to the compliment.

- I lost my glasses, said Flammy

- I'm sending you an eye doctor so he could make you other glasses, said Michael

- Thanks, said Flammy

- You're welcome. See you next time

- Bye doctor

- Bye Flammy said Candy, this time I'm really leaving!

She got out of the room with Michael. They changed and went to Candy's dorm. Michael was falling asleep.

- You want to have diner with me later on?

- Yes, Michael. I'll see you tonight...

He kissed her on the cheek. Candy went to bed; she entered her room, took her clothes off, and went straight to bed.

She woke up at the end of the afternoon. She stayed in bed until 6 pm. She took a shower and got ready for her diner with Michael. He came to pick her up and they went to eat in a small restaurant. Michael had a serious expression.

- Michael, said Candy, are you all right?

- Candy I'm going to go to the battle front soon...

- Oh... she said the heart tight

- We won't see each other for a while...

- When are you going?

- In a week...

- Already?

- I know... Candy will you marry me? He asked out of the blue

Candy looked at him surprised. Marry? Was it even possible? Of course, she wanted to be his wife!

- Yes, Michael, I want to marry you...

She heard a little voice say; "what about Terry?" What about, Terry...? Terry was married to Susanna!

"Life goes on, a handsome doctor and French officer wanted to marry her... said another little voice.”

She would be crazy to refuse!

- Thank you Candy, you've made me very happy...

- But do soldiers have the right to get married in war time?

- I have a special authorization, my fathers has connections...

- Oh great! You've got a St. Valentine to marry us?

- A St. Valentine?

- Yes, you know the story? He married the young roman soldier despite de Emperor interdiction…who wanted the soldiers to complete their military training first...

- That's where Valentine's Day come from? Oh... let's get married on Valentine's day, Candy

- The lovers' holiday...ok, she said with a smile, in three days...

Candy told her friends the news and they were very happy for her. Michael did the same thing with his family. The day in question, she had the day off and her friends got her ready. She was wearing a light pink dress with a hat.

"Thanks Annie said Candy; you would've never thought that you were buying me my wedding dress..."

They went to the church where Michael was waiting for them with his family. The ceremony was very fast. Candy became Mrs. Michael Durand, in Paris, on February 14th 1917, during the First World War, that was known at that time as the Big War. The nurse had married her doctor... Like all the actor that had played Romeo and Juliet got married... like Terry had married Susanna Marlowe... but she didn't play Juliet, but she would've played it, without the accident... But why was she thinking about that? It was her wedding day; she had just married Michael, the man she loved... She was now Mrs. Michael Durand, the French nurses are going to have a long face... They went at Michael parents' house to celebrate.

- Candy, said Allyson, are you going to move?

- Of course said Michael, I rented a small apartment not too far from the hospital

- And Michael is leaving for the battle front in 4 days, said Candy a little sad

- Did you write your friends? Asked Kristina

- Not yet...Oh...They're going to be surprised! Said Candy with a smile

They burst out laughing. Candy was happy; she had just got married... Compared to the horror of the war, her marriage seemed like paradise... Her friends went back to the dorm. Candy and Michael went to their apartment. It was the first time for her to go there. The apartment was not too big, clean with two bedrooms. Michael carried her to cross the threshold

- Welcome home, Mrs. Durand

- Thanks, Officer Durand. It's very fancy in here…

- Don't worry about cleaning, I have a maid who cleans and cooks

- That's good! With the hospital...

- You're going to be off after I leave...

- I'm going to miss you

- Let's take advantage of my presence then, he said putting his lips on hers and taking her to the bedroom.

He put her on the bed, delicately. They took their clothes off very slowly, no rush; they had the whole night in front of them. Michael had married the young girl he had met in Chicago that was coming down the tower with a rope and a stupid suitcase... he never forgot about her and destiny had put her back on his path, in the middle of this senseless war. If he didn't come back from the battle front alive, at least he would've married the woman he loved.

Candy had put her past and her life in America in the attic. she only thought about her present life, the one she really had now, the life with Michael, her husband...

They gave in to their passion... Michael was very gentle in taking his wife’s virginity; he showed her step by step the surprises of the pleasure of the flesh... that pleasure some people paid prostitutes for. Those two beings were consuming their love under the bullets and shell explosions... Candy had become a woman; she was transported to the summit of ecstasy with her husband.

The four following days, they spent it together, without going outside. They had fun, taking full advantage of their mutual presence. The maid came in the morning and found her boss, with a ...girl!

- Clothilde, said Michael in French and with a smile... let me introduce you to my wife, Candy. She's American. You'll have to dig in your English to speak to her, then in English to Candy, honey, this is Clothilde, the housekeeper

- Hello said Candy smiling

- Good morning Madame, said Clothilde who was in her mid forties with a smile

Her boss was married! The war didn't stop him! That's good, because life in the middle of the war was sad and without any future.

It was the end of the theatrical season. Robert Hathaway was in his office making plans for the next season when he heard knocks on the door.

- Come in!

The door opened and the young Terrence Grandchester came in.

- Good morning, Robert

- Terry, come in. What can I do for you? How are you? Are you ok at home with Susanna?

- What do you think? But can I ask you something?

- What?

- I need to take a leave of absence...

- For how long?

- I’m going to France to join the troupes at war...

- Terry…

- Robert, I can't take it anymore. I don't want to go and get drunk again, when a lot of young men are losing their lives everyday on the battle front. I want to go and fight and maybe I will realise that life is worth living without the one we love...But I have to do it.

- You're going to leave Susanna again?

- Its for the war, Robert, for the war…

- Your decision is made...

- For several months. I was waiting the end of the season so I wouldn't leave you without warning.

- Ok. But come back to us whole. Your talent is priceless

- Thanks Robert

- And don't worry for Susanna we'll take care of her

- Thank you. Bye

- Good luck, Terry.

Terry left the office and took his belongings and left the theatre. He had already started the military training, but he had told him to cut his long hair only on the eve of his departure. He went home to tell his wife, Susanna. She didn't suspect anything and she's going to be surprised. He found her reading a book and he smiled when he saw her.

Susanna was surprised, Terry was smiling to her? What was going on? He never smiled to her!

- Terry, hello. You’re not working, today?

- No Susanna. In fact, I asked Robert for a leave of absence

- A leave of absence? She asked surprised, why?

- I need some free time...

- What for...? She asked holding her breath

- So I can go to the war...


- No... I'm leaving tomorrow morning, but I'm going to camp for training, tonight...

- Tonight? But... she said with tears in her eyes

- Susanna, I'm sorry. I have to do it. I don't want to hit rock bottom again...

- But what if something happens to you? And you want to leave me again? You could die...

- We'll cross that bride when we get there...if we get there

- I love you Terry, and I don't think I'll survive if you die

- I'll be back, say that to yourself... I'll be back. Pray for me

- Terry... she said with tears in her eyes

He took her from her wheel chair and took her to the bedroom... He made her the ultimate gift... even if he had to imagine another woman in her place. He called her by another name, without even realising it and she knew about it, but she said to herself that it was better than nothing, she'd rather be called "Candy" and have her husband making mad passionate love to her, than to be alone in her cold bed... What sad consolation!
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icon12  view post Posted on 22/7/2009, 19:33     +1   -1

Reine du drame à la plume diversifiée qui ne cesse de produire toujours autant, malgré les ans et ses idées qui autant en emporte le vent!




Chapter 5
"The Queen of my thoughts"

The weather was nice on the boat that was taking Terrence Grandchester to the war. He now had very very short hair, no more longs locks. He didn't know what he was looking for, he didn't know what he wanted, all he knew it's that instead of wasting his life drinking, it was better to use it to a more noble cause, a more necessary cause... The war maybe was not the ideal cause, but... it was better than to drown his sorrow in alcohol... He thought about Susanna whom he had left in tears. He was also doing it for her; he had to search for his path. His life was not going the way he wanted it to, there was a void, and empty spot, a very very big empty spot...Every time he was fulfilling his marital duty, he was forced to imagine another one in his arms, it was disloyal to his wife, but it was either that or abstinence... And his wife loved him so much that she would rather have a husband in her bed that was dreaming of another, than no husband at all.

He often thought about her, his love of yesteryear, his lost love...often? No... Not a day had gone by without him thinking of her... she was the Queen of his thoughts... to live without her, was like living without his heart, she was his heart, she was his soul. Maybe the horror of the war was going to change his mind.

They arrived at the military camp early in the morning, after a week of crossing and a long trip by truck. The military camp was mostly big tents and the newcomers got the ones left free by either the soldiers that died at war and those wounded or those who were amputated. The soldiers who were there before were having fun making the newbies do some physical exercises but with water pouring on them, for example, or sometimes more amusing, like singing a love song, or opera song... It was mostly to relax them, because it won't take long for them to realize that their work was far from being a party of pleasure.

Terry met a young lieutenant who was also one of the doctors in the camp, and they became good friends. They talked about all and nothing, even about Shakespeare.

- I'm an actor said Terry

- Grandchester... said the doctor...oh yeah! I didn't recognize you without your hair!

They burst out laughing. Terry himself had trouble getting used to it.

- But what the heck are you doing here in France? Don't you have a wife? A career?

- Yes, but I felt the need to come here and fight with the others, said Terry

- Like it was your duty...I was like you in the beginning...

- In the beginning? What about now?

- I just got married and I'm not too sure that risking my life is worth it...

- You got married in war time?

- My father has influence... I didn't want to wait the end of the war... you never know what could happen... I couldn't let her get away again...Miss Daredevil...

- Miss Daredevil?

- Yes, that my nickname for her, she loves risk...

- So she's here in France… what does she do?

- She's a nurse and goes often goes on the battle front to get the wounded soldiers

- That's dangerous indeed, said Terry

- She's close to death everyday...

- Like you in fact...

- Yes

- Well you're a perfect match... you both love the risk

- And I love her more than anything...

- Do you have a picture?

- No...But I have to introduce you to her one day...

- Ok...

The two men spent a lot of time talking about their lives.

- What about you? Are you married? Asked the doctor

- Yes, but it was more by duty than for love... said Terry

- By duty? Did you get her into trouble...

- Yes, but not in the way you're thinking...

Terry told him his story in brief.

- Oh... so you gave up the one you really wanted, the one you loved more than anything... I’m sorry buddy

- Thanks. That's why you're lucky, you've got the one you love. Don't ever let go of her and put her first, before anything

- Thanks for the advice. My wife passes before everything...

Other soldiers arrived and they started to talk about their wives, fiancée, girlfriends...

Later in his bed, Terry was thinking about the doctor and his happiness with Miss Daredevil... He too had a Miss once upon a time, his Miss Freckles, his Miss Tarzan...the Queen of his thoughts, because she literally occupied his thoughts... He regretted for the thousandth time not to have chosen her. Why didn't he talk to her that day at the happy clinic? He let Albert convince him not to talk to her...he should've talked to her, he should've told her that he had made a big mistake and that they had to live together...but he went back to his duty and his obligation...

Candy was reading her friends’ letter and she was surprised to find one from Neil. He’d finally decided to write her and get some news. She hadn't told her friends yet that she had gotten married. They will be happy but they were going to regret not being there. She wrote them each a long letter telling them about her marriage and how much she was happy with her wonderful husband.

The French nurses were even angrier with Candy after they learned about her marriage to the handsome French doctor. But Candy continued her work like there was nothing to it. She was leaving in Michael's apartment and sometimes, she and Michael, had Allyson, Kelly and Kristina over to spend the night.

Annie had just came down for breakfast when she saw Candy's letter on her spot.

- Oh... Candy wrote, she said to her parents

She opened the envelope quickly to read the long letter her friend wrote and she couldn't believe her eyes.

- What? She yelled, I'm going to kill her!

- What's happening Annie? Asked Mrs. Brighton worried

- Candy got married! I'm going to kill her! She repeated

- She got married? To whom?

- The doctor and lieutenant Michael Durand...

- The young officer from the tower incident? Said Mrs. Brighton who knew about it

- Yes, they met again in France and…

- He married her! Isn't that good? Said Mrs. Brighton

- No! She got married without me, her sister and best friend!

- Oh, that's all? Said Mrs. Brighton

- Annie, said he father, they're in the middle of the war, close to death everyday...they practically live from day to day

- You're right; they didn't want to run the risk of not being together ...Oh... I'm going to see Archie and Patty; they must have received a letter from Candy too…

Annie went to get Patricia and they went to see Archie at the manor where the subject of conversation was Candy’s wedding. Albert was a little hurt but he was happy for her. Archie was talking about it when Annie and Patty arrive followed by Neil and Eliza that they met at the door.

- You’re talking about Candy, said Eliza, she’s dead this time I hope?

- Eliza, said Neil, you really don’t have a heart!

- No, Eliza, she got married said Annie

- Married? Said Eliza getting pale, to whom?

- To Michael said Patty, Candy should thank you… the trick you played on her gave her a handsome husband, a doctor and an officer in the French army!

- She married Michael? said Neil

- On February 14th, St. Valentine’s Day said Archie. By the way Neil, here’s your letter…

- Thanks, said Neil

- You wrote her? Said Eliza, what’s got into you?

Neil didn’t answer and he went to read Candy’s letter in corner the living room. Eliza didn’t insist and got out of the room angry. Candy married Michael? It was because of her that they’d met! NO! NO! NO!!! Why was she so lucky? Michael was a good catch! Darn!

The others continued to talk about the incident. Candy was apologizing to Albert, because she didn’t ask for his permission. Albert smiled; Candy’s first thought was always for others. She will never change and the wounded of war were very lucky to have her as a nurse.

- Archie, said Annie, I wanted to wait for Candy to set our wedding date, but I think she would understand if we get married without her

- You’re right, let’s get married! Life is too short to wait

- So when is the big date? Asked Albert

- In a month, said Annie smiling

- Neil, said Archie, since my brother is not here, would you be my best man?

- I would be honored, said Neil smiling

Ever since Candy’s departure, Archie was getting along better with his cousin. Their worries about the object of their affection; Candy had in a way made them closer… Albert was happy to see that Neil had grown up and he now had the sense of family and responsibilities. Eliza didn’t seem to want to change. But she will grow up one day; in her time… let’s hope that she will also have the sense of family…

- Patty, said Annie, since Candy is not here, would you be my maid of honor?

- Of course, said Patty, great!

- Let’s go see my mother to tell her the news! See you later honey!

The two friends left and Albert stayed with his nephews.

- I wanted to talk business, said Albert

- Me too, said Neil…, I have a proposition…

- Go ahead Neil, I’m listening said Albert

- Europe has been at war for 2 years… and we don’t know yet when the war will be over…. Said Neil, but whatever happens, Europe will be amputated by all the material damage and financially…Even if the United Stated enter the war, it will not happen here on our land…

- What did you have in mind? Asked Archie

- Well this horror, the damages, are giving us the opportunity to become more powerful… we have the occasion to expand our market. Europe will need America to get back on it’s feet

- Neil, you’re a good business man, said Albert

- Yes, Archie, that’s a good idea…

- So, let’s get to work…?

The soldiers were in the trench and the army enemy was attacking them. The bullets and bombshells noise was deafening. The leaders of the military offensive had to scream to give orders to their soldiers. The doctor were moving and trying to help those wounded and reduce the damages as best as they could. But for those who got bullets in dangerous areas, it was no use. The doctor who were used to it, still felt as bad as in the beginning of the war.

The fight continued for a while and towards the end, one of the doctors stood up to help one wounded soldier, and he got a bullet in the chest and fell down, near the other victims that were lifeless. The others didn’t realize immediately that the doctor had fallen. When the fight was over, it let its place to the bitter taste of desolation. The wounded that were still alive were moved to hospitals.

Terry started to look for his friend… it was not their first fight, they had had a lot; and they used to reunites in the evening to talk about it and the doctor will stitch them up in front of a nice cup of tea and trying to talk about the fight with humour. But this time, he didn’t see him anywhere. He looked for him for a while and he finally found him among the corpses, left for dead. Thank God! He had lost a lot of blood.

- Doc, said Terry, you can’t abandon us….

- Terry, said the doc weakly

- Don’t talk… come on, were going to stitch you up fine, he said taking him

The members of the Red Cross were there with their trucks and their doctors to take care of the wounded until they got to the hospitals. The doc, was in one of the trucks and Terry got the permission to go with him.

- Maybe it’s too late, said the doc, take care of the other wounded….

- You’re one of the wounded too, doc said Terry, hang in there, think about your wife, your Miss Daredevil, you have to stay alive to see her

- Yes…my darling…tell her…that…I love her

- You’ll tell her yourself said Terry, come on doc, it’s going to be ok

The doc fainted, tired and weakened by the loss of blood and the pain from his wound. The trip to the hospital seemed so long to Terry, he didn’t want to lose his friend.

They finally arrived at the hospital, and the medical staff come running to take care of the soldiers. When the doctors and the nurses came to get the doc, one of the doctors said;

- My God it’s doctor Durand! Go and get his wife!

- Ok, doctor, said the nurse going inside the hospital

Terry got in and went to the waiting room. It was the general panic when wounded soldiers arrived.

Candy was in the staff room and she was getting ready to go help, when Kelly arrived running.

- Candy…

- Yes, I’m coming….

- No, wait, I’ve got some bad news…

- What? She asked worried

- It’s Michael…

- Michael? Said Candy almost whispering

- He was wounded by a bullet…he’s in the operating room

- Oh my God, NO!

- You can stay, the others will understand…

- Yes…but no, Kelly, I have to continue my work she said with tears in her voice, I can’t let my emotions disturb me… that’s what were taught

- Candy, are you sure?

- Yes…let’s go!

She followed Kelly and they went to take care of the wounded soldiers and after several hours, the calm was back. Candy was finally able to see her husband, who was in post-op room recuperating. She went to his bed side and she found him still asleep.

- Oh, Michael, you scared me, my love, she said putting her head on his chest very softly so she won’t hurt him. Wake up quickly, I love you. I missed you and you come back to me on a stretcher? Is that so that we couldn’t do anything or what?

She laughed quietly and she continued to talk when Kristina arrived.

- Candy, the young soldier that saved Michael wants to know if he can see him

- Oh yes of course, I wanted to thank him for saving my husband…

Terry was in the hallway asking for information on his doc’s health.

- The doctor? Said the nurse, his wife will come and talk to you, here she is, said the nurse pointing her finger to the wife in question

- Mrs. Durand, he’s over there said a woman’s voice

Terry turned around to see the Miss Daredevil and he couldn’t believe his eyes!

- Oh thank you, said Mrs. Durand walking towards Terry who had just turned around

She stopped, frozen on the spot. He had closed-cropped hair, but it was him, Terry, her Terry!...well, Susanna’s Terry now…but… she will never forget his deep blue eyes in which loved to drown herself…

- Terry, she said

He was looking at her like if she were a vision; the Queen of his thoughts was there in front of him… Oh my God! She was so beautiful, her freckles…but what in the hell was she doing there in the middle of the war instead of being in security in America? Mrs. Durand? No, he must’ve heard wrong…she couldn’t be the doc’s wife! But still…

- Candy, he said

Candy followed her instincts; in the middle of this war, after hours of taking care of the wounded of this senseless war, it was not the time to refrain her impulsions. She ran jump at his neck! Terry hugged her back, too happy to have the one he dreamed about night and day, the Queen of his heart in his arms. He felt his heart exploding with joy. He closed his eyes. Candy was in Terry’s arms, Terry’s arms! She never, in a million years, would’ve thought being in his arms again. Terry Terry, that she loved so much… Terry that has saved her husband… her husband…Michael…she let go of him.

- Terry…she said softly, you’re the one that saved Michael?

- I found him…

- Thank you, she said hugging him again

- You’re Miss Daredevil?

- Yes

- He never did tell me your given name…he said

- He told you about me?

- Of course…Mrs. Durand he said ironically, you’re really a daredevil like he said. You like putting your life in danger?

- But…

- What the heck are you doing here? He asked suddenly, you like hearing the bullets flying over you head?

- You’re one to talk! What did you come to do here, help the French to kill the enemy?

- You could’ve stayed in security in America….

- Yes… but I’d rather be here helping taking care of the wounded of this senseless war… you’ve got a problem with that?

- Yes, you could get yourself killed…

- You too for that matter! It’s not your problem to worry about me anymore, anyway! She said with anger, don’t you have a wife?! You left her to come and risk your life?

- Candy…

- I’m Michael’s wife and he will worry about me!

- I will never stop worrying about you…

- Michael’s fine. The operation went well, thank you, she said ignoring his last remark

- Can I see him?

- Of course, follow me…

He followed her to Michael’s bedside. She sat on a chair next to the bed and she took his hand.

- Michael, she said lovingly, wake up my love…

Terry felt like they were sticking a knife in his heart. Candy was tender with another man, her husband! She was tender with her husband! She was married…to his best friend!!! Destiny couldn’t have been more cruel to him…the Queen of his thoughts was also Michael’s!!

Michael moved his eyes and he finally opened them, he smiled weakly.

- Miss Daredevil?

- Yes, chéri, I’m here, my lieutenant, said Candy smiling

- It’s good to see you… I’m sorry for worrying you…

- Stop saying nonsense, I’m here for you

- I missed you, chérie…

- I missed you too… after all those weeks, you come back on a stretcher?

- I know, it’s not fair…but I can have a little kiss, can I?

- Of course my love…

Candy leaned and kissed him on the lips for a longtime. Terry who was looking at the scene the heart broken, wanted to die. Assisting to a loving moment between Candy and Michael, his best friend… Why was fate set upon making him suffer? Every time Michael was talking about the woman he loved, he had no idea that it was the same woman he loved! Oh Love when you have us…!

When the lovebirds finally stopped…

- Michael, the young soldiers that saved you is here, he wants to see you…

She didn’t know why she didn’t tell him she knew him, that he was her old love. Michael was not in the best of shape, he didn’t need to know that. He was friend with Terry that had just saved his life. During this time of war, we needed all the friends we could have and to make Michael hostile towards Terry now, would be useless. The atmosphere was already as tense as it was. Terry was so upset that he didn’t say anything either… Michael had just got out from surgery where he almost died, so that news would only make him more ill… So they kept silent, both of them about their past relationship.

- Terry…come! Said Michael You’ve met my Miss Daredevil?

- Yes, said Terry, she’s absolutely charming

Candy felt funny to be in the same room as her husband and the love of her life; the sensation was really weird.

- Yes, she’s great, isn’t she? I wished you were with the one you love here… even though there’s danger… it’s good to be with the one you love said Michael

Candy didn’t dare look at Terry, and this last one had a nervous laugh… the scene was getting weirder by the second!

- I will come back on the battle front after a few days of vacation, said Michael, who didn’t seem to realize the tense atmosphere in the room

- Don’t worry about it, just get well said Terry

- When are you going back?

- Tomorrow morning, said Terry

- Great! You’re going to spend the night with my wife!

That innocent declaration, sounded really eerie to Candy and Terry’s ears.

- No, I can find a room in a inn said Terry

- Nonsense! You’re my friend, you saved my life. I owe you that

- No, you don’t owe me anything…

- Come on Terry, if you hadn’t look for me… and you could keep Candy company

- Michael, said Candy, there’s no way I’m leaving your bedside…

- I’m fine, my love. You have to sleep in your bed, not on a chair…

- But Michael…

- Don’t argue, Miss Daredevil… go spend the night with Terry at our house…

Candy knew it was not good to get him agitated, he had to remain calm.

- Ok, honey, she finally said, I’m going to take Terry to our place. Now, you get some rest. I’ll be here first thing in the morning…

- Take your time, Terry will be there…spend a little time together, said Michael

That was getting ridiculous! Michael had no idea, how what he was saying sounded! They stayed for a little while and since it was late, Candy and Terry were finally leaving.

- Goodbye, chéri said Candy kissing her husband

- Good night, Miss Daredevil said Michael kissing her back

- Goodnight doc, said Terry

- Good night artist! Have fun with my wife!

When they got out of the room, Terry knew the situation was a little uncomfortable…a little? He said;

- Candy, I can find a room in an inn…

- Don’t be ridiculous, Terry. Michael insisted…

- But it’s a little too weird. We should’ve told him the truth

- And make him more ill than he is? He needs calm, not worries…

- It was funny to hear him telling us to have a fun together…

- No kidding! Let’s go Terry, it’s very late. It’s not too far, we’re going to walk.

They walked in silence to hers and Michael’s apartment.
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icon12  view post Posted on 22/7/2009, 19:53     +1   -1

Reine du drame à la plume diversifiée qui ne cesse de produire toujours autant, malgré les ans et ses idées qui autant en emporte le vent!




Chapter 6
“A difficult ordeal”

They arrived at the apartment a few minutes later. You could smell the odor of the nice dinner prepared hours before. Everything was in order.

- Come in, Terry welcome to my home, said Candy trying to be normal, but every word for her was a torture

- Thank you, said Terry looking absent

- You must be hungry, she said, after all those hours on the battle front, I going to set the table…

- Let me help you…

- Ok…

They set the table in silence, Candy re-heated the food, Clothilde the maid had cooked. It was a leg of lamb with potatoes and vegetables. They ate in silence. The atmosphere was tense, and Candy decided to break the silence.

- It’s funny to see you with short hair, she said

- It took me some time to get use to it too, Mrs. Durand, said Terry ironically

Candy felt Terry’s hostility. But she decided to ignore it.

- The food is good. I’m not the one that cooked; it’s the maid, Clothilde…

He didn’t answer, he continued eating in silence. He was with the woman he loved, the Queen of his thoughts, in an empty apartment… but she was married to his best friend…but wasn’t he married too?

Candy abandoned the idea of making conversation. She finished her meal, washed the dishes and went to her bedroom to get ready for bed, by taking a quick shower. She came back wearing a light purple robe and her wet hair was undone, falling on her shoulders. She was really attractive.

Terry was looking at her and he thought he was going to go nuts! Oh my God! And he had to spend the night in the room next to her?

- Terry? She said with a little voice

- Yes…? He answered like he was dreaming

- I’m going to show you where you’re going to sleep, come with me….

The guest room was always ready, since sometimes her friends came to spend the night with her. He stood up followed her; she showed him the bathroom and then the room.

- I put one of Michael’s pyjamas on the bed…

- Thank you…

- I’ll be in the living room, if you need me…

Terry took a shower, after spending the whole day fighting on the ground, he was full of dust. The emotions, to see his best friend hurt and almost dying, finding the Queen of his thoughts in the middle of this horror, only to learn that she was also his best friend’s wife! The universe liked to complicate the existence of the living! He had come to France to find a solution to his problem and he found Candy married…! He went back to the living room and he found her reading her friends’ letters. She was on the couch.

- Are you ok? She asked smiling, you need something?

- No. I’m fine, thank you, he said

- I have news about the others, Annie and Archie are getting married soon, I think that the fact that I got married without her….she’s a little mad at me…

Terry couldn’t take it anymore! He has to say something; otherwise he was going to explode!

- I, on my part, can’t believe you’re married to Michael! Where did you meet him? Here in France?!! He finally yelled

Candy decided to stay calm. Getting mad now, was not going to serve any purpose.

- No, Terry. I met him in Chicago at the Andrew manor, not too long before you came for King Lear actually… she said as calmly as possible

- Really? He said skeptical

- Yes, really!

She told him what had happened with Mrs. Reagan, forcing her and Annie to sleep in the tree house, Neil, Eliza and finally the tower and Michael…

- I see, he caught your eye ever since…what was it? Was it the uniform? He said with anger

- Oh my God! Tell me I’m dreaming! You’re jealous? You don’t have that right anymore!!! How’s Susanna, your wife?!! She yelled

He didn’t answer. Yes he was jealous, he wanted to take Candy and make her his on the couch!

- She must’ve been devastated that you left her to come to war…

- Indeed she was…she’s fine. I got a letter from her a few days ago; she’s having a baby…

- Oh…said Candy with a tears in her voice

Candy felt like they were sticking a knife in her stomach. Terry saw her expression, she was hurt. So she still cared about him. He felt happy in his heart.

- Candy, I’m sorry

- Sorry? Sorry for what? She asked with tears in his eyes, congratulations….

- Candy, I’m sorry for everything, for Susanna, the baby….

- A baby is a wonderful thing, Terry…

- You know what I mean….

- Yes, I do…and this conversation is taking us nowhere!

- I know you’re hurt. How do you think I feel, finding you married to my best friend? I feel like dying Candy! I want to take you in my arms and kiss you and make love to you all night!

- Terry, please! She said crying

- But I have to respect you; you’re my Michael’s wife. He’s my best friend and he trusts me…Candy… he said with a begging tone…

- Terry, I’m married to Michael. I’m going to go to bed now. You should go to bed too. You have to go back to camp in the morning. Good night Terry…

She ran to her room and close the door behind her, and she jump on her bed and burst into tears….Terry turned the light off and also went to bed. He heard Candy cry in her room. He had to call upon all the strengths in the world, so he wouldn’t go to her room and console her. They both spent a very agitated night.

The next day, the housekeeper, Clothilde, made breakfast. Candy woke up and got ready. She had a headache. Spending the night with Terry next door… he was married to Susanna and they were having a baby…a baby… that was not fair! She’d came to war to make a clean break, because of Terry’s wedding. All that was for nothing? She had to find Terry again who was now Michael’s best friend? What had she done to God, to deserve such a torture?

She got out of the room and she saw Clothilde.

- Good morning, Mrs. Durand, said Clothilde

- Good morning, Clothilde, said Candy

- Breakfast is ready…

- Thank you. Could you add a cup, we have a guest

- A guest?

- Yes. Michael was hurt…

- Oh my God! How is he?

- He’s fine, thank God, because of this young soldier…Michael sent him to spend the night here…

- Oh, Mr. Durand is fine…Thank God. Ok, I’ll put an extra cup.

Clothilde put an extra cup and plate on the table for the guest and she went on with her work.

Terry woke up, if we could call it that, after spending a sleepless night. Candy had put one of Michael’s uniform on the bed while he was in the shower. The uniform he had on, the night before was kind of dirty.

“Thanks, Freckles, he said in his head”

He finished getting dressed and went to the dining room where Candy was. He smelled the nice odour of hot bread. That was a dream image, that he wished so much, would come true…

Candy stood up when she saw him.

- Terry…Good morning, she said with a smile, you want some coffee?

- Good morning Candy, yes, please. Thanks.

- Did you sleep well?

- What do you think?

- I don’t know…

- What do you mean you don’t know?

- I’m not in your head… Terry, I can’t know…

“Actually you’re in my head, 24-7 he said in his head”

But he said out loud;

- Candy…

- Eat Terry, we have to go to the hospital to see Michael before you leave for camp

Terry wanted to answer, but Clothilde arrive with the bread and he remained silent. He wanted to tell her so many things, but did he have the right? No, because he had lost that right when he had let her go on those hospital stairs in New York, that night in November when it was snowing so heavily. He would have probably had a chance with her, if he had talked to her at the happy clinic…she was still free back then…Albert had convinced him to leave her alone and to go back to Susanna. Why the devil, did he listen to Albert? Now, it was too late, he was married to Susanna and had lost Candy for good. She was Michael’s wife, the doc, and his best friend. He was the one who had the privilege to….No! He shouldn’t be thinking about that, but he couldn’t help himself….

Candy finished her breakfast and she walked with Terry to the hospital. During the walk, they didn’t say anything. Before they got into the hospital, Terry finally said;

- Candy thank you for having me at your place for the night

- You’re welcome Terry. It’s the least I could do…

- Michael is lucky to have you as a wife. I will always remind him of that

- Thank you Terry she said smiling

They couldn’t do anything else; they were both married to other people. They were much too loyal to their spouses to do anything wrong and live with the consequences and the remorse.

They entered the hospital and they went to Michael’s room. They found the French nurses that were having a pleasure of giving Michael a sponge bath. “Their doctor” that had been stolen by the mean American nurse.

Candy and Terry looked at the scene; the nurses were flirting openly with Michael.

- Looks like the French nurses have no respect for your marriage, said Terry with a mocking tone

- They say I stole one of their most eligible bachelors…

- They’re not ashamed of going after your husband, in any case…

- Well I’m here now, said Candy going near them, ladies….

- Mrs. Durand… said one of the nurses sorry

- I think I can take it from here, said Candy taking the sponge from the nurse’s hand. Good morning honey she said kissing Michael on the lips…

- Good morning my love, said Michael pulling her near him and kissing her passionately

The other nurses looked at them with disdain, and got out of the room. Terry would’ve smiled if the scene of Candy kissing his best friend didn’t hurt him so much.

The couple continued for a while and when they finally stopped;

- How are you honey? Asked Candy, did you have a goodnight?

- I missed you, honey….

- We’ll have all the time in the world during your convalescence

- I’m going to use my influence so that you’ll have your days off too, so we’ll spend our time together...

- Ok, honey, said Candy smiling, it’s good to have influence….

- You’re telling me? Said Michael smiling then he saw Terry. Oh…Terry, I’m sorry

- Don’t stop on my account, said Terry with a forced smile

- Did my wife take good care of you? Asked Michael

- Yes, she was perfect. Thank you Candy, said Terry

- You’re welcome, said Candy without looking at him

- Honey, Terry told you that his wife was in the family way? Asked Michael

- Yes, said Candy hurt inside

- We’ll have to start too, said Michael

- Of course honey said Candy

- And you promise to go back to America if you get pregnant, so you won’t risk the baby’s life? Asked Michael

- I promise you. We maybe both be daredevils, but I will never put the life of our baby in danger…said Candy

Hearing Candy talk…Poor Terry, he was suffering in silence. Candy finished cleaning up her husband and she said;

- I’m going to leave you with Terry, I’ll be back in a little while, said Candy to Michael

Candy got out of the room where the atmosphere was tense for her and Terry. The situation was new, Terry and her will have to get used to it because they knew it was not the last time that they will find themselves all three, together in the same room.

Terry talked with Michael. Then he went to get some news of the other soldiers of his regiment and he got ready to go. But he wanted to see Candy first. He found her at the nurses’ station.

- Candy, said Terry, I have to go. Thanks again for everything….

- Bye Terry. Good luck and be careful…

- Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. It kills me to say it, said Terry, but I wish you get pregnant so you could go back to the security in America…

- Terry…

- Even if I would sell my soul to the devil, for that baby to be mine…Goodbye Freckles.

They looked at each other; there was a wall between them, the wall of marriage, or both their marriages. They had made a choice, according to the circumstances of the moment, of course, and they had to respect that choice, even if it meant that they could never be together, despite all the love they had for each other….Terry turned around and left. Candy looked at him leave, the heart broken into a thousand pieces.

Annie and Archie got married as planned and there was a very big party. Annie was sorry that her sister and childhood friend was not there, but she was at war risking her life. Annie had also invited the whole Pony House. Eliza caught the bride’s bouquet, which meant according to the belief, that she would be the next one to walk down the aisle. As a matter of fact, the young Alexander Preston was after her for a while. By catching Annie’s bouquet, she took it as sign that Alex was the one she had to marry. Her brother encouraged her, because he wanted his sister to get married and have a family, because she was starting have the reputation of being an easy girl…

So Eliza married Alexander Preston, to the big relief of her mother and her brother. Neil continued working with Albert and Archie and they were doing good business during the war, unfortunately.

Annie got pregnant right away. That was something she wrote to her friend right away.

Candy got the letter and she was pleased. Millions of children found themselves orphans everyday during this war. Orphans like her and Annie. There were a lot of sick children at the hospital, other hurt during the war, others, just plain sick. Two day a week, Candy was working in the pediatric ward. One of the doctors that worked there, came from Toronto, Canada. His name was Frederick Grant Banting. He had just obtain his diploma in medicine and he decided to come to France to help with the wounded.

He was fascinated with children cases, especially the diabetics. He often talked to Candy about it, when she worked with him.

- How’s your French? She asked, they speak French in Canada don’t they?

- Yes, in Quebec mostly and other areas, but I came from Ontario, it’s mostly English…Any way when I go back, I will speak more French than the rest of my family! He said laughing

- I’m sure of it, said Candy laughing too, I married a French officer, so I will have to learn French, because it’s my husband’s language…

- Lieutenant Durand

- And he’s a doctor too…

- And you’re a nurse, that’s romantic…

- When we met, he was not a doctor yet and I was not a nurse yet….

- Why did you choose this job?

- The need to help others…

- But why didn’t you stay in America? Why come here in this horror?

- I wanted a change… keep my head focused on something else…

- Broken heart?

- Yes, she said blushing and now, I found Michael and…

- You held on to him like a life buoy….

- I love him…

- I don’t doubt it. You’re lucky… I’m concerned about all those kids. If I get out of this war alive, I will concentrate my research in pediatric medicine. Especially diabetes…

- Isn’t it still incurable?

- Yes, but I hope I get a cure with my research one day….

- Who knows? The future will tell, Dr. Banting

Flammy was better and she was suppose to go back to work on those moving hospitals. She was working at the hospital during her convalescence, doing mostly paperwork. Before she left, she went to see Candy, “her guardian angel” and her friend. She had spent a few weeks working with Candy.

- Candy I have to go, and I wanted to thank you again….

- You’re welcome Flammy

- I’m sorry for being so cold when we were at school. Everybody here with no exception, needs a smile like yours. I followed your example ever since I’m in France… You’re a good influence on me, Miss Careless. You didn’t care that your adoptive family had money, and you became a nurse against their wishes… Thank you Candy for everything.

- Good luck Flammy. Be careful said Candy

- You too, Miss Careless

- The “Ice cube” in you finally melted… said Candy smiling

They hugged and Flammy left.

Michael was assigned to the hospital only for a while, during his “convalescence”. He was working at the hospital, which Candy found less stressing than when he was at the battle front, in constant danger. She was thinking and praying for Terry everyday, who was always at the battle front. She prayed nothing happened to him. Michael often talked about Terry with her, not knowing that every time, her heart was breaking.

Michael was worried every time Candy went to the front. She often came back with bruises but nothing serious. He was praying she’d get pregnant, so she will go back to America…He didn’t know that his best friend, Terry was doing saying exactly the same prayer.

Terry continued his life at war. His meeting with Candy had discouraged him, but it had also encouraged him…in a way. She was fine; she was married to his best friend. Maybe it broke his heart, but he knew that Michael really loved Candy and that she loved him too and that she was going to be happy with him. As oppose to his marriage, Candy had married Michael for love. He would have given anything to be in Michael’s place…the Queen of his thoughts… Susanna, the baby…she will never be the “Queen of his thoughts”…during his free time, he had a little notebook in which he was telling stories and talk about the Queen of his thoughts, from the moment he laid his eyes on her. Once he was on the subject, he could never stop….she was his inspiration, she was his heart and she was his soul. He needed her like you needed air to breathe, he needed her, to stay with Susanna and fulfill his duty… he was writing his poems and texts on her…

Candy and history

Frederick Grant Banting (1891-1941)

Canadian doctor. He went to war in France in 1916 after he got his diploma in medicine. He came back from the war a changed man and he concentrated his research on children’s diabetes. He isolate the insulin, which he discovered the role in the treatment of diabetes. He won the Nobel Prize of Medicine with Macleaod and Best in 1923.
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icon12  view post Posted on 22/7/2009, 22:15     +1   -1

Reine du drame à la plume diversifiée qui ne cesse de produire toujours autant, malgré les ans et ses idées qui autant en emporte le vent!




Chapter 7
“The stray bullet”

In New York, Susanna was in seventh heaven. She was going to have Terry’s baby! Even if he wasn’t there to share her joy, he had sent her a telegram of congratulations. Her mother didn’t agree with her. For her, Terry should’ve come back and stay with her daughter and their future baby.

- But why is he risking his life at war? Instead of being here and take care of you in your condition…

- Mom, Terry married me, like you wanted to, he gave up the one he loved. I’m going to have his baby… yes, he’s at war but I pray for him everyday. He’s fulfilling his duty, and he’s going to come back when the war is over and he will continue his duty… as a father and a husband

But what she was not telling her mother was that her husband had to literally think about another woman, to be able to fulfill is duty… But her friend Karen knew about it. She often talked to her about it.

- Susanna, are you happy?

- I have Terry, Karen, so I have everything I need…

- Susanna, he calls you “Candy”, when he makes love to you! Said Karen outraged

- I know he would never love me like he loves her…but it’s either that, either no physical contact at all…and I love him so much… and I’m so happy when he…

- …calls you “Candy”?

- Karen…please, stop raining on my parade

- Susanna, it’s not sane, what you’re living. It’s an illusion…

- But the baby is concrete

- Yes… you should thank Candy….said Karen ironically

- Karen

- You should see a psychiatrist, talk about your problems…

- I’m not crazy, Karen, I’m in love

- Yes, apparently you’re confused….well. Ok, you have to stay calm for the baby and if you’re happy…like you said…I can only support you…

Susanna continued to live on a cloud. It made her happy and it stopped making her think that her husband didn’t love her. The baby… Terry’s baby, he will never abandon her, now that she was going to have his baby…

Time passed and it was the holidays again. Candy spent her second Christmas under the bullets; with Michael’s family. Michael’s mother had taken some orphan kids under her wing. The house was full. Her family had sent her some foods for the holidays and she wanted to share it with her some of the orphans from the war. She had organized a program to take some of the orphans during the holidays with other rich families, whom, despite the war, could afford it. So a lot of war orphans were spending the war in some foster families. Candy was touched by Michael’s mother’s and the other families’ generosity. She went again with her colleagues and Michael to help the orphans at the orphanage. Albert, Archie and Neil had sent her toys and food for the orphans. Those at the Pony house were taken care of by Annie. Candy was happy that Annie didn’t forget about the kids at the Pony house, she remembered how happy they were when they woke up on Christmas morning with the other children and found that “Santa Claus” had come and had been very generous, because they’d been good.

As usual the Red Cross organized a New Year’s party and also invited the soldiers from the front, among them Michael and Terry. Candy and Terry still hadn’t told Michael that they knew each other before, that they were very close and they would’ve been married without Susanna’s accident. They were saying to themselves; why worry Michael needlessly? It was over between them for good and nothing will ever happen between them again. They were respecting their mutual marriage vows.

Candy was with Michael when they met Terry and other soldiers…

- Hello Terry, said Michael who was holding Candy by the waist

Terry could say in his head a thousand time that he was used to se his Freckles married to another man, but every time, it was like they were sticking a knife in his heart. He never showed it, obviously. When Candy came to get wounded soldiers at their camp and she was kissing Michael goodbye…It hurt him so much! How could she have forgotten about him already? Did she ever love him? They never actually declare their flame to each other, it went without saying… he had kissed her and he had told her he had real feelings for her. They mutually slapped each other… he smiled every time he thought about that… But the kiss was good, so good despite the slapping, he never regretted his gesture, and now it turns out that it’s going to be the only time he’d kissed her…He wanted to kiss her so much when she came to New York for the premiere, but the Susanna matter had overwhelmed him…he knew he had a choice to make, and getting close to her would have made their separation harder… But why didn’t he choose her? Why did he let himself be manipulated by Mrs. Marlowe and Susanna? The guilt… had made him irrational! He had turned to the bottle and unconsciously returned to Candy and she will never know about it… she had gave him the courage to live again…but…he should’ve talked to her, try to save their relationship, because he was lost, without her… he will never forgive himself for not talking to her. Damn you Albert! He came back to reality.

- Hi, doc, Mrs. Durand, he said very politely

Candy wanted to strangle him, but she smiled.

- Good evening, Mr. Grandchester, how’s your wife?

Terry looked at her knowing she was provoking him.

- She’s due to have the baby. She should be sending me a telegram one of these mornings…

Candy was hurt inside. Susanna was going to give a child to Terry…her Terry!!!

- What do you want, Terry a boy or a girl? Asked Michael

- I want a healthy baby said Terry

- You’re right, that’s all that matters, said Michael, my Miss Daredevil is taking her time getting pregnant…she doesn’t want to leave me to go back to America…But it’s great trying to get pregnant…

Candy became bright as red and Terry had a sickly smile.

- Oh honey, I’m making you blush said Michael…

- Good luck for the baby, Terry. Michael, you want to dance? Said Candy to hide her disturbance

- Of course, honey said Michael with a smile

She had to get away from Terry. She went to dance with her husband. Susanna was having Terry’s baby…It should’ve been her…in a perfect world.

Terry was thinking the same thing, he was happy he was having a baby, but he would’ve sold his soul to the devil, if he could, so the baby could be Candy’s, the woman he loved more than anything in the world, his best friend’s wife.

Candy and Michael went back next to Terry. Candy wanted to go near her friends, but Michael told her to wait. Since Terry didn’t have any date and that his wife was in America, Michael as a good friend, sent his wife to dance with Terry.

- Honey, can you dance with Terry? Please?

- Don’t worry about it, said Terry, I’m fine Michael

- Come on, it’s the New Year, said Michael, at least your wife won’t accuse you of having fun with another woman… it’s my wife, you’ve got my permission…

Candy didn’t know what to say and so did Terry. They complied…Michael of course didn’t realize what he was saying. He was innocent…he didn’t know that Susanna would have a very big problem to know that Terry was dancing with Candy, on the contrary! Candy and Terry went on the dance floor.

- This is getting ridiculous, said Terry, we should tell him the truth…

- No, Terry, you’re friends. It could ruin your friendship. In this time of war, we need all the friends we can get. We loose so many people everyday…

- But, what if he learns it from someone else? He’s going to feel betrayed, hurt and ridiculed…

- Terry, if you two weren’t friends, I would’ve told him…but he considers you his best friend…

- Me too. That’s why we have to tell him…

- But it’s been months… he probably confided in you. Imagine what it’s going to do to him. No, what he doesn’t know, won’t hurt him. And nobody knows about us here.

- You’re right, we should’ve told him from the beginning…

- If he knew, he wouldn’t have sent you to spend the night at our apartment… or dance with me now….

- And I wouldn’t have the pleasure of your company and the rare delight of having you in my arms for this dance, said Terry with a dreamy tone

Candy would never admit it out loud, but she liked seeing Terry and she liked spending all that time with him at the apartment and dance with him…to tell Michael the truth…

- Whatever we say now, or later, it’s going to sound fake and guilty said Terry

- We’re not doing anything wrong, Terry, we’re respecting our marriage vows

- You think he’s going to see it like that?

- I’m going to tell him one day or never, said Candy

- Ok, but I feel like I’m betraying him every time he talks about you… I want him to stop but at the same time, I want him to continue…

- Terry, stop, please

- I’m sorry Mrs. Durand. I’m stopping…

A young soldier approached them with a telegram for Terry. They stopped dancing and he read it. Candy was looking at him.

- Susanna had a baby boy….

- Oh… said Candy moved, congratulations…

- Thank you, Candy. I have a son…

Their dance was finished and she went near Michael. Terry went to see the other soldiers of his regiment, who congratulated him screaming. Michael went to congratulate Terry.

- Congratulations buddy! Said Michael, I bet you want to see your little one….

- Yes, of course! But it will have to wait…

- If you want to go, there must be a way said Michael, I have a lot of influence…

- Thanks Michael…we’ll see…said Terry

Michael went back near Candy who was talking with Dr. Banting, about sick children.

- I’m thinking of concentrating my research on children’s illnesses as soon as the war is over, said Dr. Banting

- But why not start right away? Said Michael

- I wanted to come and help the soldiers

- That’s very honorable, said Michael, but this war is making way too many victims…

- I think that if we’re destined to do big things, God will protect us and we’re going to get out alive from this war, said Candy, you have to be optimist…

- You’re real ray of sunshine, Miss Daredevil, you know that? Said Michael smiling

- Of course I know it, lieutenant, said Candy smiling

They burst out laughing. It was good to forget about the war during those few hours to celebrate the New Year. The New Year; the whole world and especially those affected by the war, had never really meant seriously to be a good year as much as during those war years.

Midnight came and everybody was kissing. Terry looked at the Queen of his thoughts kissing her husband. He had come to war to seek his way. He abandoned everything so he won’t fell off the wagon. To see all those soldiers, his friends dying one after the other, after brushing death practically everyday, had shown him that a lot of them were dying without living the 1/3 of what he had lived.

The year 1917 started the third year of this senseless war. Who had started the war? Well nobody really cared anymore, because all everyone touched by this war wanted, was for it to end. Who started it? Who’s winning? Who’s loosing? It didn’t matter, all that mattered was that horror be done for good.

The majority of men were at war, so the woman became the workers of the country. Some factories were making shells for the war… the woman might not be participating physically to the war, but by making those shells, that were going to be used to kill the enemy, it was like they were throwing the shells themselves. The Unites States was not officially at war, and they took advantage of the situation to impose themselves as a powerful economical source… one of the signs the America imperialism…

In March of 1917, the Germans torpedoed three American ships and there were about a hundred and something victims, which provoked the official entry of the Unites States in the Big War… it officially became worldwide after that.

Candy continued her work and continued to see Terry from time to time with Michael, without telling her husband that he was the man she loved, that had broken his heart.

Going to the military camp to get the wounded soldiers, brushing death everyday, Candy ended up getting really hurt. It was around the end of July 1917. She was on the battle front after fight with the Germans. While they were helping the wounded soldiers, checking their pulse to see if they were still alive, some shots were heard from afar or at close range. While Candy was standing up to lift a wounded soldier, she felt a very strong pain on her chest.

- Oh…she said in a whisper

She looked at her chest; she saw the blood maculating her white uniform.

“I’m hit, she said to herself, Oh my God!”

She felt her strengths leaving her, and she collapsed on the unanimated bodies of soldiers around her and she let go of the soldier she was helping. In an instant, she went from helping the wounded to being a victim.

Kristina saw her fall and she looked, she saw the blood maculating her uniform. She panicked and screamed:

- CANDY!!!!

Kelly looked at Candy and she screamed;

- CANDY IS HIT!! Quick some help!

After taking the wounded soldiers to the truck, they took Candy to the truck as well. Michael was with a moving hospital visiting other war camps. Candy was taken with the other wounded, and she was operated on a little quickly, with the pressure of the war, and the number of wounded…some didn’t get the chance to survive until their turn and just expired. Candy was taken the post operating room.

Candy was feeling at peace, her slumber seemed lethargic, it felt good and she didn’t want to wake up from it…Wake up to what? The horror of the war? To see all those young soldiers die for reason they don’t even begin to understand? No, the slumber, the white light…yes…but what about Michael? No, the light, the light, she had to follow the light…

Candy was loosing her life, little by little… her friends were trying to send a message to Michael, to rush him over, but he might arrive too late. He’s going to be devastated.

Terry was getting treated for a flesh wound, and he was going to see how his comrades from his regiment were doing. He heard Candy’s friends talk in English.

- You think that they will find Michael on time?

- They have to; otherwise he’s going to miss his wife…

- The poor thing, she was so full of life, no, I can’t believe that our little Mary Sunshine is leaving us!

“What were they talking about? Asked Terry to himself, there’s only one way to find out…”

And he turned around and asked the nurses;

- You’re talking about Michael Durand the doc?

- Yes, you know him? Asked Kristina

- Yes, he’s often at my camp and in my regiment, he’s a friend…

- So you know where he is? Asked Kelly

- He’s with the moving hospital near Verdun…

- Oh… We have to find him at once, said Allyson

- Why? Asked Terry

- His wife…started Kristina

Terry’s heart skipped a beat. It couldn’t be anything good.

- Candy? Asked Terry

- You know her? Asked Kristina

- Yes, it’s Michael’s friend …Terry that’s it? Said Allyson

- Yes. Something happened to Candy? He asked panicked

- Yes, said Kelly, she was hit by a stray bullet

- OH MY GOD!!! He screamed, how is she?

- The bullet was very close to her heart. The hospital did everything they could according to the circumstances of war said Kelly

- What do you mean? Asked Terry

- That the bad sanitary conditions… she has a very high fever due to an infection… she’s leaving us, unfortunately

- WHAT???!!! WHERE IS SHE??? He asked

- But only her husband and the medical staff can see her, said Kristina

- Let me see her, said Terry, I beg you…

Candy’s three friends looked at Terry. He seemed so devastated and Candy was going to die…

- Ok, said Kelly, the French nurse is going to yell at us but…come with us

- Thank you said Terry

They took Terry in the post-operating room. Candy was lying on the bed, her eyes were closed and her face was pale. His Candy was dying? No, if she died, he was going to die too. He got into the room and sat on a chair next to her bed. He took her hand. You could see the life leaving this being usually so full of life and cheerfulness.

- Freckles, Miss Tarzan, wake to tell me to shut up and to call you by your name…Candy wake up please. Don’t leave me, don’t leave me, Candy, I won’t survive it…You’re the one that gives me the will to live, without you, I’m nothing. You’ve survived more than that…don’t let a stay bullet that wasn’t even for you, get you that way… Candy, open your eye, fight this, come back to us. Candy, I love you, I loved you since the moment I first laid my eyes on you on that boat… I know were not together, but come back, it’s not your time, Candy…You’re the Queen of my heart…without you, I can’t live

Candy’s friends were looking at the scene, stunned. This soldier was in love with Candy, a married woman? Apparently yes, it’s dating from a longtime ago… they knew each other before! Candy’s lost love!

- What’s going on? Asked the French nurse that had just arrive

It was the head nurse.

- What is that soldier doing with Mme Durand?

- He came to say goodbye, said Kristina

- But he’s not a member of his family, said the head nurse

- It’s her brother! Said Kelly quickly

- Her brother? Really? Said the head nurse

- Look at them, said Allyson, Candy is married to Dr. Durand, he’s her brother

The head nurse was skeptical. She looked at the scene, and she could feel the love Terry was feeling for his “sister”.

- Ok, but tried not to make too much noise, said the head nurse

- Thank you, said Kristina

Terry continued talking to Candy.

In Candy’s peaceful slumber, she thought she saw Anthony.

“Candy…said Anthony”

“Anthony…Oh Anthony, I’m so happy to see you! I want to stay with you…”

“Me too, but Candy it’s not your time…said Anthony”

Or was it Terry’s voice?...Terry…Terry was married to Susanna…Why will she go back in a world where they were separated? No… the light is good…

“Candy, wake up, open your eyes” said Terry’s voice, please, Candy do it for me…”

It was Terry’s voice…But where was he? Terry…

“Open your eyes, Candy…said Terry’s voice”

Her eyes? Why were they so heavy? The eyes, yes, she had to open her eyes, but it was so difficult, and the slumber was so good and deep. So relaxing… but Terry’s voice was telling her to open her eyes…Terry…No, Terry was with Susanna, they had a little boy…No, he will never be with her…so what’s the use living?

“Anthony…she said in he head, I want to stay with Anthony…”

“Candy open your eyes, said Terry’s voice, I know we’re not together anymore. The circumstances have separated us, but I’m linked to you…don’t die, otherwise you’re killing me too… Candy come back, please…Freckles, don’t leave me…I beg you, I love you…you’re the Queen of my thoughts

Terry…Terry was asking her to open her eyes. Terry she loved so much. Terry…yes, she was going to open her eyes for Terry…to open her eyes…

- Terry? She said with a weak voice

- Candy! Don’t say anything, thanks for coming back… Go get a doctor, said Terry to her friends

- Oh…right away, said Kelly running out of there

The others went to see Candy closer.

- Candy you scared us, said Kristina

- Yes, Miss Daredevil, don’t ever scare us that way again, said Allyson

Candy smiled weekly. She was looking at Terry. She felt a wave of peace running through her when she looked at him. Candy was happy that he was the first person she saw when she opened her eyes.

- Terry? What happened?

- You were hit by a stray bullet said Terry

- Oh…

- What, you wanted to leave us so early? Said Terry smiling

- Your voice…Terry…I heard your voice…

- I had to beg you to come back, said Terry joking

She understood the she was dying and that Terry had called her back…Oh she loved him so much! She was looking at him with so much love. If Terry was doubting Candy’s love, he was sure of it at that moment, just by looking into her eyes.

- Thank you, she said softly

- Freckles, you don’t need to thank me, I couldn’t let you go, I couldn’t let you leave me. Even if we’re not together…I would rather have you alive, otherwise I couldn’t live either…I can’t live in a world where you’re not alive…

- Terry… she said with tears in her eyes

- Don’t say anything. I will tell Michael that you’re fine. I have to go… But I have to make sure that you’re ok.

The doctors arrived and were surprise to find her awake.

- Mrs. Durand! You scared us half to death! Your husband would’ve treated us of incompetents if you had died! Said one of the doctors

Candy just smiled. She had come back in a word where she was not with Terry… But she was happy to find Terry at her bedside, very very happy.

The doctors finished examining her.

- You’re out of danger, Mrs. Durand. Get some rest, and I don’t want to see you at work before at least a month!

- Ok, doctor said Candy smiling

The doctors left. Candy’s friends left her alone with Terry so he could say goodbye to her.

- Terry, she said tenderly, be careful

- Don’t worry about me. You have to get well, the wounded need you

- And you, your wife and child need you….

Terry smile, he would’ve given anything to be married to Candy…

- I know, she said looking at him with love, but things are what they are…

- I have to go back to camp. Take care, Miss Tarzan

Candy smiled, she didn’t argue anymore, she missed all those nicknames, she missed Terry. Tears started to come down her cheeks.

- Bye Terry, she said with eyes that were telling him “I love you”

- Bye Candy, she said with the same eyes…

Terry left and Candy closed her eyes. She was crying in silence, her lost love, her love of yesteryear, her present love that had brought her back to this life of suffering…this life without him.

Candy’s friends came to see her before they went back to the dorm.

- Candy, said Kristina, is Terry the man you love?

- He didn’t say anything, but he brought you back to life, said Kelly

- We could feel the chemistry in the air, said Allyson

- You guessed it, said Candy

- Why aren’t you together? You love each other so much, we could feel it…said Kelly

Candy told them what had happened with Susanna. Her friends couldn’t believe their ears.

- Candy, said Kelly, you’re way too generous for your own good!

- Never, I never would have left the man I loved to another woman, said Kristina

- Especially since you loved each other so much, said Allyson, what went through your minds?

- Sometimes, I wonder if we took the right decision, said Candy

- Of course not! Said Kristina, because in this story, only Susanna is happy, she’s got the man she loves and his baby!

Candy spent the majority of the night thinking about Terry, she had heard everything he had told her, she had also heard the new nick name he’d given her…

“You’re the Queen of my thoughts…”

She was the Queen of Terry’s thoughts, and she was the happiest woman in the world, when she thought about that…

Terry was in the back of the truck that was taking him back to camp and he was playing the harmonica. The harmonica that his Miss Freckles had given him on the pretend Pony hill. He was thinking about her eyes earlier, her emerald-green eyes, those eyes that had clearly told him that she loved him…Tears started to come down his cheeks. He was happy and sad at the same time; happy that she was alive, and sad because he was forced to live without her.
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icon12  view post Posted on 22/7/2009, 22:48     +1   -1

Reine du drame à la plume diversifiée qui ne cesse de produire toujours autant, malgré les ans et ses idées qui autant en emporte le vent!




Chapter 8
“Missing in action”

At the military camp the moving hospital had just came back. Michael learned from Terry that Candy was hit by a bullet.

- What? He yelled, how is she?

- She was in pretty bad shape, but she’s fine now, she’s out of danger, now

- Oh my God! He said upset, I have to go back to the hospital

He asked for permission and they gave him two days to go see his wife. He was very tired, but he ran to his beloved bedside.

Candy was sleeping lightly, she opened her eyes, and she saw her husband at her bedside, she smiled.

- Michael…

- Miss Daredevil, you want to drive me mad?

- My lieutenant, it was out of my control…

- Oh my love, he said hugging her softly so he won’t hurt her, Thank God, you’re all right

- I’m sorry, I didn’t want to worry you…

- You’re sorry? You’ve got to be kidding me! You’re the victim!

- But I worried you…

- I love worrying about you, Miss Daredevil, I love you and I don’t know what I would do if I lose you…

- I love you Michael, I’m here…

He looked for her lips and they kissed for a while. Michael spent the night on a chair at his wife’s bedside. He almost lost her and he had no intention of leaving her alone. He spent his two permission days on a chair in her bedroom, but he slipped into her bed during the night. They slept curled up in each other’s arms during the night. The French nurses were jealous, they wished Candy had died of her wound…but then again, you don’t always get what you want.

Candy spent 3 weeks in the hospital and one week home. Flammy who had heard the news came to visit her at the hospital.

- Candy, you scared me, said Flammy

- Come on Flammy, how could you make people believe that we’re at war if we don’t get hit by bullets? Said Candy smiling, how are you Flammy?

- I’m fine. Life is hard. A lot of my colleagues are dead…

- With America officially in the war, a lot more volunteer are arriving

- Yes, indeed, but it’s still sad…

- Yes. I came here to forget a about my broken heart, I wanted to throw myself into work…

- Candy, I don’t judge you In this horror, the reasons of our coming here seem so meaningless and futile

- You’re right, let’s just do our work and let’s pray this war finish soon…

In Chicago, life was continuing; Annie had given birth to a little boy called Anthony. She was overjoyed. He had nice blond hair and round cheeks. Annie asked Archie whey he didn’t call the baby Alistair.

- Anthony died first said Archie… we’ll call the next one Alistair…

Deep down inside, he couldn’t believe that his brother and best friend was dead. With Anthony, they were the 3 musketeers. Anthony was gone first, then Alistair his two best friends. Life had been cruel to him. Candy had given him the courage to continue to live, to get married. This war had killed his brother and Candy with all the courage for the world, went in the middle of that turmoil to help the wounded and to save lives at the same time. Annie with her love and now his baby, their baby had given him the will to live. He kissed his wife for a while. He took Anthony in his arms and he had tears on his cheeks.

- Thank you so much, Annie, for this wonderful joy and happiness you just gave me

- You’re very welcome my love, said Annie with tears in her eyes

She knew that Archie was thinking about his two brothers…life had not been kind to him.

Eliza married Alexander and she was expecting a blessed event too. Neil too had found his soul mate, he married her and she was also expecting a baby. Her name was Shannon Brown.

Patty stayed in Chicago, she went to see her parents from time to time, then she went back Chicago to be with her friends. She had a few suitors, but, she was not ready to open her heart to another man. Her grandmother was still there doing her little things, as usual and Patty every time had to keep an eye on her so she wouldn’t get into trouble. At least her grandmother was keeping her busy….

Albert continued taking care of the family business with his two nephews. Business was going well. And he was the most eligible bachelor; the richest in Chicago, all the young women were trying to make his acquaintance. But he wasn’t thinking about love; the one he loved had married another man…He was suffering in silence and he said to himself that he’d have to decide to get married one day and have a family…but…not yet.

With America officially in war, we could feel the tension in the air, but not like in Europe. The families had to look their young ones engage themselves to go fight for a cause they wouldn’t be capable of citing the principal points. People were worried and theywere a little tense. But Neil was right, it was a good opportunity for business and especially, since Europe was handicapped. Business was going strong, not only for the Andrew family but for America in general. The United States couldn’t resist the temptation, they took advantage and became the most powerful country in the world. The American imperialism was coming running.

Time passed and it was the holidays again. Candy was spending her third Christmas under the bullets. Albert sent her food and presents for the orphans and she was very grateful to him. For the New Year’s Day party, she and Michael were invited to a party; she didn’t see Terry, she was glad. Ever since the accident, and everything that had followed…the Queen of his thoughts…she still loved Terry but she was avoiding him. She had to make him believe that nothing was possible between them. So she became a little cold with Terry. This last one was a little surprised, he thought he had gotten closer to her… but it was probably the emotions of the moment, the fear of dying…Candy still loved her husband. That thought made him sad, but life went on.

The year 1918 finally arrived…the war continued, people were still dying. But with the Americans, there help to the allies, there was a little hope on the horizon.

The moving hospital was always very busy, the one where Michael worked all day, was not exception. It was the month of February; Michael wanted to go back to Paris to celebrate his second wedding anniversary. The conditions of work during the war made things more difficult and less sanitary. One night, when they were returning to camp, their truck was intercepted by the enemy army.

- We’re a medical team said the truck driver

- SHUT UP!!! Yelled the chief of the enemy troupe

Their truck was confiscated and gun shots were heard. Some soldiers were killed trying to defend the medical team. Some soldiers managed to run away. The enemy took the moving hospital on the other side of the frontier, to Germany by non-legal ways.

The soldiers that had ran away; arrived at their camp to announce the news that the moving hospital has been captured. Terry heard the news that his best friend and “rival” was made prisoner.

“Candy is going to be devastated, he thought”

His first thought was for his beloved.

Candy went on the battle front to get some wounded. The truck from the Red Cross had a mechanical problem, so they couldn’t go back to Paris. They went to the closest military camp, to spend the night. The doctors there, had to take care of the wounded soldiers, so it was surgery after surgery…Candy and her friends were busy for hours.

They were resting in a room where soldiers were talking and playing cards, checkers and chess. They were all talking about girls, how much they missed their wives or girlfriends. They were a little frustrated and their language was kind of crude. To see the nurses, women, only made their discussion more intense and crude. They were making comments and they were laughing out loud.

The nurses were way too tired to say anything. They served them tea and sandwiches by the camp’s cook.

- I wonder if Michael is here, said Candy

- You would’ve seen him, wouldn’t you? Said Kelly

- But this is the camp where he stays, said Candy, I’m going to ask the colonel

Candy asked around and they showed her where the colonel was.

- Colonel?

- Yes, come in Miss…

- Mrs. Durand said Candy

- Durand? Like the lieutenant?

- Yes, colonel. Do you know where my husband is?

The colonel remained silent. Candy started to be afraid; she knew it was not a good sign.

- Did something happen to my husband, colonel? Asked Candy

- The moving hospital where you’re husband worked, is missing in action….

- Missing in action? What do you mean?

- We don’t know where they are… they were made prisoners by the enemy army

Candy felt like the world was crumbling around her.

- OH MY GOD!!! NO!!!

- I’m sorry, Mrs. Durand…

- You’re searching for them, right? Asked Candy with tears in her eyes

- Mrs. Durand, we lose men everyday and we don’t get new recruits a lot…

- You’re telling me that you’re not going to try and find them…

- We don’t have the resource or the men to look for them…

- But then…

- Unless he finds a way to escape, if he’s still alive…the duty of a war prisoner is to escape when ever he gets the chance

Candy was crying. Michael, she couldn’t lose her husband, she needed him…

- Thanks colonel said Candy wiping her tears

She got out of the office completely devastated. She went outside in the night to cry. It was February, the second anniversary of their wedding…they haven’t lived together for a long time. And now…what if the enemy army killed him? No, Michael was a doctor… he’d taken the Hippocratic oath, which mean that he would take care of the enemy’s wounded soldiers. She continued crying against a tree…she had to do something.

- Something’s wrong? Are you ok? Said a voice

Candy was startled and she turned around.

- Terry…she said with a little voice

- Candy! What’s going on? Oh…you learned for Michael?

She instinctively fell into his arms and burst into tears. Terry kept her against him and let her cry for a while. She really did love her husband, and that hurt him.

- Terry, I don’t know what I’m going to do without him…it’s awful! Oh Michael!

She continued sobbing in his arms. Terry liked to have Candy in his arms, even if she crying over her husband, it was a rare delight he didn’t have in normal times. Candy really did love her husband; she was over him…every time he thought about that, it was like they were sticking a knife in his heart.

- Terry, I’m sorry, she said wiping her tears, I want to go look for him…

- What???!!!

- Yes, I want to go look for Michael…

- Candy, this is nonsense, you’re not thinking straight

- Maybe, but I can help him, find him… the army is not going to do anything, Terry. They hope he’s going to escape… what if he’s hurt? No, Terry, I’m going to go look for him…

- But you don’t know where to find him….

- In the enemy army…

- Candy you’re crazy!

- Maybe, but I have to do it, and I need help…Terry can you help me? Can you help me go save my husband? Please Terry, help me find the man I love…please Terry, help me…

Terry looked at her…torn. Help her save the man she loved…once upon a time, he was the man she loved…It hurt him to see her so worry and so in love with another man…He still loved her like the first day, if not more. And now she was in love with another one. Life had no mercy to have put him in contact with the Queen of his thoughts, only to discover that she loved another man!!! He looked her in the eyes…if he didn’t help her…he will have to protect her, he had to help her find her husband, the man she loved, and who was his best friend and rival.

- Ok, Freckles, there’s no way I’m going to let you look for your husband alone in this awful war time

- Are you sure? I can find someone else if it’s too hard for you. You’ll have to break a lot of rules….

- In love like in war, all shots are allowed…

Candy looked at her with fondness. He was always ready to help her even if it was to go look for her husband, whom he considered his rival.

- Thank you Terry, thank you from the bottom of my heart…

- Go and get some rest, I’m going to make arrangements

- You promise me you won’t leave without me?

- I promise you; otherwise you’ll go by yourself and it would be worse…

Candy smiled in the middle of her tears.

- Ok,. When will I see you?

- Come and see me behind the camp in 3 hours….

- Thank you Terry.

Candy went back near her friends. Those last got worried when they saw red eyes.

- Candy? Said Kelly, are you ok?

- Michael is missing in action she said sadly

- Oh my God! Said her three friends at the same time

They stood up to hug Candy.

- Thanks said Candy, wiping her tears

- Hang in there Candy, he’s a doctor, if the enemy has him, they’re going to keep him alive so he could take care of their soldiers said Kelly

- Come with us, they gave us a small room, let’s go and rest, said Allyson

They went and rest in the little room they had gave him. Her friend consoled her the best way they could. They prayed together for Michael and all the war prisoners’ safe return. When her friends fell asleep, Candy got out of the room to go see Terry. She found him outside behind the camp.

- Terry? She whispered

- Candy, are you sure you want to go ahead with it?

- Yes, I’m certain.

- Come and see me in 20 minutes, we’re going to take the Red Cross’ truck. It’s easier to cross the border as a neutral medical staff…

- So you’ll have to pass as a Red Cross employee, not a soldier…

- I already put on their uniform, said Terry

- Perfect, I’ll go get ready, I’ll see you in 20 minutes

- In 20 minutes, I’ll be there

Candy went back to get ready, since it was winter, she put some woolen socks and woolen pants and a big pullover. She put on some boots, hats, scarf and gloves. She snuck out without making any noise and she joined Terry in the truck behind the camp. He started the truck and they left to go to the border. They rode in silence in the beginning. Candy finally broke the silence.

- Terry, I know what it costs you to do this…thank you so much

- I couldn’t not help you, Candy, it’s not part of my options…You know that this is a very dangerous mission?

- Yes….

- You can still change you mind….

- No, Terry

- I can go and get him for you…you don’t trust me?

- Of course, I trust you Terry. But this is something I have to do. I want to find him, otherwise, I won’t be calm, I couldn’t live with myself…

She loved him that much? But why was it disturbing him? He had chosen Susanna and let Candy go. He had asked her to be happy… But he couldn’t help being jealous…

- You love him that much? You’re happy with him? He asked suddenly

- Yes, Terry, I’m very happy with Michael…

- You didn’t miss me for long….I see…

Candy was stunned! WHAT???!!! She didn’t miss him for long…? But…how…she got angry! How dared he say that?!

- Terry, you let me go…she said with a voice she wanted calm

- That’s what you wanted….

- What I wanted?

- That I stay with Susanna…..

- That you stay with Susanna?

Candy wanted to scream. That dicey subject was very very painful. She exploded!

- What I wanted, she said with a strong voice, when I was going to New York with my “one way ticket” was to find the man I love and stay with him forever…what I found, was the man I love guilt-ridden to have been saved by his colleague, whom was not only in love with him, but had also lost her leg in the process and to crown it all, who’s mother was pressuring him to marry!

- Candy…

- NO! Terry, I left to make things easy for you and you didn’t protest too much, if I remember correctly…You let me go…you told me to be happy, you chose Susanna! And I took the train for Chicago…

- Candy…

- You told me to be happy, you let me go, you didn’t ask me to stay with you… she said with tears of rage in her eyes, you married Susanna, you had a baby…I found Michael, I fell in love with him, thank God, and I’m happy with him. You told me to be happy or you wouldn’t forgive yourself. So, I’m reassuring you, Terry. I’m happy, you don’t have to feel guilty! You can’t change your mind now, it’s too late. I’m not going to apologise for being happy; after all, I took you to your word!

- You really love Michael…

- Yes. You and I, it’s over, Terry, we’re done!!!

Tears of rage were coming down her cheeks. He didn’t know how hard it was for her to pronounce those words. But she was right, he had asked her to be happy, and now, she was and he was married. Why was he angry she followed his advice? He could’ve gone back to her when he had left everything, but Albert had shown him the she was happy and he didn’t want to reopen her old wounds…Now, he was regretting it…he regretted to have let her go, he regretted not talking to her at the clinic. She was the only woman he ever loved and now, he had a son and she was married to his best friend and…she was happy! Happy without him! A part of him wanted to see her unhappy and crying over him….to see her happy, was painful. She was happy without him! Like he had asked her to… she had complied to his request, so why was he feeling betrayed?

- Candy, I’m sorry. I didn’t want to make you angry and I have no more rights to ask you anything…I was out of place…forgive me…

- It’s okay Terry, you don’t have to apologise…I’m sorry for getting angry and yelling at you…

- You said what’s on your heart… it’s good to vent sometimes…

- It’s been almost 4 years…I thought that my anger had passed…I’m sorry

- No hard feelings?

- No hard feelings!

Candy smiled. She had to spend a lot of time in his company. The atmosphere had to be more relaxed. They started to talk about this and that. Terry told her stories from the military camp and she told him stories of the hospital and the happy clinic with Doctor Martin; how she hid the key to the cupboard where the alcohol was, and how she put water in the whisky bottle.

- Oh Candy, you’re not possible!

- It was for his own good, for his health…

- Yes…

He thought about his own trip down alcohol hell, if she had found him instead of Albert, she would’ve helped him. But she had helped him; just seeing her from afar, had given him the courage to live… he went back to Susanna and he fulfilled his duty, because of her…
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icon12  view post Posted on 22/7/2009, 23:08     +1   -1

Reine du drame à la plume diversifiée qui ne cesse de produire toujours autant, malgré les ans et ses idées qui autant en emporte le vent!




Chapter 9
“The surprises of life

There was a lot of snow outside. The trip to the frontier happened in peace. They were talking about all and nothing, and were laughing out loud. When they arrived not too far from the frontier, Terry had something to say.

- Freckles, are you wearing your wedding ring?

- Yes….

- I’m also wearing mine…

- Why? She asked skeptical

- We’re going in the enemy’s camp, a beautiful woman alone…

- You’re with me…

- Yes, but if they knew that we have other spouses…

- You want to us to make them believe we’re married? She guessed

- It would be less dangerous for you… we’ll pretend, that’s all…

- Pretend?

Pretend to be married to Terry? That’s a really bad joke!

- You’ve got to be kidding me!

- Unfortunately, no…

- But… we can’t… she said worried

- Is it that hard for you to pretend to be my wife? He said suddenly, I know you don’t love me anymore, but we were friends, weren’t we?

Terry was angry, why was she making such a fuss? Was it so disgusting for her to make people believe they were married?

Candy was hesitating because “to pretend” to be Terry’s wife… “ to pretend”… that’s what she wanted with all her heart, what she wished things were like… it was hard, it was a dream that had become reality for the mission… But she didn’t want to show she was happy.

- Terry, no need to yell. I’m perfectly capable of pretending to be your wife. All I have to do is think about Michael

She had to think about Michael to pretend to be his wife? Thought Terry. His male pride was hurt. Whatever!

- Just pretend! He said dryly, let’s go

They arrived at the German frontier. There was very long queue and the formalities were taking forever. During war time, it was the law of the jungle. The custom officers were like kings over there, they were doing whatever they wanted, whatever pleased them. Came the time for Candy and Terry’s turn, finally after those long hours of waiting in the cold. A woman came out of the office crying and visibly upset…Candy was wondering what could’ve put the poor woman in that state. They entered the office. The custom officer had his eye on Candy, a look of desire of the flesh…

- Your papers are in order. You’re American? What a nice girl like you, is doing in a place like this?

- I’m with the Red Cross to help taking care of the wounded…

- Hum hum, said the custom officer, you’re a child, so sweet, so innocent…

- She’s my wife said Terry approaching her

- You’re her husband? He asked skeptical

- Honey, said Candy, it’s ok…

- He’s got his eye on you… said Terry

- For you, everybody has their eye on me said Candy

- You’re not here to fight about your marriage said the custom officer…I’m in a good mood now I just got lucky… Married women, for today are sacred even the American ones… single women today have to pay me in nature or those who pretend to be married but are actually alone or single…said the custom officer cackling, buy any body could pretend to her husband…

The officer was very big and was abusing his power in war time and no one was controlling him. To pay in nature? Thought Candy. She thanked Terry in her heart to have suggested that they pretend to be married. If she had been alone… she didn’t even want to think about it!

The officer looked at Candy’s left hand and Terry’s and he saw the wedding rings, but he continued to doubt, he was not conned so easily…

- I’m her husband, and I love her with all my heart, said Terry sincerely

- Where did you meet? Asked the officer to test them

- On the boat, said Terry

- The Mauritania said Candy

- Where were you going? Asked the officer

- London, said Candy and Terry at the same time

The custom officer was looking at them, they really looked married… but Candy was so beautiful and so pure… he wanted to have her…

- What for? He asked

- I was going to St. Paul College, said Candy

- I was going home but I was also going to St. Paul College

You could see the chemistry between them, that couple was in love, but the custom officer wanted more…

- You think I’m going to let my wife alone in this war? Said Terry, you’re going to eat her alive!

- As a matter of fact… but I’ve seen a lot of couples pretending to be married when they were really brother and sister… So… Let’s see… to convince me, a kiss should be enough…

A kiss? Said Candy in her head. She had to go along with it…. Oh my God!

For Terry, you didn’t need to tell him twice!!! He took Candy in his arms and leaned to put his lips on hers… That was something he was dreaming about ever since the slapping from the first time. He started softly and then he became more and more passionate, fiery and he completely forgot that they were at the German frontier in war time…

Candy received Terry’s kiss with passion. Ever since the slapping from Scotland and Terry left St. Paul, she’s been dreaming about the stolen kiss and she had been longing for more… now, by a really weird combination of circumstances, and by chance, all of sudden, her wish had been granted in the middle of bullets and bombshells, in front of a disgusting custom officer who wanted to fondled her, she was kissing the man she loved with all her heart and all her soul…while she was married to another man and him too had a wife… But for the moment, for that brief instant, they were both living a dream they thought was impossible. They couldn’t believe it! They were so passionate, that they had forgotten where they were… The custom officer, gave up, that couple was definitely in love, they were real… he had to move on to other things. He didn’t know that he had reunited two beings that were hungry for each other, to lost souls in the fog that was the cruel world that had separated them. They never thought they would have the occasion to kiss so passionately and they will never get the opportunity again, so unconsciously, they were taking advantage of the situation to a maximum!

The custom officer was getting angry and yelled;

- ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!! I SAID ENOUGH!!!!!!!

Candy and Terry finally stopped with all the regrets of the world and they were looking at each other with so much love… an impossible love because they could never be together. They looked at each other torn, tortured…

- Finally! You seem to have forgotten that you were not in your bedroom! If everybody loved each other like the two of you, this war would never had happened! You disgust me! Take you wife and get out of here!

He was angry and disgusted to have missed Candy… they were a couple in love and happy. Candy and Terry didn’t say anything, and they got out of the office to go back to their truck. They had the green light and they left.

Terry in his head was thinking that Candy still loved him, because the woman he had just kissed in that office, and who had responded to his kiss, was very in love with him or was an excellent actress. After a really long silence, Terry finally said.

- Candy about the kiss….

- What kiss?

- Candy…

- It was for the custom officer…it wasn’t real

- You’re not going to tell me you didn’t feel anything…

- Feel what?

- You’re a very good actress then…

- You’re the actor, are you not?

- Candy… he said with a begging tone

- Terry, this conversation isn’t taking us anywhere; you’re married, so am I, period.

- Candy, I’m not asking you to cheat on your husband, I will never ask you that… I’m asking you if you felt something during that forced kissed by chance… that’s all… I want to know…

- Terry…

- I promise you I won’t bring up the subject again, but I want to know…

- Know what? What do you want me to say?

- That, like for me, it was the most beautiful thing in the world, something I’ve been dreaming about for years, that it was even more wonderful than the dream…

Candy didn’t know what to do. Terry was right on all the points… tears started to come down her cheeks. No, it hurt too much.

- Terry, she said with tears in her voice, we are not having this conversation…

Terry looked at her and saw her tears, and that was enough for him. She was feeling the same thing as him… he was sure of it. They continued their road in silence. Terry had a map that he was checking from time to time.

- Terry, you know where to go, are we lost?

- Candy, he said seriously, I have a confession to make…

She looked at him worried; what was he talking about?

- This purpose of this mission is to free war prisoners

- I know…

- No… what you don’t know, it’s actually an official mission. One of the wounded captured with Michael is a major who know all the plans of our next offensives of attack… he can’t stay in the hands of the enemy…

- So… I was wondering how you were able to organise everything so quickly…

- I personally asked the colonel if you could come with me, because you were going to go on your own anyway… he said that you were my responsibility

- Thanks Terry

- You’re not angry with me for lying to you?

- Terry, we came to get Michael; now I know that it’s an official mission, I more than reassured…But you could’ve told me that…

- We needed the Red Cross truck and an employee to make it more real

- Oh…glad I could help…

Terry didn’t give her too many details. A group of soldiers was suppose to meet them with men and women in everyday clothes who had information for them. They arrived at the military camp with a lot of tents. Some soldiers came to greet them. Terry went inside to talk the major of the camp.

- We have to go tonight to free the prisoners, but you’ll go now with Mrs. Durand inside undercover as Red Cross employee.

- Ok major, we’re going right now

Terry got out of the tent to go get Candy who was talking to other soldiers.

- You’re much to pretty to be in this war, especially here on the other side, said a young soldier with red hair

- Yes, said another one, you came to keep us warm at night?

- We’re going to fight for her, said another one, me first!

- No, me!

- ME!

- NO ONE FIRST! Said Candy, I’m married…

- Really? To whom? Asked a soldier

- He’s crazy to leave you alone here among men deprived of feminine company for so long…

- Who said she was alone? Said Terry’s voice, have some respect for another man’s wife, soldiers!

- Grandchester… said a soldier

- Are you coming Freckles? We have to go…

The soldiers shut up and looked at them leaving. They were a little rude and vulgar with Candy. They were frustrated by the war, the cold and the bad living conditions, that’s counting without the absence of women. To see Candy had been like an oasis in the dessert… most of the women that came to the camp with information or food were middle aged…

- Thank you Terry, she said softly

- You’re welcome, Freckles, just be careful with some soldiers…

- They’re not gentlemen like you?

- Unfortunately no… be careful

- Ok…

They arrived in the enemy military camp which had a clinic inside; all the wounded that were made prisoners, were there, not in regular hospitals in the city. The Red Cross, were considering themselves lucky to be able to help soldiers in the enemy camp…because at the same time they could help the prisoners of war.

Candy and Terry bought bandages and medicine for the wounded and war prisoners and also some food.

- You want me to give you the tour? Asked a young soldier

- Of course, said Terry, my wife and I want to see what’s missing to bring it the next time

They entered in the cold room where a lot of prisoners were skinny and sick, they were coughing, very ill. The cold temperature was not helping matters at all. Candy felt like taking them and take care of them all… in another room, still cold, there were prisoners more or less in good health, that were talking and playing cards. There was a doctor taking care of them. Candy’s heart jumped when she saw him; Michael!

- Hey Doctor Durand, said the soldier, here is an employee from the Red Cross and his wife… tell them what’s missing…

Michael turned around and if he was surprised to see his wife and his best friend, he didn’t let it show.

- Hello, said Michael, thanks for your help… we need a little more morphine…

Candy had to restrain herself so she wouldn’t jump to her husband’s neck.

- Ok, I see what I can do, said Candy, how are you?

- I’m hanging in there… it’s nice of you to help us, said Michael

- The Red Cross was created to help the wounded of war, without distinction… said Candy looking him in the eyes…

They had to leave Michael to go to another room where the wounded didn’t have all their head. They were making a lot of noise, they were doing the monkey, animals, the noise was deafening.

- Some of them have been here for 3 years, explained the soldiers

- Why not send them home? Said Candy outraged

- Because a lot of them are pretending to be crazy…

Candy wanted to respond, but Terry made her a sign to stop. They are suppose to be neutral. They couldn’t take sides… she wanted to get out of the room when she heard a voice say;

- I’m going to invent a lie detector to know who’s lying and who’s not, then I’ll go on the moon with my car and my hot air balloon….

Lie detector… to invent a lie detector… but it sounds like… Candy’s heart was jumping violently in her chest. She turned around and looking at the man that was talking; he was skinny with long black hair and a beard and broken sun glasses… No… it was not possible! There was a little light in the middle of this awful war, at the end of the tunnel of despair? That voice… she probably was hallucinating…she turned to Terry.

- Terry, she whispered, look over there…

- Where?

- Near the window…

Terry looked and saw the patient with a beard and glasses, his hair was very long… he was older, but it was him.

- Alistair Cornwell?

- Yes, said Candy, oh my God, I think I’m going to have a heart attack…

- He’s senile, said Terry, we could ask them what they are going to do with him…

Candy asked the you soldier;

- These patients, those prisoners don’t have all their head anymore, what are you going to do with them?

- We’re not sure they’re really crazy, like I was telling you earlier… the boss’ will decide their fate…

- Why not send them back home? Said Terry, they’re of no use to you…

But Terry knew that the prisoners, crazy or not, were bargaining chips during the war.

- Exactly, if they’re faking, they can’t tell us the truth, because they’re afraid they are going to get caught… if they’re really crazy, they’re unable to tell us who they really are…

- It’s a vicious circle, said Candy sorry

They didn’t want to talk too much so they won’t raise suspicions. They finished their tour and had to live almost against their will. But Terry took a good look of the place, how many guards, the type of door locks; he had made a mental plan in his head.

Once outside, in the truck, they left and got far away from the camp. When they arrived near the military camp, they stopped and got out of the truck.

Candy started to run and to scream of joy. Terry looked at her surprised.

- Candy?


She was running and falling into the snow, and rolling, rolling, laughing. Terry was looking at her smiling. The old Candy was back, the little girl pranky, happy spontaneous. She rolled in the snow, then she stood up and went to jump to Terry’s neck and hugged him hard for a while.

- I’m sorry, she said letting go of him, but I’m so happy!

- It’s ok, Candy, but I didn’t see the major Nelson, he must have been in the interrogation room… we have to get him out of here, we have to get them all out of there… you do know that you won’t be able to come and free them?

- I know… but I wish I could come… but I’m only going to worry you… I found Michael and Stear, a bonus!!! I’m going to let you take it from here… bring me back my husband and my cousin… I’m counting on you.

- No pressure, please… I’m happy to you’re not protesting too much…

- Terry, this is not a fun situation… if it was only the two of us, I would’ve come, but you’ve got the army with you, I’m only going to be on your way and risk the lives of those poor prisoners…

A plan was put in motion to free the prisoners. It was going to happen the next evening, during a military attack. A part of the soldiers were going to take advantage to free the prisoners. They had studied the plan with the information Terry gave them.

Candy was sent to France, on the other side of the frontier with a group maquis that were using alternate unofficial frontier. She didn’t care about the bad war’s conditions, she was just so happy. She spent her time praying inside for the mission to be a success.
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icon12  view post Posted on 22/7/2009, 23:23     +1   -1

Reine du drame à la plume diversifiée qui ne cesse de produire toujours autant, malgré les ans et ses idées qui autant en emporte le vent!




Chapter 10
“A happy reunion”

The snow was falling on the military camp. Candy was sent to the other side of the frontier with a group of maquis that had bought her by non-official frontier, the same the soldiers used to bring back war prisoners. But she arrived at the camp safe and sound. Her friends had already gone back to Paris. She was so nervous. She couldn’t do anything while she was waiting, aside… wait. After a wait that seemed like an eternity for everybody, the truck with the prisoners arrived at dawn. Candy, who had managed to close an eye for 5 minutes, suddenly woke up. They were there! The dangerous mission was a success, they had lost a few men, but they were able to free all the prisoners. They were skinny and sick, not only because of bad sanitary conditions, but also due to the fact that they were made prisoners in enemy territory, the conditions were pretty bad; they were glad to have been freed.

Candy was looking for her husband with her eyes in the middle of all those soldiers that were running to go inside the camp. Most of them were taken from their beds and they were barely dresses and some were even barefoot. They were covered with blankets in the truck where there was no heat.

She finally saw her husband helping out the sick soldiers to stand up and walk.

- Michael? She said

He looked up and saw his beloved and he smiled. She ran to him and jumped to his neck. They stayed like that for a while and then he looked for her lips and they kissed passionately. Terry was helping the sick prisoners but he couldn’t help looking at Candy running to her husband and kiss him with so much passion. It was like they stuck a knife in his heart. That was his Candy, his Miss Freckles, his Miss Tarzan, the Queen of his thoughts! Life was cruel. Nothing happened like he predicted it; the woman he wanted to live the rest of his life with, was now the wife of another man. The pain, mixed to the joy of seeing her, made him motionless.

Candy was still in her husband’s arms.

- Miss Daredevil! My God! You came to look for me?

- You didn’t think I was going to abandon you, my loving lieutenant…

- I love you

- I love Michael. Don’t you ever scare me like that again!

They continued talking for a while.

- Candy? Said a voice

She turned around and se saw a young man with long hair and a long beard and broken glasses, skinny, sick, limping a little, but it was him!

- Alistair! She yelled, excuse-me honey, she said to Michael

She ran to him and jumped to his neck.

- Candy!!! Oh it’s so good to see you!!

- Alistair!!! Oh Alistair!!!!!

- Candy, what, a nice girl like you, is doing in a place like this? This is not a place for a woman…

- And it’s a place for men? You think that getting yourself killed is funny? The war is the place for no one Stear! Oh my God, I can’t believe you’re in my arms! I thought I would never see you again!

- What are you talking about? I would’ve come back…

- We thought you were dead, Stear…

- Dead?

- We even buried you…

- My God! But how? Oh… the plane crash… but…

- Yes, said Candy

- I was hit, I though it was the end….

- Stear, let’s go inside and take care of you, said Candy taking him inside the camp

They walked inside; Candy didn’t leave him for a minute. Once inside the camp, they gave him a bed and clean clothes. Terry came to see Stear. A young soldier was passing by, and smiled to Candy.

- Mrs. Durand, hello, how are you? Said the soldier

- I’m fine thank you, said Candy

Stear was surprised; “Mrs. Durand”, not “Mrs. Grandchester”?

- Mrs, Durand? Said Stear, as in Mrs. Michael Durand? Not Mrs. Grandchester?

- Yes, said Candy worried

- Did I miss something or the blow I got to my head was more severe than I thought…? Shouldn’t you be Mrs. Terrence Grandchester, Candy…? Terry?

Candy and Terry panicked a little, Stear could talk too much…As weird as it was, Michael was the one who saved the situation;

- Mrs. Grandchester? Said Michael, oh…no, they pretended to be married to get into the enemy camp…

Candy and Terry had a sigh of relief; they completely forgot that they pretended to be married! Stear, who still didn’t understand, looked at Candy and he saw her begging eyes. He looked at Terry and he saw the same eyes, so he turned to Michael and said;

- Michael! You little sneak! How could you hide the fact that you’re married to Candy from me? After all she’s my cousin!

- It’s for security reasons. The less the enemy knows about you, the better… it’s so we don’t put the lives of the people we love in danger. That’s why I don’t have a picture of Candy on me… it’s good thing no one knew that she was actually my wife, because she came to visit the camp with Terry as a married couple…

- We had to do it at the frontier, said Terry thinking about the kiss, so the custom officer would leave Candy alone…

- And I had to pretend I didn’t know my own wife, said Michael holding her against him. You can’t imagine how difficult that was…I wanted to kiss her so much

- It was difficult for me too, said Candy, I wanted to fall into your arms…

Stear was looking at Candy and Michael and he looked at Terry and he saw he was hurt in his eyes. What happened? He had taken Candy to the train station so she would go to Terry’s premiere and eventually stay with him in New York…How did she go from New York to France in the war as Mrs. Michael Durand?

- Lieutenant Durand, doc… we need you, said a young soldier passing by

- I’ll be right there! Candy honey, I’ll see you later, he said kissing her on the forehead…Stear…Terry

- See you later honey, said Candy

- See you later, Michael, said Stear

- Bye doc, said Terry…

Michael left leaving the three friends alone.

- Candy? Terry? Said Stear, can you explain to me…?

- I’m married to Susanna Marlowe, said Terry

- Thanks for not saying anything, said Candy

- What? You mean Michael doesn’t know you two have a past? Said Stear stunned, don’t you think he’s got the right to know?

- It’s been too long, Stear, he’s not going to understand… said Candy

- I should think so! I know about it and I don’t understand anything! Said Stear

- When Terry and I saw each other again here in France, Michael had just been hit by a bullet and Terry saved his life…

- To tell him that Candy was the woman I wanted to marry was only going to hurt him, especially after a delicate operation… said Terry

- Then it was too late… said Candy

- Ok… but if he learns that you hid that detail from him… he’s going to think that you did it on purpose so you could see each other under his nose!

- But that’s not what were doing, said Candy, we’re faithful to our marriage vows…

- I know Candy, said Stear, but that’s what it’s going to look like…

- We’ll cross that bridge when we get there…

- Ok, I won’t say anything, but… well… said Stear

- What I don’t understand, said Candy, to change the subject, it’s why you were reported dead…

- I understand. My bed neighbour… we switched ID chains… I took his, he took mine… now I know he died… oh my God! I was captured… and since our chains have no picture…

He took his chain of with the ID plate and he read out loud;

- “Jake Meadows”…

- Oh… said Candy, I’m sorry for your friend, but I’m glad you’re alive!

She jumped to his neck again. She was so happy.

- Oh… said Stear laughing, I should die more often, Candy I missed you, I missed you all…

- Archie is going to be overjoyed and Patty…Oh my God! It’s a miracle! Oh Alistair!

They were laughing and talking about old time.

- I’ll let you two catch up, said Terry, see you later

- Thanks Terry said Stear, I owe you one…

- See you later Terry, said Candy with a smile

Terry left the two cousins alone. Stear saw Candy’s eyes when she talked to Terry. They were so full of love; she was still in love with him! Candy told Stear the latest family news; Archie and Annie were married and they had a baby named Anthony…

- Anthony? Oh… said Stear

- Annie told me that they wanted to call the next one “Alistair”…

- The next one?

- If there is a next one… said Candy laughing

- Oh… I have a little nephew…

- Patricia never got over your death, she blows off every suitors…

- Oh… that’s good to know, said Stear smiling, Patty, I missed her so much! Especially here, where we have a brush with death everyday… it was good to know that Patty was waiting for me…

- She’s still waiting for you, Stear

- She thinks I’m dead, Candy…

- Well hurry up and go home, and correct her on that, before she decides to move on…

- Yes… like you… Candy, I know you loved Terry with all your heart, what happened? I still can’t believe you’re married to Michael!

Candy told him what happened with Susanna and Terry.

- You’re too good, Candy, as usual… you should’ve stayed and found another solution…You’ve made a big sacrifice. You should’ve had us there with you to advice you…

- Yes, maybe. But it’s in the past. Michael is my present and my future

- Are you sure you’re not hanging on to him to forget about Terry?

- I love Michael, Stear and he loves me

- He’s a good guy. He gave me the courage to come here…to fight; when he got that telegram…

- Our evening was cut short, he was so charming…

- Archie was saying that you weren’t indifferent to the uniform…

- He helped me come down that tower with that stupid suitcase…

- You were completely under his charm…

- That was the good old time…

- Let’s hope, this war is going to be over soon, it’s been lasting 4 years too long!

They continued talking about the family, Candy stayed with him the whole time. She cut his hair and was giving him a sponge bath…she started with the chest…

- Candy, you’re an excellent nurse, said Stear, but you’re going to drive me crazy!

Candy burst out laughing.

- Stear, I’m your cousin and a married woman! Soldier, get a hold of yourself!

- Candy… said Stear tortured

- Is everything ok? Asked Michael

Stear thanked God for Michael’s arrival.

- Yes, said Candy, honey, you want to finish cleaning up Stear? I have to go get clean towels…

- Of course, Candy, said Michael with a mocking smile

Candy left and Michael remained with Stear.

- So Stear… we’re having problems with my wife’s service?

- Euh… no… said Stear blushing

- Alistair, it’s been years since you’ve seen a woman… your sister would have that effect on you!

They burst out laughing. Candy went back to Paris with Stear. They were debating whether to write the family, the news of Alistair’s return or let him give it to them in person…

- A letter, they’re going to think it’s a joke… said Stear

- So just go in person, you’ve been relieve of your duties, you can go home… and you’ll get there before any letter we write…unless we sent a telegram…

- Yes…I would like you to come with me…

- Oh Stear, unless I’m pregnant, and I’m not… I’m staying here with my husband

- Candy… so get pregnant! And come back with me!

- Stear! Said Candy blushing

- What ? I don’t want to leave you here…

- Michael is here to protect me and…

- Terry?

- I was going to say, God…

- Oh… sorry Candy, but you know deep down inside that he would protect you with his life. Unconsciously, you want to be with the two men you love…

- Two…?

- I know you still love Terry, Candy and you will always love him…

- Stear, can we talk about something else?

- Ok… so I’m going back to America without you…

- We’ll see each other again, Stear

- I’ve survived a plane crash. You’ll survive this war, Candy…

- When are you leaving?

- Tomorrow morning, I’m taking the boat, so I have to leave here tonight…

- I have to finish my work, but I’ll come and say goodbye to you…

- Ok, Candy.

Stear was going back home. It’s going to be a shock, especially since they think he’s dead. But he couldn’t wait to see his brother, his new sister-in-law, his nephew and especially Patricia… finally some light at the end of the tunnel. He had to pretend to be crazy to avoid being tortured too much by the enemy. It was easy, all he had to do, was to talk about his inventions… it seemed so unreal! And to see Candy again- he had a secret crush on her- was a delight for him. She was married to Michael, still in love with Terry… Poor Candy!

Candy finished her work and went to spend Stear’s last minutes with him, before he left.

- I’m going to miss you again, Candy

- Stear! She said hugging him, I missed you so much, I still can’t believe you’re alive! You give a big kiss to everybody for me ok?

- Even Neil and Eliza?

- I’m so happy… what the heck? Yes, even them!

- Ok, Candy, said Stear with a smile, are you sure you want to stay here?

- I wish I could come with you, just so I could see everybody’s face when they see you… but…Stear, you said it yourself’ I’ve got the two men I love here, and there’s no other place I would rather be… she said softly

- Candy… ok, then. Take care of yourself and get pregnant already, for God’s sake!

They burst out laughing and Stear left with a group of other American soldiers. He was sad to leave Candy behind, but he was happy to go back home. He was very impatient during the crossing. He met a young man name Jonathan Brooks and they became friends.

- You’re going to Chicago? Asked Jonathan, me too!

- Great, we could make the trip together, I’m coming back from the war; they think I’m dead…

- They think you’re dead?

- An awful mistake… I’m going to rectify that and surprise them

- You can say that again, especially your parents

- My brother is my best friend; I missed him so much… I was captured by the army enemy and I was pretending to be crazy…

- You’ve got a lot of stories to tell…. Go on…

They spent the rest of the crossing together. Most of the passengers were wounded soldiers, amputated soldiers and boat’s cargo was filled with the remains of those who died at war. The atmosphere was kind of murky. Those responsible for the war had to find a solution soon, because it was lasting way too long.

Patricia O’Brien was with her grandmother who usually has crazy ideas and disappears out of the blue. Of course, the grandmother had left again without telling anybody and Patty was looking for her, for days in Chicago, when she finally received a letter from her, telling her she was in New York, working for free in one of the hospitals where all the wounded from the war came… Patricia went to see Annie who was busy with her baby.

- Annie, I have news from grandma

- Really? Where is she?

- In New York…

- New York? Oh… at least she’s not in Europe….

- Next time who know? I wouldn’t put it pass her… she’s so unpredictable… How’s Anthony?

- Like you can see, he’s fine

- You don’t have a nanny?

- Yes, but since I’m home, I like to take care of him myself… maybe it’s because I was abandoned, I don’t want him to feel abandoned if I’m here…

- Annie… that’s ridiculous…

- Maybe, but it’s a pleasure for me to take care of him

- I see… ok, I have to go to New York, said Patty standing up.

Patty’s purse fell on the floor and the content was spilled on the carpet. There was “Candy’s box of happiness”, the little that Stear had given to Candy, who gave it to Patty to encourage her. The box started to play a melody… Patty couldn’t believe her ears; she had tears in her eyes.

- Patty are you ok? Asked Annie worried

- Candy’s box of happiness…

- Yes?

- Stear gave it to Candy, he made it for her as a present when she was going to New York for Terry’s premiere…

- That was nice of him

- Candy gave it to me to encourage me because I was sad because of Stear. The music was playing in the beginning and then one day, it just stopped by itself, for no reason…

- Did you drop it?

- No, it wasn’t playing any music since then…

- And today it’s playing music, said Annie, that’s why you’re sad? You’re thinking about Candy and Stear?

That wasn’t it, but Patty let her friend believe that’s why she was crying. She remembered the day the box of happiness stopped. She had a bad feeling, a short time later; they received the news of Alistair’s death… the worst day of her life. The box of happiness had stopped playing music, and now it was playing again…

- Yes, Annie, I’m sorry, I didn’t want to worry you

- Stop saying nonsense, Patty. You have the right to cry… tears are good for you

- Thank you. I have to go, she said picking up her stuff from the carpet

She kissed her friend and the baby and she left. She went to her place and she took a small suitcase, then she went to the station and took the train for New York.
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Reine du drame à la plume diversifiée qui ne cesse de produire toujours autant, malgré les ans et ses idées qui autant en emporte le vent!




Chapter 11

“Alistair’s return”

There were a lot of people at New York’s General Hospital. When a boat arrived from Europe, with all the soldiers, going back home, they first went by the hospital to get a clean bill of health before heading back home. Alistair was getting examined by a doctor who told him, he was malnourished and he had a little bit of the flu, but he was out of danger. Alistair was waiting for Jonathan in the waiting room, so they could go together to the station take the train for Chicago.

Patty’s grandmother Martha was among the volunteers at the hospital, she helped patients to walk, sit and lie down. While she was helping a young pregnant woman, she looked up and she saw a young man who looked a lot like Patricia’s fiancé… but it was impossible, Patricia’s fiancé was dead! But he looked like him so much! She finished helping the pregnant woman and she wanted to go back to see Alistair’s look-alike, but she got distracted by other patients…

Jonathan was done and he was ready to leave with Stear who was waiting for him in the hallway.

- So? Said Stear

- I’m ready to go back to Chicago, far away from the awful war…

- I’m following you, soldier! Said Stear, let’s get out of here!

They started to laugh and walked towards the exit where a lot of wounded soldiers were arriving. Stear didn’t see among the soldiers and the other patients, was a young lady with glasses looking for her grandmother.

Patricia started looking for her grandmother Martha; there were a lot of people, it was crowded. It was not easy to search for her, there was a lot of noise and the staff was really busy. It took her almost an hour, but she finally found her grandmother in the paediatric wing reading a story to sick children.

- Grandma, said Patricia, finally! You worried me like crazy! Why are you always leaving without saying anything to anybody…?

- Patricia! How good to see you! I wanted to help at the hospital, honey, said the grandmother very calm and hugging her

- You’re coming with me to Chicago…

- Yes, of course. That’s why I called you… otherwise, I would’ve continued my work and leave you in your ignorance…

- Grandma!

- Come on, let’s go eat something before we take the train

- Ok, let’s go…

- Wait, Patricia… said the grandmother… I wanted to see someone first, but whom?

- The chief of staff, maybe?

- No, a young man… oh yeah! Your fiancé’s double!

- Who’s double?

- Your fiancé’s…

- What fiancé? I don’t have a fiancé grandmother…

- Yes, you do, the boy with glasses like you… with black hair

- Alistair? Said Patty the throat tight

- Yes… that’s it!

- You saw Alistair? He’s not my fiancé, well… he wasn’t my fiancé and he’s dead…

- I know he’s dead the poor boy… that’s why I saw his double…

- Oh grandma, stop kidding around, let’s go!

Patricia took her grandmother and took her to a restaurant to get something to eat. They ate quietly. Patricia had to go to the powder room, she stood up.

- Grandmother, I’m going to the little girls’ room… don’t do anything foolish, like go wash the dishes in the restaurant’s kitchen

- Ok, Patricia, I won’t move… but to wash the dishes in a restaurant is not foolish Patricia…

- Grandma, just be on your best behaviour…please, said Patty walking away

The grandmother was eating. They had a table near the window. Grandmother Martha thought she saw Patricia’s fiancé’s double again, he was walking down the streets of New York… she wanted to follow him, but Patricia was going to be angry at her if she left… she stayed at the table and look at the double leave…

Patricia came back to the table to finish her meal.

- I saw him again , said the grandmother

- Who?

- The double…

- Grandma stop! You’re hurting me! Said Patty louder

- I’m sorry Patty. I’m shutting up…

- I’m sorry for raising my voice… but grandma…

- I know Patricia… let’s change the subject

The grandmother started to tell her stories about the hospital and Patricia was laughing out loud. But she was still thinking about her grandmother’s words… the Stear’s double… Candy’s box of happiness…no, she didn’t want to give herself false hope…

Stear and Jonathan were eating in a small restaurant not too far from the train station. They were sitting outside on the terrace.

- It’s good to eat hot dogs and hamburgers! Good old American food! Said Stear smiling

- You’re telling me? Food at the war was awful… but we had to survive…

- Like you say…

- I can’t help to sleep in my soft and comfortable bed!

They burst out laughing, finished their meal and they went to the train station. The day was coming to an end, it was almost spring time and the snow was starting to melt. The whether was cloudy, and it was foggy. They went to the station to take the train.

Patricia was at the station with Grandmother Martha waiting for the train to Chicago. It was not very crowded and the thick fog made the visibility limited and gave the impression you were alone in the world. Patricia left her grandmother to go buy some magazine to read on the train.

Alistair was on the pier with Jonathan waiting impatiently for the train.

- Jonathan, I’m going to buy some magazine to read on the train, you have some coins?

- Of course… there, said Jonathan giving him some coins

- Thanks…

Stear walked to a newspaper stall.

Patty was at the stall and she saw a magazine on engines, and she thought about Stear. Her heart got tight and tears were coming down her cheeks. She thought about her grandmother’s words, the box of happiness… and she was weeping in silence.

- Oh Alistair, she said out loud, I miss you so much… Alistair…

- Yes?

Patricia was startled and she turned around… she couldn’t believe her eyes! He seemed as stunned as she was to have met her by chance.

- Patricia?

- Alistair? She said a little uncertain

- Yes…

- ALISTAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She said jumping to his neck, oh I’m not dreaming! Grandma was right! Oh Alistair !!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!

- Patricia, my God, I never thought I’ll see you here in New York! I’ve missed you so much!!

They stayed like that for a few moments and then Stear looked for her lips and kissed her with passion. Patricia always regretted not to have been kissed by the boy she loved… she never thought she’d have the occasion to experiment the wonderful and delicious phenomenon she dreamed about every night. She didn’t care she was in a public place and that everybody was looking at them. She had the miracle; she never thought she’d have. They were so caught up in their reunion, that they forgot they were at the station and that they had a train to catch. The voice over announced the arrival of the train to Chicago.

- The train, said Patricia between two kisses

- What?

- The train, honey…

- Oh yes… let’s go he said without letting go of her…

They went to the pier and they found Jonathan who was waiting for Stear at the door.

- Alistair! Finally I thought you’d been kidnapped… but…said Jonathan

- Jonathan, this is Patricia…said Stear

- The girl you love? Oh… said Jonathan with a smile

- I met her by chance, Patricia this is Jonathan, we met on the boat…

- Good evening, said Patty smiling

- Good evening, said Jonathan

- Oh… Grandma Martha! I forgot my grandmother! Grandma!

- Patricia said Grandma Martha arriving, oh… you found your fiancé’s double! I told you they looked alike, like twins…

- Yes, grandma, said Patty laughing, that’s because it’s him!!!

- What? Your fiancé is not dead? Said the old lady surprised

- No… grandma Martha, I’m alive and kicking said Stear

- Oh… my God! Come here said the old lady

She hugged Alistair.

- You hurt my little Patty, a lot…

- I’m sorry, said Stear

- Don’t apologise, said Patty, you’re alive, for God’s sake!

- We have to get on board, said Jonathan, otherwise, we’re going to miss the train…

They got on the train and the two young men were in the same compartment as Patricia and her grandmother. Stear didn’t let go of his beloved. He couldn’t stop kissing her.

- I’m sorry Grandma Martha, I hope we haven’t offended you, said Stear

- Oh not at all! I’m going to sleep anyway. You have a lot of catching up to do… don’t over do it!

Patty blushed a little and Stear was laughing. They spend the whole trip in each other’s arms, talking, telling stories, laughing, kissing…Jonathan was happy for his friend.

- When my was hit, said Stear, my biggest regret was not to have told you how I feel… I love Patricia…

- I love you too, Alistair, I love you so much!!! Oh, I’m the happiest woman on the planet!!!

They burst out laughing and continue talking, kissing… they couldn’t believe they were together and didn’t get tired of each other.

Candy was taking care of a young Canadian soldier who answered to the name; Lester Pearson. He was hurt on his right leg.

- Mrs. Durand… why don’t you go back to America?

- And leave my husband here with all those French nurses? Joked Candy, I don’t think so!

They burst out laughing. Then Lester took a serious tone.

- If I had the power, said Lester, I would make sure that this war stops and make sure it doesn’t happen again in the world. All this blood shed is totally and completely futile…

- So become a politician and advocate of peace talks, said Candy

- That’s what I intend to do, if I get out of this war alive…

- Seriously?

- Yes. After living the horror of the war… I’m not joking… I want to make it my cause…

- Well, I hope you’ll get out of this war alive and that you’ll be able to stop another war one day…

- Mrs. Durand, said an orderly, they need you in the O.R.

- I’m coming, said Candy, Lester; I have to go… get well soon!

- Bye, Mrs. Durand said Lester…

Meanwhile in Chicago, Alistair and Patricia took Grandma Martha at Patty’s so she could rest. They separated with Jonathan at the Chicago station; his family was there to pick him up.

At the Andrew Manor, Annie had just put little Anthony down for his nap. Archie was there to eat with his family as usual. Albert, Neil and the Great Aunt Elroy were there too.

Patricia entered the room and found them all at the table eating.

- Hello, she said coming in with a big smile

- Patricia! Said Annie smiling did you find Grandma Martha?

- Yes, and you know that I found her because she wanted to be found…

- She’s incorrigible! Said Archie, you want to eat something?

- Yes, of course, said Patricia, but I have a surprise for you…

- For us? Said Annie

- Yes, for the whole family, you too Albert, Neil and Great Aunt Elroy…

- Really? Said Albert, what is it?

- Just wait a minute, I’m coming said Patricia going out

The others were intrigued by Patty’s cheerfulness; she had a surprise for them? Patricia came back in the dining room, still smiling.

- Patty, said Annie, where’s the surprise…?

- The surprise is here!!! Said Stear coming in

Stear’s family was flabbergasted! Either their biggest wish had just come true, or they were the victims of a collective hallucination!

- So? Said Stear, you’re not kissing your brother who had just come back from the dead?

Archie wasn’t saying a word, he stoop up and approached his brother.

- Pinch me, he said to his brother

- What?

- Pinch me… so I’ll be sure I’m not dreaming…

- Ok, said Stear pinching his arm

- Ouch! You’re really here! I’m not dreaming!!! Oh Stear!!! He said hugging him hard… where were you? We thought you were dead!

- Rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated… said Stear laughing

- You can say that again! Said Albert hugging him too

The great aunt had remained silent, she couldn’t understand what was happening; it was her grand nephew… he was not dead… oh my God… her heart…

- Alistair?

- Great aunt, said Stear, I’m back…

- Oh Lord! Said the great aunt hugging him to make sure he was real

She hugged him for a long time and it was the general joy for the rest of the day. Albert sent a telegram to the Cornwells to tell them the good news. But he had to send the telegram several times, because his sister and her husband thought it was a hoax; they didn’t believe the news!

Patricia stayed at the manor with her grandmother, to be near her beloved.

In France, the war continued, men continued to lose their lives and the leaders were trying to find a solution for this war that was already lasting too long.

In March it was the beginning of 5 German offensives. The British front was sunken in the Somme battle.

Candy was sent by the Red Cross with other soldiers that were going back to camp with medical supplies to help the doctors there, with all the fights, the hospitals were overcrowded and the camp doctors had to do their best with the little nurse staff they had.

She arrived at the camp and she found chaos. She helped as much as she could. She saw a lot of wounded soldiers, among whom, Terry… her heart skipped a beat… but she couldn’t show it to him.

- Terry, are you ok? She asked

- Yes, it’s only a flesh wound … what are you doing here? It’s dangerous theses days…

- When is it not dangerous? I know but I came to bring some medical supplies for the camp. I have to go back to Paris… Michael is there, he’s coming here tomorrow I think

- Yes, he said looking at her with love… did Stear leave?

- Yes… he must be home by now and happy to be with his family…

- That’s good for him, at least he’s far away from here… and you’re still not pregnant?

Candy became bright as red…

- Terry, how could you ask me that?

- You can’t imagine how much it hurts me, to ask you that… it even hurts me more to wish it, but if it’s the only thing that’s going to send you back to America to safety…

- Oh please, Michael is bugging me enough as it is... Can you spare me please? A little peace would be good…

- Peace? During war time? He said with a mocking tone

- At least, you haven’t lost your senses of humour… I have to go…

- I coming…

- What do you mean, you’re coming?

- Yes, because of my flesh wound, I’m the designated driver of the moment…

- You’ve got to be kidding me! This has got to be a bad joke!

- No, no… come on Mrs. Durand, I was waiting for you…

Candy was looking at him. She decided not to discuss too much, she could show her feelings…

- Ok, let’s go…

Terry went to tell his boss he was leaving and he took Candy to the truck. The night was cold and she prayed the trip will go quickly. They were riding in silence, when they heard a noise coming from the truck.

- Terry, what’s going on? Asked Candy…

- I don’t know, it’s like the truck is slowing down…

- But, we’re in the middle of nowhere, said Candy worried, we’re too far from the camp to go get some help…

- I’m going to see what’s happening first, said Terry getting out of the truck

He opened the hood and looked at the engine for a while. He came back in the truck and told Candy;

- Bad news, it’s the water pomp…plus the belt is loose and it ran down the battery…

- Ok… what are the possible solutions?

- We need help… but it’s too cold; I can’t ask you to walk to the camp…

- Terry, it’s too far, and it’s late… and without the heat from the engine running, we’re going to freeze to death

- I could go and come back with help…

- There not a single house for miles around… and you want to leave me alone? She said with a little voice

- Of course not, he said, it was only a suggestion…

- But it’s going to be very cold and the blanket won’t be enough…

- There’s a way to stay warm…

- Which one? Not the theory of two bodies rubbed against each other…?

- You’d rather freeze to death?

- No, but…

- Candy, one must take the rough with the smooth… our body becomes cold when we’re asleep… and the freezing cold of the night… we could wake up frozen, literally and if we’re not dead, we’re going to be very sick… I know I don’t mean anything to you anymore, I’m just a friend…so there shouldn’t be a problem…

Candy didn’t know what to do, to spend the night curled up against Terry? Why was life set on testing her that way? But she had no choice…

- Terry, apparently we have no choice… Oh my God! I can’t believe what I’m about to say…here goes… we have to sleep curled up against each other to stay warm…

A part of her was jumping of joy, the human and realistic part; she was going to spend the night in the arms of the man she loved… Terry took off his parka and stay with is t-shirt on… Candy looked at him stunned… the parka took a lot of space in the truck. So, she did the same thing, the inside of the truck was not made for sleeping. She had a light green pullover on. Terry took the parkas, fold them and put them in the space between the seats, but it was not enough. He took his boots off and Candy did the same thing and it was better. Terry lied down and opened his arms; Candy looked at him and she lay down on him. She tried not to like it too much… but… She took the blanket and she put it on them, she put her head on Terry’s chest.

- Terry, how’s your arm?

- It’s fine, Freckles, don’t worry about me… said Terry who was on cloud nine…

He was going to spend the night with the Queen of thoughts in his arms… Candy felt his joy, she was happy too, but, she felt guilty to like the situation so much.

Nevertheless, the universe seemed to want to give our two lovebirds a temporary and very short lived happiness… but it was just a chimera!

Lester Bowles Pearson (1897-1972)

Canadian politician. He went to WW1 and his experience during the war gave him the will to become a peacemaker to avoid futile bloodshed. He realised his dream and became a peacemaker and he managed to stop a lot of conflicts… he received the Nobel peace price in 1957. From April 22 1963 to April 1968, he was the Prime Minister of Canana. Toronto’s International Airport is named after him
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icon12  view post Posted on 23/7/2009, 00:39     +1   -1

Reine du drame à la plume diversifiée qui ne cesse de produire toujours autant, malgré les ans et ses idées qui autant en emporte le vent!




Chapter 12

“The bun in the oven”

Meanwhile in Paris, Michael was wondering where is wife was, she should’ve been there already. Maybe her truck broke down on the road? But with the cold night? Maybe the trip was postponed? Whatever it was, he was going to look for her in the morning. Maybe she was captured by the enemy? No, he had to be optimistic, his Miss Daredevil was fine, she was going to cross the threshold of the door anytime now, smiling at him. But he was crazy with worries. He took a truck to go to the camp to look for his wife.

One more night

One more night with you

Close your eyes, I’ll give you my love

One more night

One more night with you

Please hold me once again

Because I love you

Here I stand

And I can't even cry

My heart is breaking up inside

You say goodbye

You found somebody new

Wherever you go

I’ll be with you

One more night

One more night with you

Hear me now I can't let you go

One more night

I’ll open my heart to you

Please hold me once again

Because I love you

Before you leave

Just take me in your arms

And let me feel you once again

I can't help myself

I still depend on you

Whatever you do

I’ll be with you

One more night

One more night with you

Close your eyes; I’ll give you my love

One more night

One more night with you

You know how long it going last

It’s up to you

I want hold you once again

Because I love you

Candy was dreaming she’d arrived at the hospital in Terry’s arms and she ran to Michael to reassure him that nothing happened with Terry.

- Oh Michael, I love you so much, she mumbled out loud

Terry who had opened his eyes, at dawn, felt bad. But he didn’t want to let go of Candy, it was a delight he wasn’t going to get the occasion to have again. He took full advantage.

Candy moved, she was feeling fine, warm and safe in Terry’s arms…She loved the smell of his cologne… in Terry’s arms… Oh… no, she had to open her eyes and if it was the morning, she had to leave that dangerous place that was Terry’s arms… But she opened her eyes and she didn’t move, she wanted to move, she felt so good, she felt in her place, during those few hours… in her place? But in reality her place was with Michael, not Terry… Terry was married to Susanna… that thought made her sad and tears started to come down her cheeks. Terry felt she was awake.

- Candy, are you ok?

- Yes, Terry. We’re not frozen to death

- On the contrary, said Terry smiling

- You think it’s funny, don’t you?

- I think it’s a delight to have you in my arms all night long…

- We have to get up, said Candy who didn’t want to move

They heard some noise outside and they saw Michael’s face looking in the window of the truck. Oh… don’t panic, said Candy to herself, who was afraid the joy she was feeling to have been in Terry’s arms was too obvious and visible. But, Michael didn’t know that Terry was the man she loved, the man that she still loves. She calmed herself.

- Michael? She said smiling

She sat up and opened the door and jumped in her husband’s arms. She had pushed Terry away a little abruptly, and he felt hurt by that…

- Candy! I was so worried! Said Michael, but if I had known you were with Terry, I wouldn’t have worried so much…

“Oh my God, said Candy in her head”

Those words were really sounding weird coming from her husband’s mouth. Michael trusted Terry; if he ever leans the truth…She didn’t even want to think about it. She took her stuff and got ready to go back with Michael to the hospital.

- Terry, thank you for keeping my wife warm…

- You’re welcome, Michael, you would’ve done the same thing for mine, said Terry

Another truck from the military camp had arrived and was taking care of Terry’s truck.

- Thank you Terry, said Candy looking at him with fondness

He looked into her eyes for a few moments and then, she turned around to go join Michael in his truck.

- Bye Candy, said Terry almost for himself.

In the truck that was taking them back, Candy was thinking. She was starting to like this situation too much. She had the two men she loved with her at the war, but she still felt disloyal towards Michael, because he didn’t know that Terry was the man she loved, the man loves… yes, she still loved Terry like crazy. Oh… life was so complicated!

The war continued with the offensives, the mutinies and the young soldiers who were sacrificing their lives, their family, their dreams and were getting themselves killed everyday. The hospitals were still full and the nurses continued their work the best way they could. One of Candy’s friends, Kristina, was hit by a bullet during a rescue operation.

- Oh my God, said Kristina, I don’t know if I can take this war any longer…

- Kristina, said Candy, there’s a rumour that says that talks of peace are in progress…

- A rumour Candy? I would have preferred something concrete…if this war continues, we’re all going to get killed in the end!

Kristina was bitter, she was starting to get fed up to brush death everyday… death… they should’ve been used to it, after all that time, but no, death; to see all those young men lose their lives everyday was a portrait no one should get used to…

Candy spent a lot of time with Michael and in September, she found out she was late in her cycle…Oh… but don’t panic, maybe it was the stress of the war… But she had been at the war for years…No, she probably finally had a bun in the oven and Michael was going to send her back to America! She didn’t really want to go, but she couldn’t put the life of her baby in danger at the war. She had to tell Michael the news; he was going to come in three days.

In Chicago, life was going fine, everybody was into the preparations of Stear and Patty’s wedding. It also was in a way, a celebration for Stear’s return, whom every body thought was dead. Patty’s parents were in Chicago, for the wedding, they wanted to participate in the planning and the spending of their daughter’s wedding with the nephew of William Albert Andrew, one of the richest man in America.

Annie was helping Patty with the dress, the tiara, and the flowers. They were talking and thinking about Candy.

- I wish she was here with us… said Annie

- Stear said that unless she gets pregnant, Candy is not coming back…said Patty

- So let’s pray for her to get pregnant quick, then

- Let’s keep a bride’s maid dress for her, in case she gets miraculously pregnant… But Stear told me that Terry was also at the war and he had the impression that Candy didn’t want to come to stay near Terry and Michael… but don’t tell anybody…

- Terry is at the war in France? Said Annie surprised, he couldn’t go to his country, in England? Oh my God….

- And there’s more; Michael doesn’t know that Terry is the man Candy used to love… and they are best friends…

- What a mumble jumbo! Poor Candy, between her husband and Terry, I understand why she doesn’t want to come back here; she’s going to be worried sick for the both of them!

- But let’s still pray for her to get pregnant, so she will be here for your wedding

- Ok, said her friend laughing…

Michael was with Candy at the apartment. They had just finished dinner.

- How are the peace talks? Asked Candy

- It should be concrete soon…

- So, we should soon be out of danger then…

- Maybe, but as long as there’s nothing in writing, there’s no guaranty that the war is going to stop…

- Oh… she said softly…

- Candy, what’s wrong?

- I’m late…

- Late? You mean…?

- I’m not sure, but you can examine me…

- You haven’t seen a doctor?

- I wanted you to be the first to know, if it was the case…

- Oh Candy… come here sweetie, let’s go to the bedroom…

He took her by the shoulders and they slowly walked to their bedroom. Michael examined her and he confirmed her suspicions. Candy was indeed pregnant.

- Candy, you’re pregnant alright… My love, congratulations

- Thank you, said Candy with tears in her eyes

- Why are you crying? You don’t want the baby?

- No… oh no honey, that’s not it! I’m very happy to have our baby, but it means that I have to leave you…

- I know sweetie, but we can’t put the baby’s life in danger or yours…

- Michael, I don’t want to leave you… she said crying

Michael took her lips and made love to his wife, softly, slowly, savouring every second, because he knew she was going back to America for the safety of their child.

- I love you Michael, she said against his chest and I don’t know how I'm going to live so far away from you

- Like you were doing it when I was on the battle front

- But I also knew that I was going to see you sooner or later…

- Pray those peace talks are not in vain, and that peace will come back and we will finally be able to live in peace together…

- Ok…

- I’m going to make the arrangements for your departure in a week and you’re going to stay at the hospital, this last week…

- More favouritism…

- I’m going to use all my power to protect you and our baby my love and I don’t care what people are saying…

- Kristina was hit in the leg, and she never totally recovered, can you arrange for her to leave with me?

- Of course honey…

- Thank you Michael, she needs to rest emotionally, I think to have been hit by that bullet was the last straw for her…

Michael made the arrangements for Candy’s departure for America. This last one had received the invitation for Stear and Patty’s wedding, and she was going to surprise them by appearing just before the wedding, she won’t tell them anything. Terry… she thought about Terry, about the fact that she will have to leave behind in this war too. She told herself a million times that Terry’s life was of no interest to her, but it was no use, she couldn’t not think about him or not worry about him. He arrived with some wounded two day before Candy’s departure. Michael was also at the hospital, during Candy’s last week. While Terry was sitting in the waiting room, Michael came to see him after he finished working on the wounded.

- Terry, my buddy! Said Michael

- Hello doc! Said Terry

- Happy to see you’re still among us

- Me too…

- I have a good news… Candy is pregnant!! Said Michael happily

Terry felt like they were sticking a sharp knife in his heart, but he was an actor, and like a good actor, he acted as happy as his friend.

- That’s wonderful, old buddy! Congratulations!

- Thank you. But it also means that Candy is going back to America…

- Oh… you’re going to miss her, said Terry

“And I’m going to miss her too… he said in his head, the heart broken”

- No kidding… let this war be over soon! You must want to see your son…

- Yes, I get pictures every month, but I’m going to stay till the end of the war if I can…

- It’s like you don’t want to go back home…

- You know I married my wife for duty and obligation, I’m here to find your way…was I really destined to let the one I love go and marry a woman I never thought of in those terms…? I’m telling you because you’re my friend… I was thinking about the one I love every time I was intimate with my wife… its disloyal, she knows it, and she doesn’t care, she’d rather have me thinking about another woman, than not have me at all…

- Your wife is really crazy about you…

- In normal times, I mean, if I didn’t love the one I love for ever, I would’ve been flattered, but… because of my wife, I’m not happy. She saved my life, but sometimes I wished I had died instead of having been saved by her… Because to live without the one I love, it’s like being dead…

- Terry I’m sorry buddy…

- Thank you… I wanted to turn to the bottle again, but I said to myself if I come here and brush death, maybe for the first time, in a long time, I would appreciate my life better…

- So…

- Let’s wait and see if we make it to the end of the war, maybe I would appreciate life better…

- In any case, God kept you alive for a reason…

Candy had arrived and she had heard Terry’s last words. He’d come to the war to live with death? So, he was that unhappy without her? But he didn’t he returned to Susanna? She had his baby now; he will never abandon her…

- Honey, said Candy arriving

- Candy, said Michael…

- It seems congratulations are in order…congratulation for the baby said Terry

- Hi! Thank you, Terry, said Candy smiling

- Michael tells me you’re going back to America?

- Yes… in two days I’ll be on the boat, said Candy

- Lucky you! Said Michael

- And I’ll get there just in time for Stear’s wedding… said Candy that’s the only thing that’s consoling me; I wanted to stay here with you Michael…

- But, the baby comes first, Miss Daredevil

- Yes, the baby comes first, said Candy. Are you ready to go, Michael?

- I’m sorry honey, I have to work for 4 more hours, one of the doctors got sick, I have to replace him. But go with Terry, I’ll be there in 4 hours…

- Ok, said Candy, let’s go Terry…

Candy went home with Terry. Terry took a shower and changed. Candy was finishing packing; she was finally going back to America, she will see her friends and take care of the baby to come. She went back to the living room and she found Terry reading a French paper.

- Do you understand? She said entering the living room

- My French got way better since I got here. You’re finally returning to America… but the war is almost over…

- Yeah, I hope I won’t stay without Michael too long…

- He’s going to miss you too… and me too…

- Terry, I heard what you were saying to Michael…

- Really? Said Terry worried

- Just the end…

Terry had a sigh of relief. She didn’t hear the part about Susanna…

- You came here to brush death, to know if your life was worth living…Terry every single life is precious in the eyes of God… Susanna saved your life and I’m very grateful to her for that. I’m glad you didn’t die, Terry, or I would’ve died too… don’t say anything. If it had happened now, I wouldn’t have left you to Susanna… we were only kids and we had to take a decision the changed the course of the rest of our lives in a rush… If you really came here to get an answer to your question, I’m going to give it to you…Yes, Terry you deserve to live, you brushed death here every day and you haven’t been badly hurt, it’s not your time… you have a wife and a little boy who need you. I’m fine, I’m happy with Michael, I’m going to have a baby, everything is fine Terry, and life is worth living… for our children…

Terry didn’t respond, Candy was happy with her husband and he was still alive, he’s had some flesh wounds and some scratches but nothing serious. He had to live, for his son, for Susanna.

- Thank you Candy, thank you very much, said Terry

Candy smiled. They started to talk about every day things, until Michael arrived. They all had dinner together and they talked, then they went to bed. Terry heard Candy laugh with her husband in their bedroom. The next day, Michael, left early for the hospital, leaving Candy and Terry alone. They had breakfast together. Then Terry got ready to go back to camp.

- Candy, I have to go. Goodbye. Good luck, said Terry the heart broken

He was sad she was leaving France, but happy that she was going to be safe… with her baby, Michael’s baby. Things were what they were.

Candy’s heart was also heartbroken to leave Terry and Michael in France, she wanted to stay with them, but she had to think about her baby now. Terry walked to the door; Candy felt her heart leaving with him…

- Terry, wait!

He stopped and turned around. Candy ran to him and jumped to his neck. Terry hugged her, closing his eyes.

- Good luck Terry. Be careful. And thank you, thank you for everything you did for me, whispered Candy in his ear

- You don’t need to thank me, Freckles, it was a pleasure…

- I’m going to miss you…

- I’m going to miss you too…

- Goodbye Terry…

- Goodbye Candy…

Terry left and Candy went to her room to cry. She was crying her lost love, she was crying for Terry, the man she loved and that she will never have…

Candy went to see Kristina, who was happy to go back to America with her.

- Allyson and Kelly are staying… oh we’ve break up our little group…said Kristina

- Yes, but we have to think about our health said Candy

- And my fiancée is in England… it’s stupid for us to be in the same war but in different countries…

- Yes, indeed…

- How are you feeling? You have to leave the two men you love…

- I have to think about my baby first…

- Yes, you’re baby, said Kristina smiling, you’re going to tell me what you’ll have ok?

- Of course, it’s our baby… said Candy laughing touching her belly, I’m so happy

- I hope my leg will be better

- It will you have to be optimistic

Kelly and Allyson came to join them to spend the last hours with them.

- With a little luck, said Kelly, we will all be in America in a few weeks…

- Yes, peace seems to want to come this time, said Allyson

- That’s good, said Candy, it will mean that I won’t stay separated from Michael too long…

- That’s good, because pregnant women need their husbands, said Kristina, are you “staking up” these last night?

Candy blushed lightly.

- About that “staking up”, I have to leave you. Michael is finishing early and I want to spend those last seconds in France with him… said Candy, bye girls…

- Bye Candy, said the girls

Candy went home and she found Michael who had just arrived…

- Candy…

- Michael, she said running to him to hug him

- Oh Candy, I’m going to miss you…

- I’m going to miss you too… let’s go to the bedroom…

- With pleasure, I want to take advantage of each second we have left…

The next day, Michael took Candy to the boat. She couldn’t stop crying. She kissed her husband before she got on board.

- Take good care of the baby, said Michael

- Very well my French lieutenant, said Candy

- I love you…

- I love you too

- You’re going to be in your adoptive family?

- If it’s viable, why not? Otherwise, I’ll find a place to live for us…

- Ok, I trust you, my love. Good bye, Miss Daredevil

- Goodbye my loving French lieutenant…

Candy finally got on board the face in tears. She joined Kristina who was already on board. This last one, who was walking with a cane approached Candy and hugged her. They had the same cabin. The crossing was fine, but Candy in her condition was often sick, especially when the water was a little agitated.

- Kristina, I’m going to die, said Candy

- It’s going to be ok, try to sleep

- My stomach is moving at the same rhythm as the waves… said Candy going to throw up…

She was happy went they reach the ground, finally in New York. America… security for her baby and where most of her friends were. She met Kristina’s family on the pier.

- Kristina, I’m going to write you, ok?

- Ok, and thank you again Candy, said Kristina going to join the members of her family on the pier… bye Candy

- Bye Kristina…

Candy went to the hospital to get checked out by a doctor. The doctor told her that everything was fine and to take some vitamins. She then went to the train station, to take the train for Chicago.
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icon12  view post Posted on 23/7/2009, 00:55     +1   -1

Reine du drame à la plume diversifiée qui ne cesse de produire toujours autant, malgré les ans et ses idées qui autant en emporte le vent!




Chapter 13

“Candy’s return”

The train arrived to Chicago, with Candy in it. She asked for help because she couldn’t carry all her suitcases alone. A man arrived and helped her carry her luggage to the street and hailed a cab for her. She was on her way to the Andrew manor. She hadn’t seen the manor for a long time. She was happy to be back in America. She climbed the stairs while the driver was getting her luggage out of the car. She paid for the cab and thanked the driver. She rang the door, a butler opened the door. Candy got in and the butler took care of her luggage.

- Hello Miss Andrew

- Hello. Where is everybody? Asked Candy

- In the big living room, Miss Andrew. Welcome home, Miss Andrew…

- Thank you said Candy smiling

She walked to the big living room. She found everybody talking

- Hello, everybody she said smiling, I heard a wedding was in preparation…

They all turned around and opened their eyes surprised.

- CANDY!!!!!!!!! Yelled everybody

Annie and Patty ran to her to hug her, kiss her, laughing and crying at the same time. Stear, Archie, Neil and Albert were all present and they stood up to greet her too. They were all happy she had come back safe and sound from the war.

- Candy, what a nice surprise! Said Archie

- Yes Candy, said Stear winking at her…

- Candy, it’s good to see you, said Neil smiling

Candy smiled and she hugged them all hard, one after the other.

- Oh, I’m so happy you’re here, not only in time for my wedding, but also for your life… said Stear

- Me too, but it was hard to leave Michael…but with a little chance, the peace talks are going to work and this war will finally be over said Candy

- You’re going to talk later, said Annie, Candy, you’re coming in the bedroom with us; you have to try you dress on…

- My dress? Asked Candy

- Yes, the bride’s maid dress

- But…started Candy

- We’ll talk upstairs, said Patty pulling her by the arm, come on!

Candy let herself dragged by her friends who took her to Patty’s bedroom.

- You’re room is next to mine, said Patty, great!

- I can live here without any problems you think? I don’t need any stress…

- You’re talking about the adorable great aunt Elroy and the Reagan twins? The great aunt doesn’t bother anyone anymore, she’s getting old, Eliza is married and a mother, she’s got other things to do and Neil… well you got his letter. He’s married too and a father, said Annie, so you see, the manor is the perfect place, because I live here with Archie and Anthony and Patty too, we’re all going to be together and it will make Albert happy…

- Yes, I’m finally living at the Andrew manor, said Candy smiling, Where’s Anthony? I want to see him…

- Come over here, he’s in his bedroom…said Annie

- He’s got his own room? Asked Candy surprised

- Yes, but I let him sleep there during the day only…there’s no way my baby is sleeping in another room during the night!

- That’s what I thought, said Candy smiling

They went to see the baby who was sleeping in his crib. He was so adorable. He had blond hair and rosy cheeks.

- Oh Annie, said Candy, with tears in her eyes, can I take him?

- Yes, of course…

Candy took the baby and sang a lullaby to him. She was crying of joy. Annie and Patty were looking at her; it was good to see her again! Candy finished her lullaby and put the baby back in the crib. She wiped her eyes and followed her friends in Patty’s room. The two friends were staring at Candy intensely. She felt observed.

- What? Do I have horns on my head? Asked Candy

- Come on, said Annie, out with it…

- Out with what?

- The emotions…started Patty

- I’m happy to see you, especially the baby…said Candy

- Yes, the baby…, said Patty

- Oh, Stear told you?

- He told me, and I told Annie, said Patty

- Oh…. said Candy blushing

- We’re waiting…, said Annie

Candy looked at her two best friends and she touched her belly. Annie and Patty saw the gesture and they smiled, but they were still waiting for Candy’s confirmation.

- Yes, girls, I’m pregnant, she finally said

Annie and Patty screamed of joy and they jumped on their friend kissing her laughing and crying at the same time.

- Oh Candy that’s wonderful! Said Annie, especially since it brought you here…

- But you were sad to leave your husband, said Patty and… Terry

Candy didn’t answer. Terry, she had to get him out of her head…then she said;

- Terry is married to Susanna, said Candy, let her worry about her husband and the father of her child…

- Oh, said Annie, they have a baby…

- Yes, a little boy, said Candy sadly

- Oh Candy, I’m sorry, said Annie

- No, I’m married to Michael, with the end of the war soon I will put Terry behind me. In fact, I’ve already put him behind me… Michael, I miss him so much…

- You love him a lot, don’t you? Asked Patty

- When I arrived in France, my heart was in ashes, after I learned about Terry and Susanna’s wedding… Michael was like a ray of sunshine who brought me back to life… he helped me get over my grief…

- But he doesn’t know that Terry is the man who broke your heart, said Patty

Candy told them what happened.

- Then it was too late, Michael was Terry’s best friend and I didn’t want to ruin that…

- But, maybe Michael would’ve understood, maybe he would’ve take it well, said Annie

- I don’t think so, because Terry always talked to him about “the one he loved”… said Candy, I hope everything will be fine. I don’t think I’m going to tell him, he’s going to feel so betrayed…

- But you didn’t do anything wrong…said Annie

- You think he’s going to see it like that? Said Candy

She didn’t tell her friends about the kiss at the frontier or the night she spent with Terry in the truck…

- Well this is all over now, I’m not going to see Terry, and when the war is over, I’m going to go live in France , said Candy

- France? Said Patty, oh yeah, your husband is a French officer…

- Yes, and my French got a lot better, the French nurses…

Candy told them about her adventures in the hospitals, while trying the bride’s maid dress her friends had kept for her.

- I can’t believe you guys kept a dress for me, said Candy

- Well, we were praying for you to get pregnant, said Patty

- What? Said Candy

- Yes, since it was the only way to get you back here in America said Annie

- The only way you were going to live the two men you love… said Patty

- Patricia, walls have ears, said Candy

- And windows have eyes, said Annie

- I know said Patty, I’m sorry Candy

- It’s ok. You prayed for me to get pregnant? God granted your wish… So, if I understand you correctly, I’m here because of you?

- Yes, said Annie, smiling

- You’re not angry? Asked Patty

- Of course not, said Candy, I’m pregnant and I’m in America with my two best friends! I’m happy!

They burst out laughing and had a group hug. Candy tried the bride’s maid dress which suited her perfectly.

- It’s a good thing my belly is not showing yet… said Candy

- Otherwise, we would’ve made the dress bigger at the waist, said Annie

- Change Candy and let’s go downstairs, or the guys are going to come and get you themselves, said Patty

Candy changed and went back downstairs with her friends in the big living room where, as a matter of fact, the guys were getting impatient.

- Finally! You’re done with your female secrets? Said Archie

- What are you saying Archie? We were making her try the bride’s maid dress, said Annie

- I’m here, said Candy, and you’re going to get tired of me…

- Never! Said Stear smiling

They talked for a while about the horror of the war. Then, Candy went to her room to rest and Albert followed her. Candy hugged him again.

- Oh Albert, I missed you so much! She said against his chest

- I missed you too, Candy he said closing his eyes, how are you? Did you find what you wanted?

- I got married… and I’m having a baby Albert

Albert felt bad. She was having a baby with her husband. He finally understood that she will never be his. He could finally move on with his life. He smiled and looked at her with love, and then he hugged her again.

- Congratulations, Candy, I’m happy for you

- Yes…That’s what brought me back to America. Michael didn’t want me to put the baby’s life in danger… I know, my life was constantly in danger. I even, almost died once. But the baby… his or her life is precious. I couldn’t risk it at the war

- I understand Candy. I’m happy you came back, and especially, you’re finally living here…

- I did it for you and also to get pampered, said Candy smiling

- Get some rest, Mrs. Durand, said Albert, the trip must have been exhausting

- Oh my God, don’t even mention it! I was sick as a dog during the whole crossing… the baby…

- I’m sorry. I’m going to let you rest, then.

- Thank you Albert, she said hugging him again, I missed you so much!

- I missed you too…

Albert left and Candy fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Mean while in France, Terry was fighting alongside French soldiers. They were all hoping that it was going to be among one the last military offensives. The fight happened as usual and ended in bloodbath. With peace talks going on, young soldiers were still getting killed. Terry received a bullet in his chest. The choc was so strong he fell on the ground on a rock that knocked him out. He thought it was the end. He saw his whole life passing in front of him in a flash and he regretted not seeing his son and he regretted not to have married the woman he loved, the queen of his thoughts. He even started to think about what he was going to write in his notebook on the one who was occupying all his thoughts, 24 hours a day 7 days a week. He saw her when she took the cigarette he was smoking away from him and offered him the harmonica in replacement. On that happy thought, he closed his eyes, his head was spinning…

He woke up hours later on a hospital bed, with a terrible headache.

- Terry, said Michael, you scared us…

- What happened? He asked with a weak voice

- We thought you were hit by a bullet…

- What do you mean by “we thought”?

He had a flash of the noise of the bullet, the pain on the chest and the pain to the head.

- I was hit, wasn’t I? I remember the pain…

- Yes, you were hit, but your guardian angel protected you… said Michael

- What do you mean?

- Wait, I’m going to show you… said Michael going away

Michael came back with an object in his hand he gave to Terry. Terry took the object in question and remained speechless. The object was now deformed because of the bullet it had received, but he recognised it; it was the harmonica the queen of his thoughts had given to him all those years ago… She had saved his life, once again without knowing it.

- Without your harmonica, you would’ve received the bullet strait in your heart and you would’ve died on the spot, said Michael

Terry still couldn’t believe it; Candy had saved his life again! To see her at the Happy Clinic with the children, a few years ago, had given him the courage to stop killing himself in alcohol and take his responsibilities, and now, her harmonica, the harmonica she gave him on the pretend Pony hill in college, to stop him from smoking…

- You should thank your harmonica, said Michael smiling

- I should thank the person that gave it to me, all those years ago… said Terry sincerely moved

A tear was coming down his cheek. The woman he loved with all his heart had saved his life. He was more convinced than ever that he should’ve stayed with her; she was his best friend, his confident, his guardian angel, his soul mate, the queen of his thoughts, she was his Candy. He was happy to be alive, but sad he wasn’t able to live with the one who, according to him, was his destiny. She was married to Michael, his best friend and she was going to have his baby.

“Oh Freckles, I love you so much… you saved my life once again, my love... There’s a reason for everything… Thank you Candy, from the bottom of my heart…” he said in his head

- You’re going to have a little headache buddy, but aside from that, nothing fatal, your heart is fine; thanks to your harmonica… we almost lost you! Hang in there, my friend, the war is almost over… well we hope…

- Thanks Michael, said Terry closing his eyes

- I’m going to let you get some rest

Michael left the room leaving Terry crying in his head his lost love… He had just realised to what point he needed her to live, to see her in this war had given him courage and it was also one of the reasons he liked to stay in that sordid war, because he was able to see her from time to time… He should’ve chosen her… he cursed himself for the thousandth time to have chosen duty over love.

Freckles, morning's just a moment away And I’m without you once again You laughed at me, You said you don’t need me anymore I wonder if you need me now? So many dreams that flew away So many words we didn't say Two people lost in a storm Where did we go? Lost but never found You know we let each other down But then most of all- I do love you- Still! We played the games that people play We made our mistakes along the way Somehow I know deep in my heart You needed me Cause I needed you so desperately! We were too blind to see But then the most of all I do love you- Still!

A few days later, Candy was in her room with Patty who had came to see how she was.

- Are you resting well? Asked Patty

- Yes, thank you Patty

- I have something for you, Candy

- Yes?

Patty gave her the little box of happiness Stear had gave her when she was leaving for New York, for the premiere of “Romeo and Juliet”. The box was playing music.

- Patty, the box of happiness, it’s working! Said Candy

- Yes, it’s working after remaining silent for years, it’s working… it gave me hope

- I’m happy it was able to help you…

- I’m giving it back to you and I hope it will bring happiness to you too…

- Patty…

- I know you still love Terry, you will always love him Candy…but this box brought Stear back to me… I believe that with all my heart… your biggest wish will come true and it will bring you the happiness you deserve, the happiness we all deserve…

- Thank you Patty, said Candy with tears in her eyes.

Terry had been in her head these last days, and she didn’t know why. She prayed for him lot. She hoped nothing had happened to him. She hugged her friend.

Susanna Grandchester was taking care of her little boy. She had received a telegram telling her that her husband had been hurt in the war and she was very worried. She prayed every night for him to come back safe and sound. She loved him so much and she couldn’t wait to show him the son she had. Her son was the spitting image of his father, the bleu eyes, the brown hair, he was lively and happy. She sometimes thought about her handicap, she had lost her leg saving Terry and she didn’t regret anything, because without that, he wouldn’t even have looked at her, he would’ve married Candy and she would’ve been the unhappiest woman in the world; having to look the man she loved more than anything in the world, be with another woman, for the rest of her life. No, the loss of her leg was a good thing because it allowed her to have Terry and his baby… Candy will never have that. The fact that she was making her husband miserable, that he was there only for duty and obligation, that he called her “Candy” in bed, didn’t bother her the least in the world. Candy might not have Terry, but she had his heart for eternity… and Susanna knew that.

Her mother arrived with another telegram.

- Susanna, there’s another telegram, said her mother

- Oh, mom, I’m afraid to open it, I’m afraid it’s bad news, if Terry is dead, I’m going to die too…

- Susanna stop being so melodramatic, open the telegram!

Susanna opened the telegram with shaking hands, she read the content and she had a sigh of relief.

- Terry is fine, his wound was not critical, he’s fine mom, Thank God!

- That’s good, said Mrs. Marlowe

- He’s going to come back and we’re going to live happily ever after with our son…

- From your mouth, to God’s ear, Susanna, from your mouth to God’s ear!

- Why are you saying this, mom?

- Well, a man who likes the war’s atmosphere better than to his family’s… even the baby didn’t bring him back, he’s avoiding you, Susanna

- Mom, please. It’s my life and I live it as I please. I love Terry, I have Terry and nothing you’re going to say is going to make me unhappy…

Mrs. Marlowe shook her head. She was now sorry to have pressured Terry to take his responsibilities. She should’ve content herself with Terry’s financial help, but Susanna was so in love with him…Now, she had a man who spent as less time as possible at home, so he won’t be near his wife… her daughter needed help, but she was refusing to accept reality. She was living in her own little universe where everything was for the better, in the best of worlds.
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icon12  view post Posted on 23/7/2009, 01:12     +1   -1

Reine du drame à la plume diversifiée qui ne cesse de produire toujours autant, malgré les ans et ses idées qui autant en emporte le vent!




Chapter 14

“The end of the war”

The morning of Patty and Stear’s wedding, Candy woke up and she felt nauseous, like every morning ever since she knew she was pregnant. She was thinking about her own marriage with Michael, on Valentine’s Day, in the middle of bullets and bombs. Michael… she loved him so much, he was so good to her, and she wanted to see him so much. And Terry… she got used to seeing him from time to time and her heart was always happy when she saw him. She wiped a tear of sadness, on her cheek, and another one… she was crying. There was knock on the door.

- Candy? Annie called, are you awake?

- Yes, Annie, you can come in…

- You’re crying…?

- I’m thinking about Michael….and Terry

- Candy, come on…tell yourself they’re fine. And today it’s Patty’s day, you have to stop crying… think about happy things…

- Ok. Is Anthony awake?

- No, he’s still asleep. Come on, get ready and come to Patty’s room

- Ok, said Candy with a smile, I’m coming

The three friends were in the same room getting ready for the wedding. Patty had secretly done a little diet to look thinner in her dress.

- Patty you’re very beautiful, Said Candy

There was a hairdresser, an esthetician for the make up and the nails. They had to follow the tradition; something old, something new, something borrowed and something bleu.

- Patricia, now the tradition, said Annie, something new… here is a very nice pearl necklace that goes very well with your dress…

- Thank you Annie, said Patty

- Something borrowed, said Candy, I have a nice angel brooch Michael gave me. I’m letting you borrow it…

- Thank you Candy, said Patricia

- Well something bleu….the garter…! Said Annie laughing

Patricia smiled and pulled up the dress skirt and Annie put the garter on he leg. Her mother and grandmother were also there.

- Something old, said Patty’s mother, here are the diamond earrings your grandmother gave me for my wedding

- Thank you mum, thank you grandmother…

They got ready. Patricia in her beautiful muslin white dress and her bride’s maids had light pink dresses. Neil’s wife was one of the bride’s maids. They all went to church and Patricia walked to the altar with her father. Stear was waiting at the altar. The ceremony was beautiful everything was perfect. The reception was at the manor, there were more than 400 guests. Eliza who was at the reception, talked to Candy for the first time ever since her return.

- Candy, she said, back among us? A bullet didn’t kill you?

- I almost died Eliza, a bullet almost managed to kill me, but guess who saved my life? Your dear Terrence…

- What? He was at the war with you? So you were cheating on your husband with him?

- Yes of course, under the bullets and the bombing, it was a real party of pleasure! Said Candy walking away

Eliza didn’t say anything, because deep down inside, she knew Candy was courageous for going to the war. But she would never admit it in front of Candy. She was jealous, because Candy was with Terry…

Everybody was having fun, but Candy’s thoughts were in France with her husband….and Terry. Albert invited her to dance.

- Your thoughts are far away, Candy

- Albert, I can’t help it…

- Now you know how I felt when you were at the war…

- Oh, Albert. I’m sorry to have worried you…

- He’s fine. And he’ll come here soon, you’ll see…

- Thanks Albert…

Patricia was packing for her honeymoon. Candy and Annie were teasing her…

- You’re finally going to find out what married women do, said Annie

- Who says I don’t already know? Said Patty

- Patty! Said Annie, did you do it before the wedding?

Patty smiled and Candy burst out laughing. They went downstairs to walk the newly wed to their car. They left for Florida where it was sunny.

Candy decided to go spend a few days at the Pony Hone. The children and her two mothers were all very happy to see her back, safe and sound.

- Candy, said Miss Pony, it’s good to see you alive and kicking!

- It’s good to be alive, Miss Pony!

- We prayed for you everyday, said Sister Maria

- I don’t doubt it, said Candy, to come out alive from that war, your prayers were protecting me, I’m sure of it…

- Are you ok? Why did you come back before the end of the war? Asked Miss Pony

- Well Michael, my husband, didn’t want me to put our baby’s life in danger…

- Baby? Said Sister Maria, Oh Candy, that’s wonderful!

She approached her and she hugged her little protégée. Miss Pony did the same.

- Candy, that’s a very good news, but it’s like you’re not happy…

- Oh no, I’m very happy to be pregnant, but it meant leaving France and my husband… I miss him so much! She said with tears in her eyes…

- We’re going to continue our prayers for him every day and he will come here to join you, said Sister Maria, you’ll see

- Thank you Sister Maria, said Candy

- Now. You’re not going to climb trees anymore…, said Miss Pony

- I might be a pro at climbing trees, but no, I won’t put my baby’s life in danger and I’m all grown up now… I see life differently, ever since I left the war…

- What do you mean? Asked Sister Maria

- After seeing how people died by the thousands every day… it was traumatising… those young men dying without even have done anything with their lives, no marriage, no children… if the situation with Terry and Susanna had happened now instead of all those years ago, I would’ve never left Terry to Susanna… But it’s no use crying over spilled milk, things are what they are. I’m married and Terry is married and we both have our own families now…

- You’re regretting you sacrificed your life with Terry?

- Oh yes, I regret it… but it’s too late…

- Candy, my child, we all had to make decisions we’ve regretted later. But life goes on, our mistakes should serve is as lessons. You’re having a baby and your husband will soon come and join you here. Life gave you a chance to be happy, don’t ruin it…

- I know, thanks Miss Pony. I think it’s the pregnancy that’s making me emotional, said Candy laughing

- Boss, are you coming to play with us? Asked the children

- Yes, said Candy, I have to see Tom and Jimmy… you want to come with me?

- Yes, yes, yes!! Said the children

She went to Jimmy’s first with the children. She found Jimmy feeding his horse…

- Hello boss ad interim… said Candy with a little voice…

Jimmy was startle and he turned around. A smile illuminated his face.

- Candy!!!! You’re back safe and sound! He said running to her

He hugged her for a long time.

- I wish I were there with you…he said

- And I’m glad you weren’t! I’ve seen too many young men getting killed without even knowing anything about the cause of the war… no Jimmy, I don’t regret you weren’t there, because to brush death at every moment, is not a party of pleasure, I assure you…

- I’m happy you’re back, said Jimmy hugging her again

- Let’s got say hi to your father. How is he?

- He’s fine, but he’s very old and he’s not working anymore…

- I’m happy he’s resting, let’s go see him…

They got into the house and they found Mr. Cartwright sitting in his armchair.

- Dad, said Jimmy, look who’s here…

The old man turned his head and smiled.

- Candy! You’re back! Thank God!

Candy approached him and she hugged him for a while.

- Mr. Cartwright, it’s so nice to see you again…

- I’m happy you’re still alive, to see you before I …

- What are you saying? You’re a young man!

- That’s nice of you to say that, my child…

Candy spent some time with Jimmy and Mr. Cartwright. The children were playing outside. She left the Cartwright farm, with the children to go at Tom’s, Jimmy went with them. She found Tom with a little girl who was about a year old on his lap.

- Pick a boo! Said Candy, Tom…what a nice surprise!

- Candy! Thank God! You’re back!

Tom stood up; put the little girl on the floor and rant to hug her. He kissed her on the two cheeks.

- Tommy! Oh my God, it’s so good to see you, my saviour!

The little girl had followed her father. Candy saw her and took her in her arms.

- Hello! What’s your name?

- Candice-Marie, said the little girl

Candy was speechless.

- Candice-Marie… that’s a really pretty name, my name is Candice too, but they call me Candy

- Candy, said the little girl

- Tom….thanks for the name

- Oh you’re my sister…I missed you so much

- I missed you too…

- How are you?

- You know I got married… and I’m having a baby…

- Oh. Said Tom, that’s why you’re back, the baby?

- Yes…

- Thank God! At least we won’t worry about you anymore…

Candy smiled.

- So, tell me, you finally married your fiancée….

- Yes, and I have this adorable little girl…

- Candice-Marie…

- My sister and one of my mothers, said Tom

- I see, said Candy smiling

- Your husband is French; you’re going to live in France?

- Not during the war… and until I have my baby… the crossing was horrible for me being pregnant and all…

- Nausea times a hundred?

- A thousand!

They burst out laughing. She stayed with Tom during a moment and then, everybody including Tom and the little one went to the Pony Home to celebrate Candy’s return. Tom left his little girl at the Pony Home with Candy and went in town with Jimmy to get some food, ice cream and drinks. The children had fun until they were tired. The rest of Candy’s stay at the Pony Home was just one big happy party.

Time passed and around the end of October, the 31st in fact, there was an Armistice signature between Turkey and the Allied, which gave the whole world some hope. Then, on November 2nd, there was another Armistice signature between Austria and Italy. On November 7, Germany was shaken up by revolutionary movements… it was about time! Even if it happen after the death of so many men. On November 9, William II, who had transformed Germany, his country, in a big industrial power, but whose ambitions provoked the first world war, abdicated and was replaced by a democratic government lead by the socialist Ebert. A general strike started in Berlin… Germany was ready to end the war, because finally on November 11th 1918 at 11 AM, it the signature of the Armistice between Germany and the Allies, in Field Marshal Foch’s train wagon, in the Rethondes clearing in the Compiegne Forest. Even if officially, the end of the First World War was at the signatures with Germany at Versailles, on June 28, 1919, for the moment, the Armistice of November 11th meant that the shots had ceased for good. It was the general joy for those who had survived this long nightmare. All the soldiers were able to go back home in their families. The whole world was celebrating the end of the horror.

Candy learned the news on the evening of November 11th during dinner. Every body was waiting for Stear who was late, and who arrived in the dining room breathless…

- Honey, said Patty you’re finally here…we were waiting for you

- Yes, said the Great aunt, Alistair it’s not polite to make everybody wait for you, we’re hungry…

- Oh but I have good news…

- What news couldn’t wait after dinner? Asked Albert

- Oh a very good one… especially for you Candy

- For me? Asked Candy surprised

- Yes, you all know that William II has abdicated two days ago…

- Yes… said the others

- Well, Germany has just signed an Armistice with the Allied, THE WAR IS OVER!!!!!!!!!! Yelled Alistair

- What? Said Candy, are you sure?

- Yes, it’s over Candy! Your husband is going to be here soon and you’ll be able to hug him…!

Candy stood up, screamed and jumped to Stear’s neck.

- That’s wonderful! Oh my God, the horror is over! Oh thank you God! Michael… I’m going to see Michael…

- That’s great, said the Great Aunt, now, calm down and let’s eat…

But everybody was too happy to listen to the great aunt. Everybody was talking at the same time and laughing and screaming of joy.

In New York, Susanna got the news of the end of the war like an answer to her prayers. Terry was coming back and they were going to live happily ever after, till the end of their days.

- You see, God heard my prayers, mom. Terry is coming back…

- Yes, the war is over… said Mrs. Marlowe

- You’re not happy that Terry’s coming back?

Mrs. Marlowe remained silent. A husband who didn’t ask for a leave to come and be with his wife for the birth of his son or even to come and see him later on… but what did she expect? She had forced the poor boy to take care of her daughter after the accident and to marry her... Now she was thinking that she should’ve stopped at the financial aid from Terry, because her daughter, who is so crazy in love with her husband, didn’t want to believe what was really going on and refused to see the truth…

- Yes, of course, honey, since it’s making you so happy….

- I’m in seventh heaven, mom!

Karen who had also heard the news like everybody, arrived running at Susanna’s.

- Susanna, said Karen coming in, the war is over! Terry’s coming back!

- Yes, thanks Karen, at least you’re happy for me… unlike my mother…

The mother had an exasperated sigh.

- Susanna… started Mrs. Marlowe

- No mom; if you can’t share my joy, leave me alone and don’t say anything…

- Alright, said Mrs. Marlowe, I hear the baby cry, I’m going to go take care of him…

Mrs. Marlowe left the room to go take care of the little one. Karen stayed with Susanna.

- Your mother is still trying to reason with you…

- Karen, I’m Terry’s wife, I have his baby, nothing my mother could say is going to change that…

- I didn’t come to lecture you today, but to share your joy, you must be ecstatic!

- Yes… and I’m impatiently waiting for Terry’s return!

In France, happier than the soldiers, was not possible! It was the general joy, the big party in the whole country for days… the foreign soldiers went back home. Some didn’t have all their body parts, but they were still alive. Terry was happy that the war was over; at least he won’t see his comrades die one after another anymore. The war had kept him alive, he was going back to New York to his wife and son….his son, he had a son and he couldn’t wait to see him.

Michael was also making arrangements to go to America to join his wife. France was rebuilding itself like the rest of Europe. Some months in America far away from the land filled with awful memories of the war, would do him some good. Candy, he missed her so much, he couldn’t wait to see his wife and be with her during her pregnancy. It was a good thing the war was almost over when she went back to America. He met Terry on the boat that was taking them back to America.

- Doc! Said Terry, we’re going to make this trip together…

- Yes, buddy! I can’t wait to see my wife…

- She’s going to be at the harbour?

- No, she’s resting. I told her to wait for me in Chicago, the trip by train is not really recommended for pregnant women…

- Oh yeah. I’m going to surprise my wife home… she doesn’t know what day I’m arriving…

- Be careful, she might have a heart attack, if she’s too happy and very surprise to see you…

- Don’t worry her heart is solid, but I can’t wait to see my son…

- That I can imagine, said Michael laughing, you have a lot of time to make up with him….

- Yes…. I was at war. But I have the impression I let him down like my father let my mother down when he took me away from her…

- But you were at war, it’s different…

- Yes, that’s what I’m telling myself but…

On the boat, the party atmosphere continued during the whole crossing. Everybody was happy not to have been killed during the war. A page of world’s history was turned and they were hoping that this horror won’t repeat itself anymore.
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icon12  view post Posted on 23/7/2009, 01:28     +1   -1

Reine du drame à la plume diversifiée qui ne cesse de produire toujours autant, malgré les ans et ses idées qui autant en emporte le vent!




Chapter 15

“The New Year’s Eve party”

It was cold outside and the snow was falling on New York. The harbour was crowded with people that came to wait for their families and loved ones that had survived the war. Most of the reunions were pretty intense. Mothers, wives were crying of joy. The children were happy to find their parents alive and vice versa. There was a big parade organised for the soldiers who came back from the war, there were balloons confettis falling from everywhere and the bars were celebrating with the soldiers by offering free drinks all day. Even the soldiers who came back amputated were very happy.

Terry and Michael were partying a little with their friends and then they separated.

- See you later, buddy said Michael smiling

- Bye doc, take care of your little wife…

- You too and give your son a kiss from me… we’ll have to meet so our families could see each other…

- Ok, said Terry not too sure of himself

He knew Susanna would never want to meet Candy and her husband, but maybe the fact that Candy was married to another man and having a baby…

- See you later, doc, said Terry leaving

- Bye Terry said Michael

Terry met his friend Charlie who now had his own bar and was among those who offered free drinks. His troubles with the law were in the past and he was now a married man and a father. The two friends hugged.

- Terry! It’s good to see you buddy!

- You too, I’m happy to see you so stable….

- I’ve paid my debt to society; I’m now father of a little boy…

- Congratulations! Me too…

- Congratulations, we’ll have to meet to organise a play date with our sons so they can become friends like us in the old days…

- It’s good to see you Charlie

- Likewise. You could’ve died at the war and I would’ve never seen you again...Did you marry your beautiful nurse? Candy? That’s her name?

- No, Charlie, I didn’t marry Candy…

- But how? What happened?

Terry told him about what happened with Susanna and Charlie couldn’t believe her ears!

- Terry… you sacrificed yourself for a woman you don’t even love? I’m sorry buddy…

- Thank you. That’s life… I have to go home, to see my son and my wife

- I’ll see you later… ok?

- Bye, said Terry leaving

Terry went home, to his wife and his son. He was screaming with the other soldiers in the streets until he got home, later that day, because the streets were crowded and it was difficult to walk faster.


Michael arrived in Chicago with other soldiers in the screams and joy during the whole trip. He took a cab to go at the Andrew manor. The last time he was at the Andrew manor, it was with his cousin, the day he met Candy… It was still snowing. He rang the door. The butler opened the door.

- Yes?

- I’m Michael, Candy’s husband

- Oh… come in please. I’m going to go get her

The butler didn’t have the time to go get Candy, this last one was already running to her husband, and she jumped to his neck screaming;

- Michael!!!! Oh Michael I missed you so much!

- And you, Miss Daredevil! Oh my God! It’s so good to have you in my arms again!

He looked for her lips and kisses her passionately, for a long while. When they finally stopped, the whole family was looking at them. Candy smiled when she saw them.

- Everybody, you remember Michael? Except you Albert, you weren’t there… This is my husband, the lieutenant Michael Durand…

- Pleased to meet you, lieutenant, said Albert smiling

- Likewise, said Michael smiling

- And this is Patricia, Stear’s wife… said Candy

- Pleased to meet you, Michael, said Patty

- Pleased to meet you Mrs. Cornwell said Michael kissing her hand…

There was a party for Michael’s return, other guests arrived and everybody was happy. Eliza arrived with her husband, but she was staying a little far away from Michael, in front of her husband. The last memory she had of Michael, was when she wanted to stop him from helping Candy. Candy was in seventh heaven, her husband was there and the war was finally over. When the other guests left, Michael was telling stories about the war till late at night.

In their bedroom, Michael and Candy were getting ready to go to bed.

- Are you ok, honey? He asked

- You’re a doctor, you can see for yourself

- Doctors are not supposed to treat the members of their family….

- You’re not treating me, honey you’re checking on the baby…

- Later… now, I only want one thing… but first of all, when do want to come to France with me?

- Michael, can we wait until the baby comes?

- Why?

- Because the crossing was a nightmare for me…

- Oh… I’m sorry honey… ok then, we’re going to wait for the baby…

- But if you absolutely have to go…

- No, I don’t want to leave you…

- Me neither… oh Michael, she said hugging him, I’m so happy to see you!

They went to bed and they showed each other how much they missed each other, how much they were thirsty for one another.


In New York, Terry finally arrived home. It had been a long time, he was happy to be home to finally see his son. He still had the keys. He opened the door and got in. He found Susanna in the dinning room feeding the baby. He looked at his son, and he was submerged by all kinds of feelings, strong and intense. He approached them.

- Good evening, he said

Susanna was startled, and she smiled.

- TERRY!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!

She was on her wheelchair, so she couldn’t stand to kiss her husband. She regretted not having a prosthesis for the first time in her life. Terry approached her, leaned to kiss her on the cheeks; Susanna took advantage of the proximity to kiss him on the lips passionately. When she finally let go of him, he took his son and hugged him and closed his eyes.

- He’s wonderful, Susanna, he said moved

- He looks like you she said smiling

- Thank you, Susanna, thank you so much…

He kissed the baby on the cheeks and started talking to him, and telling him all sorts of stories. Susanna was looking at the scene smiling. Terry was back; she didn’t anything else.

Terry went back to the theatre to work. He was also working on a collection of poems. Life went on, he didn’t feel any closer to Susanna, but he spent all his free time with his son. He was the sunshine in his life, the only light in that sordid situation he was living in. Susanna….he continued being nice to her, but he was avoiding his conjugal duty…

Candy and Michael were living in peace for the first time ever since they found each other again in France. To not worry about getting killed during the war was an almost unreal sensation. Breakfast in bed, was a luxury that they rarely had during the war. They also spent a lot of time in Michael’s American family.

Europe was completely handicapped after the destruction caused by the big war. Albert and his nephews, who were prepared during the war, were able to take advantage of the market for the reconstruction of Europe. Albert started to travel a lot to make deals and supervise the work.

It didn’t take long for Patty to be in the family way. Candy was glad to have someone with whom she could share her cravings and nausea… Came the holidays; the first Christmas since the end of the war. Everybody celebrated Christmas, even the less fortunate were lucky because of the generosity of those who could afford it. It was the holidays everybody was happy that the awful war was finally over.

There was a big party organised by the army for the soldiers, the doctors, the nurses from the war and their families. It was suppose to happen in New York, on December 31st 1918. All the members of the Andrew family were going to New York for the big party.

Candy was thinking that Terry was living in New York with his family; he will certainly be there with his wife. She was sick, just thinking about it. They were all staying at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York and every couple had it’s own room. Eliza decided to come at the last minute with her husband. Parties were her weakness.

Candy was in Annie’s room with Patricia. She was telling them about her worries. There was a maid doing the bed.

- I’m afraid to see Terry, said Candy

- Why? You were seeing him during the war, said Patty

- During the war, I didn’t really have the choice, responded Candy

- But here you have the choice? Said Annie

- Yes… but it’s a party for soldiers and nurses and doctors from the war… he’s going to be there, he would want to see his friends and he will probably come with his wife…

- That’s what’s bothering you? Said Annie, to see him with his wife?

- I don’t know, I’ve never seen them together in person… I’ve got a weird feeling…said Candy

- Candy, come on, said Patty, everything is going to be fine…

- Michael still doesn’t know that Terry and I were in love once upon a time… I feel like I’m betraying him, I’m going to tell him the truth…

- Candy, are you sure? Asked Annie

- Yes, the war is over, we’re going to live in France after I give birth… it’s time… said Candy

The three friends didn’t know that the maid had left the door ajar and that Eliza, who was passing by, had heard the whole conversation. She had a mean smile; she had something that could destroy Candy for good in the eyes of her husband!

But Candy didn’t get the occasion to see Michael before the reception, the soldiers had an early reunion and they started to party a little before the official time. Michael came to get Candy in their room for the party that was to take place in at the restaurant on the ground floor.

- Candy! Thank God, you’re ready…

- Michael, I have to talk to you…

- Later honey, we can’t miss the beginning of the party ceremonies, it’s speech time and I have a speech to make…

- But…

- Later, honey, ok? He said kissing her on the cheek… let’s go

So Candy went to the party without telling Michael the truth about Terry and her.

There were a lot of people, all the soldiers and their wives and also other members of their family. The restaurant had tables with the family names labelled in the middle. Candy sat down with her friends and their spouses. She saw her friends from the war.

- Candy! Said Kristina oh you’re glowing!

- Kristina! How are you? You guys are glowing too! Is there something I should know?

- I’m a lot better ever since I’m here…and that the war is over

- Allyson, Kelly, how are you? Said Candy with a smile

- Fine, Candy said Kelly, it’s good to live in peace

- Yeah not more bullets flying, I’m not taking my calm for granted anymore

They burst out laughing and talked about the war, they were happy to have come out of it alive. Her friends introduced her to their spouses, and she introduced Michael. The men were talking on their side.

- We all got married Candy, said Kelly and we’re all expecting…

- That’s wonderful! I thought you were all glowing… said Candy, we need a baby boom to compensate for all those men we lost at war…

- Well, I have no trouble making babies said Kelly, as long as I don’t hear bullets flying anymore…

- Hear hear! Said Kristina laughing

- It’s wonderful to be altogether on New Year’s Eve, after everything we’ve been through together…

They continued talking and Candy introduced her war friends to Annie, Archie and Patty, they already knew Stear.

Terry arrived in the restaurant at the Waldorf Astoria with his wife who was now using a prosthesis and was walking with a cane. Terry was surprised to see Susanna’s determination to use a prosthesis. She had always refused categorically to wear one. With all the soldiers hurt at the war, the demand for prosthesis had doubled. Susanna was trying to look more attractive and independent in Terry’s eyes. But ever since his return, he barely took care of her. He was only taking care of the baby… Coming with him at the party, was a delight for her because little Richard wasn’t there; she should get all of Terry’s attention for the evening. They entered the room and went to sit at their table.

Candy saw Terry from afar with Susanna and her heart became tight. She will have to avoid him and she hope she can manage that in the middle of all those people… But, we don’t always get what we want…

After the speeches and the ceremonies of honour, it was the meal, then the dance. Michael took Candy on the dance floor to dance and Susanna insisted to dance with Terry. So they were also on the dance floor dancing slowly. Eliza was looking at the scene and she was planning how and when to drop her bombshell… Candy’s friends were also on the dance floor. There were a lot of people; the terrace door was open and despite the cold of winter, a lot of the guests wanted to breathe some fresh air.

- I’m hot, said Michael

- And I’m feeling sick, said Candy, I need some air…

- Let’s go outside for a few minutes…

- Ok, Michael…

It was like all of her friends had the same idea; they started to talk and of course Terry and Susanna were there…

- Doc! Said Terry smiling, good evening…

- Terry! Is that your wife? Said Michael when he saw Susanna, good evening, madam. I’m pleased to finally make your acquaintance…

He took Susanna’s hand and he kissed it. This last one had a little laugh. Candy approached them…

- Good evening, Terry, Susanna…..

Susanna was surprised to see Candy.

- I’m Michael’s wife said Candy

- Oh… said Susanna surprised but happy, good evening

Candy was married! Great! At least she wasn’t running after her Terry! Eliza chose that moment to approach the group.

- Terrence, said Eliza, what a nice surprise! And Susanna, you look great, you’re walking!

- Good evening Eliza, said Terry coldly, my wife Susanna

- Yes…. Said Eliza, I heard you have a little boy now, congratulations… you see Candy, you’re not irreplaceable…!

Candy became white as a sheet, Eliza with her vindictiveness was going to tell Michael everything… it was like watching an accident in slow motion and not being able to do anything to stop it… come what may…

- Candy? Why are you saying that Eliza? Asked Michael surprised

- What? You were at the war; all three of you during all those years, and Candy and Terry didn’t tell you that they were crazy in love, once upon a time? Said Eliza

- Eliza… started Terry

- I’m sorry Michael, I thought you knew; Candy and Terry would’ve been married if Susanna’s accident hadn’t happen…you didn’t know? But you were together at the war… I suppose they were playing you for a fool under you nose and that you were unknowingly giving them you’re blessing…continued Eliza

- What??? Said Michael looking at Candy, Terry? Is this true? Candy is the woman you love, the woman you wanted to marry?

- Michael, I …. Started Terry

- You bastard! Yelled Michael punching him on the face

The two men started to fight and the other soldiers were trying to separate them in vain. Candy couldn’t believe what was happening. She never hated Eliza more than at that moment. She was trying to scream to the two men to stop, without success. Stear and Archie finally managed to separate the two men who now had their lips bleeding.

- That’s enough! Said Stear, the war is over and you two have nothing better to do than to fight?

Michael and Terry set themselves free and were looking at each other with anger.

- Michael, said Terry, nothing happened…

- Shut up! I was sending you home with my wife, alone! You always told me how much you loved your ex-girlfriend… you spent the night curled up against her in the truck… pretending to be her husband in Germany must’ve been a delight for you… a dream come true…

- Don’t think that…started Terry

- I said shut up!

Michael turned to Candy.

- How could you do this to me?

- Michael, I wanted to tell you…

- But you didn’t! When I think that I was telling Terry that his wife would have no problem if he dance with my wife… he envied me! You must’ve been laughing behind my back when I was pushing you together, innocently… Said Michael feeling betrayed deep down inside, now I understand better the remark you made Stear…

He was talking about Stear’s reaction when he realised that Candy was Mrs. Durand and not Mrs. Grandchester.

- She’s a just a common tramp who was getting it on with her ex-boyfriend in your conjugal bed, said Eliza with her viper tongue, she told me; he’s the father of the baby she’s carrying….

Candy was so flabbergasted by Eliza’s meanness, that she opened her mouth. Neil was there and he decided to take care of his sister.

- Eliza, he said angry, that’s enough, come with me…

- But Neil…

- Let’s go! He yelled pulling her and forcing her to go back to her room

Susanna didn’t say a word. She was pale as a ghost. Candy was at the war with Terry? She felt like they were walking on her needle heels.

- Candy, you were at the war with Terry? You couldn’t leave him alone? You had to follow him there?

Susanna of course didn’t know what she was saying, she was incoherent. Michael was looking at his wife with disdain.

- The baby is mine? Asked Michael

- Of course! Said Candy outraged with tears in her eyes, if you think I’m capable of cheating on you under your nose, you don’t know me at all!

- I thought I knew you, but…my mistake said Michael coldly

- Michael… this is neither the place nor the time to talk about this…

- Leave me alone! You disgust me!

Candy was hurt; Michael was not going to listen to her in the state he was in. She ran out of there.

- Candy! Said Terry

- Yeah go join the woman you love, said Michael, you deserve each other!

Terry punched Michael again and he punched him back. Stear and Archie had to separate them again.

- You’re an idiot! Said Terry to Michael, you’re going to lose her…

- But wouldn’t that be a good thing for you? Said Michael

Terry set himself free and ran after Candy, under Susanna’s distraught eyes. Terry didn’t even look at her…Candy’s friends had assisted to the scene powerless.

- Susanna said Annie, you want to come in, it’s cold…

- Thank you, said Susanna crying…

She took Susanna inside.

- Should we go after Candy? Asked Patty

- No, let’s leave her alone, said Annie, we’ll see her later…

The men were trying to calm Michael down, but they didn’t seem to be able to do it.

Terry had caught up with Candy she was waiting for the elevator.

- Candy, wait…

- Terry, leave me alone. Go take care of your wife… what are you doing here?

- I wanted to know how you were…the baby?

- What do you think? I’ll survive, don’t worry about me…the baby is fine

- I’m sorry for everything…

- No. I’m sorry. You wanted to tell him the truth from the beginning, I’m the one who didn’t want to… it’s not your fault, it’s mine… go to Susanna

- You’re sending me to her again… said Terry hurt

- Things are what they are Terry, she said getting in the elevator, good bye Terry

- Good bye… my love he whispered for himself

Candy went to her room and she met Eliza in the hallway.

- Michael is going to dump you, you dirty little slut…

- Eliza, said Candy calmly, what goes around, comes around. You’ll get your reward, not from me but from God. The bible says; “Leave revenge to me, you shall bless, not curse…” So Eliza, I’m blessing you, and I’m thanking you for everything you’ve done to me and everything you’ve done for me.

And she got into the room to pack her bags. She got out of the room and she met Albert.

- Albert…

- Candy, where are you going?

- I have to get out of here…

- I’m coming with you…

- But…

- You mustn’t carry heavy things; I’m coming with you…

- Very well. Thank you. Let’s go…

She was leaving the hotel with Albert, her faithful friend who was secretly in love with her.

Terry went back to the party, after taking a few minutes, took his wife to go back home. He left her in the lobby to go get the car. Candy got out the elevator with Albert. Albert went outside to get a cab. Susanna saw Candy and she wanted to kill her. She approached her.

- Terry is mine, you know, you won’t have him… even if you followed him to the war…

- Susanna, I’m tired…

- We have a little boy…

- Congratulations…

- He would never leave us to go back to you… I would never let him do it…

- As oppose to me the poor idiot? Said Candy angry, I left you the man I loved more than anything in the world because you loved him, you had saved his life, you had lost your leg, you needed him… but make no mistake, it was not an easy thing for me to do…. I loved Terry with all my heart, leaving him to you might have been the biggest mistake of my life… you’re lucky I was only a kid who thought about others first…

- So, I should thank you?

- Yes, you should! If I wanted Terry, I would be with Terry today… so, your ingratitude and sermons from you Susanna, I can do without!

Albert made her a sign from outside and she got out of the hotel to get into a cad. Albert took her in his arms and she let him, she was crying in silence.

Terry arrived with the car, to pick up his wife. He didn’t say a word during the whole ride. Once in their house, Susanna couldn’t take it anymore.

- Terry? You have nothing to say to me…?

- No…

- You were with Candy at the war… that’s why you didn’t come to see the baby, you wanted to stay near her…

Terry had an exasperated sigh; Susanna was going to have her own little version in her head.

- Susanna, do you mind if I put my fist in some ice, and a wet cloth on my face?

- Terry, we have to talk about Candy

- Why? Her marriage might be over…because of me… she’s having a baby…

- Is it your baby?

- How could you ask me that?

- Because you call me “Candy” the rare moments when we’re intimate…

- Susanna…

- You don’t even realise it because you have to imagine in your head that I’m her…

- I’m sorry. I’m not the father of Candy’s baby…. She would never cheat on her husband…

- But she lied to him…

- No, she didn’t tell him we knew each other…

- Lie by omission…. You’re still defending her…

- She didn’t do anything wrong, she was faithful to her marriage vows and me too for that matter…

- That must’ve been hard for you… not to do anything with her…

They heard Little Richard cry.

- I’m going to take care of him, said Terry leaving the room

Susanna remained in the living room without saying anything. It’s not like she has a normal relationship with Terry. He was forced to stay with her, if Candy hadn’t left him…. She didn’t even want to think about it. Because of Candy, she had the man she loved and because of Candy, she had his baby… but she would never thank Candy, because in her head, Terry was hers, he always has been hers… Candy who?
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